December 2022 Newsletter
Past newsletters are now posted
on the TCNA Website
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TCNA President's Message
Actions Taken at TCNA General Meeting on November 16
- Liquor License for the Hopkins Market
- Modifications to 2018 Calming Plan for 39th Street
Neighborhood Committees
- Crime and Safety Updates
Calvert School Project Committee: Cooling Tower and Conservation Signs
- Streets Committee: New, Approved 39th Street Calming Plan
- Greens Committee: Tuscany Oval
- Communications: Website - New History Section
Neighborhood News
- Ridgewood's Retaining Wall: Almost Done!
- Repair of Cloverhill Avenue Street Light
Neighborhood Artist: Mark Eisendrath
- Passing of Long-Time Resident:Lenny Kaplan
- Councilwoman Odette Ramos Updates: Housing Legislation
- DPW: Recycling Pick-up Dates & Bulk Trash Pick-up Information
- Baltimore Office of Sustainability
Johns Hopkins University
- JHU and Baltimore City Police MOU
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
- What's Really Good by Lois Schenck
- Holiday Wish List by Kathryn Gallagher
- Hopkins Market: Liquor License Update
Home & Condo Current Sale Prices
Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
- January 18 7PM, TCNA Board Meeting (more info in January newsletter)
- December 19, 43rd District Community Conversation (Virtual)
- Neighbor, John Waters Exhibit at BMA
More events with details are at the end of the newsletter
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TCNA: Are you a member? We’d ❤️ to have you join us!
CLICK HERE to join or renew your TCNA dues.
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View great pictures from the past winters on the updated TCNA website
Neighborhood photographer, John Robinson
Webmaster, Julie Watson
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Actions Taken at the TCNA General Meeting November 16, 2022
Hopkins Market and liquor license hours and other concerns:
Motion was approved to allow the TCNA Market Committee to negotiate an MOU with the Hopkins Market and get TCNA final board approval before the liquor license to Baltimore City Liquor Board Hearing. The committee would notify the TCNA email list about items in the tentative MOU to get comments and feedback.
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39th Street Calming Plan:
Motion was approved for modifications to the 2018 39th Street Calming Plan. The Broadview and the TCNA Street Committee will work with Baltimore City to get City's approval for work to begin.
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TCNA President's Message
Julia Frazier
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Sending all the residents of Tuscany Canterbury warm wishes and happy holiday season! I hope that you will take a pause from the business of daily life to enjoy family and friends, and carve out some time for relaxation and regrouping at the end of this year, 2022. Whatever traditions you honor, or beliefs you hold true - may you find joy with those around you, and in our very own neighborhood. Wishing you health and happiness, and we'll see you again in 2023. Happy Holidays!
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Tuscany-Canterbury Crime Updates | |
Tuscany-Canterbury continues to be one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments. In the past week several crimes have happened. See below for summary of what has happened in the past three months and the recent actions that TCNA has taken. | |
TCNA Crime Updates
December 2022
- An attempted house/apartment break occurred on December 4 in the afternoon in 4200 block of Charles Street- picture of person given to police.
- A resident of the Winthrop House was the victim of a robbery. It took place near the bus stop across from the Highfield House sometime between 5 pm and 6pm on December 8. The person was robbed of her purse and pushed down at Highfield and Charles Street. She is OK. Police are investigating.
November 2022
- No reported serious crimes
October 2022
Armed robbery by suspects on University Parkway(see TCNA November Events Newsletter for more information). Since this happened, there have been no similar armed robberies in Tuscany-Canterbury or in near-by neighborhoods.
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This is the data was obtained from Northern District Police for Tuscany-Canterbury from November 6 to December 3. It does not include the two recent incidents. | |
What TCNA is doing?
- Notified the Guilford Association about the 2 recent incidents that happened on Charles Street
- Requested Northern District police to attend the TCNA board meeting on January 17
What is the City Police doing?
- Disseminate crime prevention flyers in the area
What can you do to help prevent crimes in the neighborhood?
Be sure to keep outside lights on throughout the night. This is really important for safety for everyone in the neighborhood.
Continue to walk around the neighborhood. This does discourage others from committing crimes. If you see anything suspicious, call 911.
- Be mindful of your surroundings, particularly in the evening and at night. Reduce your distraction by staying off your phone.
