VDH Booster Update from Dr. Danny Avula
On November 19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that all adults 18 years of age and older are now eligible to get a booster shot. This follows the authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of boosters for all adults who completed a 2-dose initial vaccine series of either Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech.

Previously, a booster was recommended at least six months after completion of the initial series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine for those populations who are 65 years of age and older, those living in long-term care facilities, and those 18 years of age and up who are at increased risk due to underlying medical conditions or where they work or live. Now, any adult, 18 years and older, who is six months or more out from the second Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna dose can request and receive a booster dose. CDC continues to recommend that people aged 18 years or older who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine receive a booster dose at least two months after being vaccinated.

With the CDC’s action, approximately 2.2 million Virginians are now eligible to receive a booster dose.

The following statement is from Virginia’s State Vaccination Liaison, Dr. Danny Avula, MD, MPH.
“As more scientific data showing the effectiveness of a booster dose comes in, VDH welcomes this move by the CDC and FDA. These vaccines are incredibly safe and effective, but no vaccine prevents 100 percent of illness. All vaccines’ effectiveness wanes over time, and the data show a tangible benefit to people when they receive a vaccine booster.

“And with the holidays approaching and the weather turning colder, now is the perfect time to get vaccinated if you’re 5 years or older or get a booster dose if fully vaccinated and you’re 18 years or older. Because the flu season is here, we also urge that everyone aged 6 months or older get a separate flu vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine can be safely administered at the same time as the flu shot.

“VDH stands ready to provide boosters to any Virginia adult who wants one today. Supply is not an issue, and there are multiple venues open to you to get your booster: pharmacies, your healthcare provider, your local health department, Community Vaccination Centers (CVCs) strategically located around the Commonwealth and other community vaccination events. We urge you to do so in order to move forward and out of this pandemic.”

To find a booster (or any other vaccine) near you, visit the BRHD website.
The Best Dish: A Safely Served One
With the holidays come the gatherings. With the gatherings comes the food. With food? Hopefully nothing but full bellies!

While we take measures to prevent the spread of COVID this holiday season, it is important to remember that foodborne illnesses impact tens of thousands of people each year. 

Here are six simple steps to take, ensure you are serving safely this season:
  1. Use a Food Thermometer: this will help to ensure your food is cooked thoroughly.
  2. Shop Smartly: Add refrigerated and frozen foods to your cart last and use reusable ice packs and insulated bags to keep your foods cold while driving home.
  3. Beware of Cross Contamination and Proper Food Storage: Make sure all cutting boards, cookware, and utensils are properly cleaned before use. Don’t store raw meats over ready to eat foods. Keep meats at the bottom of the refrigerator.
  4. Keep Cold Foods Cold and Hot Foods Hot: Refrigerated foods should be kept at 41°F or lower. After meeting the required cooking temperature, continue to keep cooked foods at 135°F. 
  5. Consider the Chef’s Health: If you have been feeling under the weather, let someone else prepare the food. One out of five foodborne illnesses is attributed to individuals cooking while sick!
  6. Cook Foods in Advance and Properly Save Leftovers: If you reheat leftovers, make sure they reach a temperature of 165°F. This will destroy certain bacteria that can grow on foods while in the danger zone (41-135°F).

For more safety tips on serving your favorite family recipes safely, visit the CDC’s website on holiday food safety.
Yancey Community Center:
Free Flu and COVID Vaccines
On Tuesday, November 30 from 5:00-8:00pm, BRHD will provide free COVID and Flu vaccines at the Yancey Community Center (7625 Porters Road, Esmont, 22937).

Flu Shots: 
  • Available to anyone 2 years and older
  • Walk-ins welcome

COVID Vaccines:
  • Available for anyone 5 years or older. Appointments preferred for anyone 5-11 years of age
  • Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines available
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Booster doses available

All vaccines are free. No insurance or papers are required. 

Have questions? Want to make an appointment? Call Willie Mae Gray at 434-270-3126.
Finish out 2021 with Free STI Testing
On Wednesday, December 1, from 4:30-6:30pm, BRHD will host the final 2021 Test & Go!

This clinic provides free screenings for chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and syphilis, as well as free safer sex items like condoms, lube, and dental dams.
Stay tuned for more updates in the near future for free STI testing events in 2022!
Have questions? For more information call 434-972-6269.
Travel Recommendations for a Safe Holiday Season
If you are traveling this holiday, remember to take steps to stay safe and healthy. 

Planning ahead is an important part of traveling! Every destination has different requirements regarding testing, masking, and vaccination status. Make sure you know what documentation is needed before you hit the road. 

When traveling, remember to mask up! It is recommended to wear a mask when traveling this holiday season, especially in places where you will be in close contact with others like gas stations, rest stops, public transportation stations, and shopping areas. 

If you are unvaccinated, it is strongly recommended that you:
  • Get tested 1-3 days prior to travel.
  • Get tested 3-5 days after travel and quarantine for 7 days OR quarantine for 10 days if you choose to not get tested.

Anyone who travels, regardless of vaccination status, should self-monitor for symptoms and continue to wear a mask and take other precautions during travel.

Need testing when you get home? December testing resources are available on the BRHD website.
Thank you, Public Health Workers!
Governor Ralph Northam announced the winners of the 2021 Governor’s Volunteerism and Community Service Awards. The annual awards program recognizes the outstanding contributions of individual volunteers and organizations on behalf of people throughout the Commonwealth. We are very proud to announce that both Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church and Church of the Incarnation were both recognized as the winner of the Outstanding Faith-Based Organization Award! 

Since May 2020, Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church and Church of the Incarnation have offered free COVID-19 testing events powered by more than 300 volunteers. Located within highly populated neighborhoods, the majority of those tested have been members of the community’s most vulnerable populations who would otherwise be unable to receive free, consistent, and timely testing. The weekly community testing events have produced more than 8,000 individual tests and offered a place where individuals and families could receive financial support to pay for rent, medications, food, and personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as connect to resources such as mental health counseling or tutoring for students struggling with virtual learning. 

BRHD is thankful to Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church, Church of the Incarnation, and the countless volunteers and staff who have contributed so diligently to the health of our community during this COVID-19 response efforts!
Remember, vaccination is only one tool to end the pandemic.
We need to use them all in order to return to normal day-to-day activities.
Continue to wear face masks, maintain physical distance, wash hands frequently and properly, and limit indoor social gatherings.