Aspen Ridge Newsletter

November 3, 2023

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Gratitude Grows Here

Happy November, ARPS families! During this thankful month - and all year long at Aspen Ridge - we try to live with an Attitude of Gratitude, and we teach our Owls to do the same. Gratitude is a powerful mindset that gives us hope and creates a positive vibe all around us. When we focus on gratitude, we focus on the good in our lives - and we're inspired to bring good into other people's lives.

We have so much to be grateful for at ARPS, including our team of dedicated teachers and staff, our parents who are committed to raising amazing humans, our students who do their best to be kind and focused each day, our connected community, our beautiful campus, our safe and supportive town, and so much more. What are you grateful for this month?

We have lots to share in this November newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!
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  • 11/05 | Remember to set your clocks back by one hour!
  • 11/06 | Boys' Basketball Home Game vs. Firestone, 3:30pm
  • 11/07 | Monthly School Tour, 5:00pm, Sign up here!
  • 11/09 | Kickboard Store, Sign up to volunteer here!
  • 11/09 | Boys' Basketball Home Game vs. Summit Classical, 3:30pm
  • 11/10 | No school in honor of Veterans Day. Thank you, Veterans!
  • 11/13-11/15 | Grateful Grams on sale before & after school!
  • 11/13 | Spring Gala Planning Meeting (All are welcome), 2:00pm
  • 11/15 | Teacher Appreciation Meeting (All are welcome), 8:30am
  • 11/15 | Dine out to Donate at Noodles & Company, 4:00-8:00pm
  • 11/17 | Breakfast with Dad - Elementary Students, RSVP Here!
  • 11/17 | Grateful Grams delivered to classrooms
  • 11/20-11/24 | No School, Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
  • 11/29 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 12/05 | Monthly School Tour, 5:00pm, Sign up here!
  • 12/06 | Character Awards, 8:45am, Early Release, 12:15pm
  • 12/11 | Girls' Basketball Game at Long's Peak, 3:30pm
  • 12/12 | Middle School Performing Arts Showcase, 5:30pm
  • 12/14 | Dine to Donate at MOD Pizza, Open for lunch & dinner!
  • 12/20 | Classroom celebrations and early release at 12:15pm
  • 12/21 - 01/05 | No School, Enjoy your Winter Break!

Safety First: Please Use the Crosswalks!

Safety is our top priority at Aspen Ridge - and there's one important area in which we need your help to keep our Owls safe and sound!

Whether you're crossing our parking lot, crossing the entrance/exit to the parking lot, or crossing Austin Ave, please use the crosswalk each and every time - and wait for a staff member with a stop sign to help you cross, if possible. If your child is heading to Stop & Save or Starbucks after school, please tell them to cross at the corner of Austin and Lloyd, where a staff member with a stop sign can help them across safely.

Thank you for being part of our safety team and helping us keep our ARPS community safe!

Join us for our First Annual Holiday Market!

Volunteer Opportunities at ARPS!

Send Someone Special a Grateful Gram!

Our NJHS students will be selling Grateful Grams for $2 each before and after school in the Heart on November 13, 14, and 15!

If you purchase a Grateful Gram for your child, or if your child purchases Grateful Grams for their teachers and friends, they will be delivered on Friday, November 17th. Each gram will include your handwritten note and a small package of candy.

Brighten someone's day while raising funds for National Junior Honor Society at Aspen Ridge!

Aspen Ridge is Going BLUE on 11/14!

Dine Out to Donate on 11/15!

Meet our Newest Middle School Teacher

Originally from Texas, Aaron Hamilton graduated with both his BS and his MBA from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He comes from a long line of teachers and decided to become a teacher because of the tremendous intrinsic value he finds in being able to help others. He believes there's no better way to help someone than by helping them learn to think independently. Through his experience in the world of business management and consulting, Mr. Hamilton began to truly understand his desire to teach and develop leaders. He is excited to be here at Aspen Ridge as he works on his Alternative Licensure while teaching middle school ELA and Drama!

One of Mr. Hamilton's passions outside of teaching is training in mixed martial arts. His has earned black belts in Tae-Kwondo, Ishin-Ryu, and Shotokan Karate, with additional training in many other martial art forms. In 2005 he placed 3rd at the USKA and USTF World Championships. In his spare time he loves making things and spending time with his son and wife of nearly 15 years.

Sign Up Today for After School Fun!

ARPS Attendance: Here & On Time!

One of the biggest factors in your child's success in school is making sure that they are here on time and ready to learn for as many days as possible throughout the school year. Thank you for making their attendance a priority (whenever they are healthy) so that we can do all that we can to help our Owls learn, grow, connect, and thrive at Aspen Ridge!

Each month we'll be sharing our average student attendance percentage so that we can all work toward our goal of keeping this above 95% throughout the year!

We've Got Spirit - How About You?

Want to get a jump start on your holiday shopping?

Our online Spirit Store is open 24-7 and has all the goods and gear you need to show your ARPS spirit! Visit to check it out today!

New items have just been added, including the already popular Champion sweatshirt shown here. Order within the first three weeks of November and your spirit wear will be ready to pick up at school during the first week of December!

Happy shopping, Owls!

This Month in Photos: Owls in Action

Our Middle School Boys' B-ball Team is having a great season, with Mr. and Ms. Keenan leading the way as their coaches.

Don't miss their next home game on Monday, 11/6! Let's fill the stands with cheering fans for our ARPS Owls!

Some of our buddy classes celebrated the season with a fall foliage art project

Leaf collecting was a good excuse to get outside and enjoy a crisp, sunny fall day!

Our PTO spoiled us this month with a fun flavored water bar! It was perfectly timed for the day after Halloween, when we all could use a little pick-me-up!

Best of all, staff got to pick out these awesome owl tumblers to keep them hydrated all year long. Thank you, PTO parents! We appreciate you!

We saw so many creative costumes this year - including this smiling sunflower!

Lucky us! Pikachu volunteered to help at our crosswalk on Halloween!

It doesn't get much cuter than our preschool Owls trick or treating through the ARPS offices on Halloween! Looking good, little Owls!

We had so many incredible Pumpkins on Parade this year! Ms. Hays was especially honored to have a Penelope Pumpkin on display!

Our teacher teams were in the Halloween spirit with all kinds of creative costumes. This trio from our fourth grade team was especially sweet!

Our Middle School students had a spirit week leading up to their Fall Dance, with a fun new theme each day. Tropical day is pictured above, and Fire & Ice Day is below. Not pictured here, but equally awesome were Barbie/Western day, Sports Jersey day, and Comfy day.

Visit our Facebook or Instagram page to see photos from the Neon/Glow Dance!

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!



Phone: (720) 242-6225