- Call TCNA to let us know about anything that has happened so that we can also follow-up with Northern District.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Safety Suggestions
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Flu Season is Here
How to Prepare
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Tuscany Woods
Project Committee
Pat Hawthorne
Mike Travieso, Co-Chairs
CLICK HERE to contact Project Committee
For the most updated information go to the TCNA website
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The wooden fence has now been installed around the cooling tower. The fence blocks ithe cooling tower completely from view from Tuscany Road. Because it is made out of pressure-treated lumber, it needs a couple of months to dry out before it can be painted. Once the weather warms up it will be painted a shade to match the retaining wall around the field.
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After the string of Conservation Easement signs were posted along Tuscany Road back in September, the TCNA contacted the Office of Sustainability, Baltimore City Department of Planning to inquire about the number of signs installed and their placement at the sidewalk level along Tuscany Road. We were told that the current placement was required during construction, but now that construction is completed, they can be moved and the number of signs can be significantly reduced.
The Department of Planning has advised Calvert that the signs can be placed at 150 ft. intervals and can either be mounted on the fence or placed immediately inside the fence. Calvert has contacted their Civil Engineer to confirm these requirements and will re-locate the signs accordingly.
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Lastly, Calvert has contacted their contractor to schedule a date to replace the trees that died over the summer, plus plant the new trees that will go around the new fence surrounding the cooling tower. These plantings are dependent on the weather, but Calvert hopes they can completed soon.
On another note, the removal of the dead tree in the woods that neighbors on Tuscany Road pointed out some time ago has been approved by the Office of Sustainability, Department of Planning. Calvert does not yet has a timetable for its removal.
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Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects
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Latest Design for
39th Street
Modifications Approved
by TCNA (November 2022)
Improvements are coming to 39th Street to slow traffic and make it safer to cross the busy street. The project, being spearheaded by The Broadview, recently underwent changes to satisfy Baltimore City Department of Transportation requirements.
Paul Dorr of the design firm The Traffic Group reviewed the latest design at the TCNA General Membership meeting on November 7. After the presentation and Q&A, attendees voted to approve the latest design, giving the project a boost as we try to secure funding.
We're looking forward to installation of two sets of mid-block crosswalks, one connecting The Broadview to Hopkins House and the second connecting Cypriana to the parking lot across 39th Street.
In place of curb extensions and raised crosswalks, which would impair drainage of storm water runoff, the project will now feature large decorative planters placed at the edge of the street and high visibility, painted crosswalks. Compared to low-level curb extensions, the planters will be more visible to drivers, clearly delineate the new crosswalks, protect people waiting to cross, and be easier to maintain.
There will be speed humps in each direction to slow down traffic prior to the crosswalks, rather than using the crosswalks themselves as speed humps. Sight lines will be improved so people driving and walking across the street can see each other better.
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39th Street Calming Plan
with Speed Humps and Crosswalks
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Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
Committee Members: Charles Benton, Alison Moliterno, Pat Hawthorne, Pat Mutch, Pat Loker, Fred Chalfant, Natalie & Will Snyder, Chris Whitaker, John & Kirsten Held
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Tuscany Oval Got a Major Facelift
In mid-October volunteers from the Garden Committee of TCNA upgraded the Tuscany Oval Garden by clearing out the old, overgrown vegetation and replacing it with new native plant varieties that should more easily withstand drought and provide a vegetation buffer for crabgrass incursion. The varieties should also attract butterflies and other pollinators and their lower ground profile should also enhance vehicle visibility in and around the oval. The effort began with hired contractors prepping the garden site by removing the old plants and debris. This was followed by a day of planting. Finally, a layer of mulch was applied a couple of weeks later by our reliable and hired gardener Jenna Sylvester.
The Oval Garden received three new varieties of plants: Amsonia hubrichtii “Bluestar” (the taller of the two plants visible); Heliopsis helianthoides scabra “Burning Hearts” (the smaller of the two plants visible); and a handful of decorative Allium Mount Everest “Giant Garlic” bulbs. Charles Brenton, PLA organized the purchase of the plants from North Creek Nurseries, Kurt Bluemel Inc., and K. vanBourgondien. W,e expect the plants to flower from spring (Bluestar) through the late summer/fall (Burning Hearts). Due to unavailability this fall, a small number of native hydrangeas are also planned to be added to the garden this spring.
