*Builders Beyond Borders is a 501(c)(3) organization
Congratulations to all of the B3 students and advisors who have completed their local community service requirement and helped to Build a Better World in our local communities!
Earthplace Community Build
STAR, Inc.
Person to Person Coat Drive
Need a last minute hostess gift?
There is a limited amount of B3 coffee available (both ground and whole bean) at the B3 office ready and available for purchase.
Do your holiday shopping with Amazon Smile and Amazon donates to B3!
Sign up for AmazonSmileand select Builders Beyond Borders as your charity of choice.
There is no extra cost to you and B3 will receive a small percentage of the sale. This is a simple way to support B3. If you are already an Amazon customer, you can use your same login in information when you visit smile.amazon.com and select Builders Beyond Borders or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app, AmazonSmile will donate to B3 at no cost to you.
Important Dates
December 26-30, 2022
B3 Office Closed
January 12, 2023
B3 Team Meetings
B3 Office - 66 Fort Point Street, Norwalk
9:30AM Odyssey Team
10:45AM Rock-It! Team
12:00PM Equipo Esperanza Team
1:15PM Estrellon Team
2:30PM Amanecer Team
3:45PM B3LOCAL Team
A heartfelt thank you to all of our students, advisors, families, friends and supporters for helping us Build a Better World in 2022.
We wish you a very happy holiday and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.