May 2022

This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.

Congratulations, Graduates!

Cohort 2 Graduation.jpeg

Join Montana State University and the Montana Rural Teacher Project in celebrating the graduation of the second cohort of Master of Arts in Teaching degree recipients.

In elementary education:

Dulcie Belanger (Recognized as Outstanding MAT Student)

Ronni Anderson

Maureen Hoff

Tracey Jette

Emily Standley

Demi Sullivan

In secondary education:

Scout Sutton - Social Studies (Recognized as Outstanding MAT Student)

Axel Carlson - Social Studies

Zach Dorow - Social Studies

Kolleen Gustad - English

Wyatt Keegan - Science

Abigail Long - English

Madison Longwell - Math

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MRTP graduates are now on the job market and looking for teaching positions in Montana.

Some of our MRTP graduates have already accepted teaching positions around the state. Congratulations to:

Maureen Hoff - Grades 1/2 Combo Class at Alberton Elementary.

Demi Sullivan - Kindergarten at Ruder Elementary 

Kolleen Gustad - English at Baker High School

Does your school or district have an opening? Check here and scroll to the bottom of the page to see if your school is on the MRTP eligible school list.

Why Hire an MRTP Graduate?

MRTP graduates stand out because of the tremendous learning opportunities and field experience they have engaged in while completing MSU's Department of Education Master of Arts in Teaching educator preparation program.

The degree program emphasizes the strengths and assets of rural communities. This positions MRTP graduates to be ready on Day 1 to teach in Montana's rural schools. 

Additionally, the Montana Rural Teacher Project provides two years of mentorship and support for graduates as they enter the teaching profession. 

Our partnership with education groups around the state provides ongoing professional learning and development to support MRTP graduates, the school leaders who supervise them, and the districts in which they teach.