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As with all gardening efforts, this was indeed a labor of love and volunteering. Seminal to the effort was the advice and guidance we received from Charles Brenton, PLA who designed the new garden and oversaw its transformation. His initiative, enthusiasm and expertise were the bedrock of our efforts. The project would not have been done without him.
We very much appreciate Fred Chalfant applying his professional arborist skills in trimming the dead scraggly limbs from the trees in the center of the garden. We were pleased with the professional contracted services of Long Green Landscaping, LLC who did the garden preparation work. Our team of volunteers: Charles Brenton, PLA, Patricia Hawthorne, Mary Loker, Alison Moliterno & family, Patrick Mutch, Natalie & Will Snyder and Chris Whitaker in various endeavors, swiftly and efficiently executed the plan from planning tasks through planting, mulching and watering. Most importantly, our gratitude to John and Kirsten Held is immeasurable, as they generously allowed us use of their water hose. So, as we all nest in for the winter, let’s give a grand round of appreciation to all our volunteers and hired folks, as we all look forward to seeing our efforts “spring” forth in the new year.
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Calvert Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy)
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Calendar Events for Calvert School
- December 16, Closes at 12:30 for Winter Break
- January 3, Reopens after Winter Break
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Communications Committee
Linda Eberhart, Coordinator. Julie Watson, Webmaster
Committee: John Robinson, Ann Finkbeiner, Kathryn Gallagher, Lois Schenck, TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.
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What do you know about the history of Tuscany-Canterbury?
Check out the first edition of the Tuscany-Canterbury history on the TCNA website. If you have additional information, pictures, or suggestions, let us know. CLICK HERE
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Neighborhood News
Your Questions, Comments, or Messages
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Ridgewood Condominiums:
Retaining Wall & New Parking Project
Work started October 2022
Almost done!
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The stone wall has been rebuilt to support the parking area above it. It used new bricks to replace the old wall and it looks just like the one built in 1966. | |
Parking area is almost ready for the concrete to be poured - maybe by December 15. | |
Mark Eisendrath, Artist and Tuscany-Canterbury Resident
By Amy Mutch
This summer I was introduced to Mark Eisendrath when visiting a neighbor in the Tuscany/Lombardy and was instantly captivated by a wall sculpture hanging over her sofa. When I learned the artist was Mark Eisendrath and he lived in TCNA just down the street, I immediately scheduled an appointment to view his collection. The first floor serves as a perfect gallery while his spacious basement is where his creations take place. Tools of a carpenter are evident in his workspace as the tension between the organic and the geometric come together in beautiful ways. Fortunately, I was able to purchase a piece within my budget as I knew I wouldn’t be denied. Like most things in life, Mark’s back story makes the work speak in meaningful ways. Attached is the link to Mark’s website that includes his artist statement.
As a fan of Leonard Cohen, I immediately thought of lines from his song Anthem, “there is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” and “you can add up the parts, but you won’t have the sum”. Simply said, I am a huge fan of Mark Eisendrath and I encourage you to take a look for yourself. The BMA expresses its respect for Mark in the following quote:
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Leonard ‘Lenny’ Kaplan, a popular figure in Baltimore’s restaurant scene and long time Tuscany-Canterbury resident and member dies.
See more information the Baltimore Sun
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Odette Ramos
The city’s previous inclusionary housing policy required developers building 30 or more units to set aside 20% as affordable for residents earning less than the Baltimore area’s median income. A bill proposed by Councilwoman Odette Ramos and co-sponsored by a majority of the council would eliminate the loopholes allowed by the previous law, while also reducing the percentage of affordable units required. CLICK HERE to read Baltimore Sun article
Odette Ramos's article: Perspective: Eliminating vacant properties through rebah, demolition can curb speculator purchases. She cites policies aimed at revitalizing communities The Baltimore Banner article December 09, 2022
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Street Gutter Reminder
Fall leaves were beautiful, but now they are clogging the gutters on our streets! A little reminder to be a good neighbor and rake leaves, sticks, and other debris off the gutters so water runoff can flow!
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When will the broken street light on Cloverhill be repaired?
Progress is slow because the crew is having first to dig a trench and lay conduit -there wasn’t any before. The lines were just buried in the dirt. Now they are pulling new wiring through the conduit. They are still having to use a jack-hammer once in a while, but the digging is primarily by hand with pick and shovel. -And they are trying not to destroy the plantings, paving stones, etc., which have been there for years. It looks like they’re managing just a few feet (maybe yards) a day.
