November Super News

Dear School Community,

As we continue to navigate through this academic year, I am thrilled to share some highlights and updates, embodying our theme for this year: "CF Together." This motto is not just a phrase; it's the heartbeat of our District's mission, emphasizing the collective power and synergy of our team. Our belief in the inherent genius of every individual shapes our culture, celebrating and harnessing the unique gifts and talents each person brings. This approach strengthens our commitment to enriching the learning experience for students, staff, families, and the broader community. When we prioritize teamwork and collective effort, remarkable achievements unfold.

On November 7, 2023, we hosted our second professional development day, a testament to our dedication to continuous growth and excellence. Crafting professional development that resonates with everyone's unique role is a formidable task, yet essential. Our organizational drivers—connect, create, and challenge—guided us in tailoring these sessions, ensuring relevance to the specific needs and roles within our District. This strategy, pioneered last year with the input of our District Leadership Team, involves offering choices aligned with our strategic plan's focus areas. The positive feedback we received indicates a significant leap forward from previous formats.

This year, we've taken our commitment a step further by embracing our "CF Together" theme in a more tangible way. One of our internal goals is to intentionally carve out time for our staff, across all levels from Preschool to 12th grade, to connect and care for each other as a unified District. Our 'theme team' plays a crucial role in orchestrating activities that foster these connections. A prime example of this was the District-wide breakfast we held last Tuesday. This gathering was more than a meal; it was a vibrant space for our entire staff to mingle, and for our 'buddy classes' to collaborate and plan future activities. The 'buddy classes' initiative, a brainchild of the theme team, pairs classes from different grades and schools within our District, like a second-grade class with a high school math class. These pairings offer invaluable opportunities for students and teachers alike to connect and learn from each other across different grades and subjects.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if you're curious about what "CF Together" truly looks like, I invite you to check out our recent social media posts. The highlight was Mortimer's special appearance, capturing a moment where our collective efforts over the past three years visibly came to life. This event and many others are vivid illustrations of our commitment to fostering a connected, collaborative, and caring educational community.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement in our journey of learning and growth. Together, we are creating an environment where every member of our community can thrive and contribute to our collective success.

School Year Theme: CF Together

Chagrin Falls High School Senior Establishes Nonprofit and Creates App to Promote Mental Wellness

Chagrin Falls Schools Places 2nd in 2023 Overall Gifted Rankings for State of Ohio

Chagrin Falls High School Named to Advanced Placement School Honor Roll

Chagrin Falls High School Speech and Debate Team Earns Significant Recognition from National Association

Chagrin Falls Student Selected as National Finalist in Scholastic's Short Story Competition

Chagrin Falls High School AP English Literature Students Zoom with Best-Selling Author

Chagrin Falls High School Named to Advanced Placement School Honor Roll

Chagrin Falls Schools Receives Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Chagrin Falls Drama Club Presents "After the Episode" - November 10-12

Chagrin Falls Intermediate and Middle School Drama Club Presents "Once Upon a Mattress" - November 10-12

Gurney Students Spread Halloween Cheer at Hamlet Senior Living

Teachers Engage in Professional Development Focused on Curriculum, Well-Being

Kicking it for a Cause - Charlie Bird, Reporter, CFMS Tiger Tales

Chagrin Falls Band Monthly Newsletter

Chagrin Falls Orchestra Monthly Newsletter

Chagrin Falls Schools - Job Postings

Community Education Fall Programs

Chagrin Falls Schools - Live Feed

Take a moment to watch the latest episode of

"Mondays with Maggie!"

You can watch all of Maggie's episodes here.

One of the most unique and wonderful things about living in Chagrin Falls is the connections we all have to one another. There is an especially strong partnership between our schools and our community, and October was full of examples that illustrate just that! One such event was the collaboration between the school district and Chagrin Falls PTO that resulted in the Community Connect + Learn Fair. That evening event showcased many local organizations and invited parents to come learn about pupil services and exciting developments in technology being utilized at our schools. The Senior Council* breakfast also offered community members a primer on the newest technology, including an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the ways the school is using it to make teachers' jobs more efficient and best prepare our students for the future. The group also enjoyed a finance and Strategic Planning update, plus an entertaining student performance from the upcoming musical "Once Upon a Mattress".

*(If you are unfamiliar, Senior Council is a group of community members whose kids have graduated from school, or who may not have a direct connection to the district but wish to keep informed about the happenings within our schools. If this is you, please email for more information!)

As for connection within the schools, the District Theme Team recently introduced Buddy Classes. This program pairs classrooms throughout the District (a kindergarten class with some 9th graders, for instance) and encourages fun interactions between the two that foster a greater sense of connectedness across the District. We also saw amazing collaboration between Safe Routes Ohio and the Chagrin History Center to provide hundreds of our students opportunities to get exercise and learn more about our town during the annual Walk to School, Walk to Town events. The fun continued at the end of the month with Halloween parades when Gurney students and staff marched around their school to showcase their costumes, and CFIS students enjoyed a spirited loop through town in all of their spooky glory. 

We live in a wonderful place and the opportunities for connection with each other are plentiful. I hope you continue to seek connection as we head into November with a spirit of gratitude and community. 

November 15 - Board of Education Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) - Gurney Elementary Gym

November 22-24 - Thanksgiving Break

December 6 - Board of Education Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) - High School Library

2023-2024 District Approved Calendar
CF Together
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