May 16, 2022
A direct and compelling headline
Total Spectrum Spotlight:
Kevin Hassett
Total Spectrum Spotlight brings our readers an exclusive interview with Kevin Hassett, former Senior Adviser and Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers in the Trump Administration. Kevin sat down with Congressman Erik Paulsen and shared his views on a wide array of topics, including inflation, interest rates, the depth of the recession, and how small businesses are faring in these tough economic times.  
Total Spectrum is pleased to present this exclusive interview to our friends and colleagues in Georgia.
This e-newsletter is produced by Total Spectrum/SGA and Total Spectrum Georgia. The views expressed herein may include subjective commentary and analysis that are the views of the editors and authors alone. Information in this e-newsletter is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but that cannot be guaranteed as independently investigated or verified. Information in this e-newsletter is not an endorsement, advertisement, recommendation, or any type of advice, political, legal, financial, or otherwise. With questions about the content of this e-newsletter, please contact Total Spectrum Georgia.