They did something like this at the 39th Street end of Cloverhill a year or two ago, but the fix didn’t last because nothing was done at the other end, and if there is trouble anywhere along the line all the lights are affected.
Street Light at Tuscany and Stoney Ford Road?
Light was broken in December 2021. TNCA monthly check-in with BGE: they are still waiting for parts.
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Baltimore City Schools Receive Funding for Electric School Buses
Baltimore City Public Schools will receive a $9.4 million grant award through the EPA's Clean School Bus Program rebate competition! The grant will help the school district purchase 25 electric school buses that will accelerate the transition to zero-emissions vehicles. According to the EPA, "This is the first round of funding from the EPA Clean School Bus Program, which President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law created with a historic $5 billion investment for low- and zero-emission school buses over the next five years." This award supports the implementation of a key action item under the 'Healthy School Environments' topic of the Baltimore Sustainability Plan, which aims to electrify the school system's fleet of vehicles. Read more from the Baltimore Banner here.
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Ghost Rivers:Public Art Installation Project
Ghost Rivers is a public art installation project that will span multiple sites in the Charles Village and Remington neighborhoods of Baltimore. The project will reveal the hidden history and former natural path of Sumwalt Run. Even though it is mostly out of sight, this stream still flows through culverts under the streets of the City. The project will install wayfinding markers along with other visual elements to accompany a walking tour to allow the Sumwalt Run to be visible once again. This installation will aim to bring history and landscape to the surface of the city that has been lost over hundreds of years of development. Installations are set to begin in the Spring of 2023 but informational events have already begun.
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Messages from Baltimore City DPW
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Tuscany-Canterbury Curbside Recycling
December 22, January 5, January 17
Go to the DPW website:for the latest information about the schedule.
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Bulk Trash: How To Get Bulk Items Collected
Every month, Baltimoreans can place up to three items out for collection. One day per month is set aside for this collection. All citizens have to do is call 311 and tell them: your address, your telephone #, what 3 items you want picked up. Call three (3) or more working days before your scheduled date. If you do not know your day, call 311 or schedule your collection using 311 Online.
What is bulk?
Bulk items are furniture, appliances, and up to 4 tires with the rims removed. All items must be clearly marked "bulk collection," and placed at the same location as regular trash pickup. Residents with a rear pickup should leave items at the end of the yard and leave the gate unlocked.
The following will NOT be collected
Building materials such as sheetrock, siding, wood pieces, or roofing.
Where and how should it be placed?
All items should be placed at the same location as regular trash. If you have a rear collection for trash, clearly mark all items and place them at the end of the yard and leave the gate unlocked.
If you have a problem
Call 311 or access 311 online by clicking here.
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Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
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Latest Information about Our Neighborhood Restaurants
- Kathryn Gallagher, TCNA Restaurant Liaison - What's Happening
- Lois Schenck, Neighborhood Reviewer - What's Really Good
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Support Our Local Restaurants
In talking to Maria Kaimakis, owner and chef at Cyriana and Lactor at the Ambassador, I discovered that when their restaurants had to close, many of their loyal clients went to the county where the restaurants remained open. Now that all have reopened, they are looking to lure their patrons back with family dinners and specials.
The Ambassador has a fixed price special lunch and a free lunch after the fifth one ordered. The Ambassador dining room is elegantly decorated for Christmas and is the perfect atmosphere to add Christmas cheer to your meal. Large family groups will enjoy special prices when they book in advance.
Cypriana is about to offer a happy hour with special prices for beer and wine at their very attractive bar and their authentic bar menu changes daily.,They are now open on Ravens Sundays. If you try their catering for your special event, you won't be disappointed. Cypriana uses the freshest food possible and their exceptional fish is flown in daily!
Look for a treasured recipe from each of these fine restaurants in this column next month!
Lois Schenck, author of Desperate Gourmet and former food editor of a magazine in San Francisco, reports on latest specials and lives in Tuscany Canterbury.
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Holiday Wish List for our Neighborhood Eateries
As 2022 winds to a close, restaurants in Tuscany Canterbury are slowly coming back to pre-pandemic life. The following is a “Holiday Wish List” for our neighborhood eateries in the new year.
One World Café, a favorite of vegans and non-vegans alike, is a unique mix of café, restaurant, and neighborhood bar. For 2023, we wish for continued creative meals, the return of neighborhood bingo and tastings, and engaging conversations over coffee.
