Annual HMIS Training is here!

The Data Center has launched the new Learning Management System for your Annual HMIS Training!

How to Get Started!

Our records indicate that you have not completed the two Courses required for Annual Training.

You received an email with login information. Look for the subject line "Institute for Community Alliances: New user account". Use that information to log in the first time. Check your spam folders!


Username: same as HMIS

Password: one time password sent via email

If you don't see the login email, please contact Helpdesk for assistance.

Annual Training Deadline is Friday, Jan 7th!

All Users Active on November 30th are being asked to complete these required training and quizzes. HMIS Licenses will be inactivated if this is not completed by the deadline.

What is required?

  1. FY22 Data Standards Updates Training (you already took the training in September, but materials will be available to reference. Pass the quiz to confirm!)
  2. Annual Privacy and Security Training (view the training, pass the quiz, and sign the Agreement!)
  • Make sure to sign the User Agreement

When is it due?

The winter holiday season can be very busy, so we are extending the usual time to take this training to 5 weeks. The deadline is to pass both quizzes by Friday, January 7th.

If you pass the quizzes the first time around, you can complete Annual Training in under an hour! But don't worry, you can retake the quizzes if you don't pass the first time.


Make sure that you fully submit the Quizzes for each course.

  • Click Finish Attempt
  • Click Submit All and Finish
  • Click Submit All and Finish (again to confirm)


This is a new system! Please let us know if have feedback for accessing the system, the training videos, or the quizzes. Click here for the Feedback Survey.

Thank you for your patience as we launch this new system!