Alizee looks forward to a 2023 full of exciting changes. We hope for success in finding a new chef, safe and productive renovations, and continued improvements to the restaurants. Here’s to many happy TCNA Happy Hours!
For the former Sam’s Café Space in the Ambassador, we wish for a tenant. The space remains available to rent, and prospective tenants are invited to call The Ambassador for a tour at (410) 235-2712. It has the potential to be a new hot spot!
Kathryn Gallagher, TCNA Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison and lives at the Tuscany-Lombardy
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Hopkins Market Update, December 2022
The TCNA Hopkins Market Committee has prepared a draft MOU (Memo of Understanding) that addresses concerns of residents of Tuscany-Canterbury. Some of the topics in the proposed draft MOU are:
- Hours of operation
- Delivery of alcohol
- Signage
- Deliveries to the establishment
- Delivery by establishment to customers
- Management of outside delivery services
- Customer parking
- Noise and disturbances by customers
- Outside seating
The TCNA Hopkins Market Committee has hired a lawyer to review the draft of the MOU and will work with the Hopkins Market for final agreement on the MOU. Then the Baltimore City Liquor Board will set a hearing date to review and approve the new liquor license.
For more information about the Hopkins Market and the request for a new liquor license, CLICK HERE for the TCNA website.
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Open Daily at 7 AM
Monday thru Thursday
Closes at 10:00 pm
Friday & Saturday Closes at 11:00pm
Sunday Closes 9pm
443- 335-6236
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Friday & Saturday 5 - 11
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
5 - 9
New Year's Eve
December 31
11 AM to 12 PM
Holiday Private Parties
Host your party with us!
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Saturday 9 am - 8 pm
Sunday 9am- 4pm
Call for the menu
or check out their
Facebook Page
410 235-5777
100 W University Parkway
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Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
in Tuscany Canterbury
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Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
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Events & Happenings
In and Around
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December 13: 6pm festivities begin, 8pm fireworks
Celebrate the holiday season and the end of the fall semester on the Keyser Quad as the Homewood campus is transformed into a winter wonderland. Community can attend.
Click here for more information
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Community Concerts at Second
4200 St. Paul Street, For More Concert Information
- Jan 8, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
- Jan 22, 2023, 3:30pm Berta Rojas, guitar
- Feb 5, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
- Feb 19, 2023, 3:30pm Morgan State University Choir
- Mar 5, 2023, 3:30pm Seraph Brass
- Mar 26, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
- Apr 16, 2023, 3:30pm Wynona Wang, Piano
- Apr 23, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
- May 7, 2023, 3:30pm Wonderlic Competition Vocal Recital
- May 21, 2023, 3:30pm Sean Jones, Trumpet
- Jun 4, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
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January 8 , 2022, 7:30 pm
Chamber Music by Candlelight
Performed and programmed by Baltimore Symphony musicians under the leadership of the Candlelight Concert Co-Directors: Julian Maddox, Marcia McHugh, and Ivan Stefanovic.
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The John Waters Collection
November 20, 2022 — April 16, 2023
A few of John Waters’ favorite things: Exhibition showcases his ‘roommates’
The exhibition will include approximately 90 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and prints by Diane Arbus, Nan Goldin, Mike Kelley, Gary Simmons, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, and Betsy the Chimpanzee, among others.
Sunpapers Article about exhibit. CLICK HERE
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43rd District Team
Pre-Session Community Conversation
Monday, December 19th
6-7:30PM, virtually, Click here to RSVP
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Johns Hopkins University Ice Rink
Friday, January 13, 2023 through Sunday, February 19, 2023
The ice rink will create new memories and provide another opportunity to engage the JHU community together in a fun, winter experience.
The experience (and rental skates) will be free of charge to all participants. The ice rink will be located on the north side of the Homewood campus on the tennis courts adjacent to North Charles
More information will become available CLICK HERE
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Baltimore Heritage
5 minute video
The Village Learning Place, Charles Village
Village Learning Place is an independent non-profit library that lives in a beautiful and historic former Pratt Library branch building. This year is special—Village Learning Place is celebrating 25 years of serving the Charles Village community. We are pleased to be joined by its executive director, Liesje Gantert, to talk about the numerous after school programs and activities Village Learning Place organizes for children and adults alike!
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TCNA Officers and Board Members
President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
Board Members:
Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street)
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
- Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road)
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Under the University Parkway Bridge | | | | |