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17: Dress down day - wear Green for St. Patrick’s Day

19: 5th Grade Field Trip to The Children’s Theater; Boosterthon Fun Run at Cotswold, BCE Basketball Playoffs

20: Spring Picture Day, no uniform required; MoBC Social Event at Vaulted Oak 6:30-9pm 

21: Crazy Sock Day for Down Syndrome Awareness; 2nd and 5th Grade Clubs; Communication Hub Event, 4:30 - 6:30pm at Billingsville

24: Battle of the Books Competition

25: 4th Grade Trip to Raleigh; SIT Mtg

28: End of 3rd Quarter

31: CMS Teacher Workday

PTA Calendar

Principal's Pen

We had a great week of teaching and learning in Cougar Country!

Math Rocks-Thank you to everyone who participated in our Math Spirit Week! We look forward to engaging our students in hands-on learning opportunities as we continue on our academic journey of finishing the year strong!

Lunch Visitors-When visitors report to the school, please sign-in in the front office in order to receive a visitor's badge. We have a system that is in place in CMS schools that will require each visitor to sign into the Lobby Guard system with a valid ID when entering the school. This procedure will ensure your child's safety at all times. As a reminder, we ask that we limit it to 3 guests per student.

Dr. Alicia Hash


Billingsville Elementary-Primary Campus

Cotswold IB World School-Intermediate Campus



St. Patrick's Day Dress Down Day Monday

Boosterthon Fun Run Wednesday

BCE FUN RUN is Wednesday, March 19th. Students from both campuses will participate in the Fun Run on the Cotswold campus!

Fun Run Times:

1st/2nd /K-2 EP: 9:30am

K/3rd: 10:30am

4th/3-5th EP: 12:30pm

5th: 1:30pm

Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $30,000 for students and staff. Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community. Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started!

Our Boosterthon Fun Run is looking for volunteers to help the event run smoothly! Please sign up at this Sign Up Genius.

Spring Portrait Day Thursday

Thursday, March 20th students may dress down for spring pictures in appropriate attire. Click HERE to preorder. 

MOBC Spring Social Thursday

Cougar dads and dad-like figures, come join MOBC for the spring social night event 6:30-9 pm at Vaulted Oak Brewery on Thursday, March 20. Come early, late, or in between for this casual event. Basketball games will be on! Hope to see you there! Questions? Email Greg Volk. Please RSVP in Membership Toolkit

Crazy Sock Day Friday

Calling all BCE students and staff to rock their CrAzY SoCkS on Friday, March 21 in support for Down Syndrome Awareness.

Yearbook Pictures and Purchasing

Yearbooks are now available for purchase, please order yours today! Each book costs $20. The deadline to purchase is 4/4.

Staff and parents: Please send any pictures (or staff!) of "Girls Choice Dance" to Amy Murray. You can also place them in this google drive.

Lost and Found

Lost and found at both campuses is overflowing! Please check for your student’s gear. Billingsville’s is located on the way to the cafeteria. Cotswold’s is located in the cafeteria.  Leftovers will be donated the Friday, April 11 before Spring Break.  

Let Me Run Registration

Let Me Run registration is now open! We have enough coaches! Practices are Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4:30pm at the Cotswold campus. The program is open to boys in 3rd-5th grade. Register HERE

March Staff Member of the Month Nominations

It’s time to recognize the March staff members of the month! Do you know of any Billingsville-Cotswold staff members that have done an outstanding job over the past month? Please SUBMIT nominations to Angela Perry or complete the nomination form. Please submit nominations by March 25th. 

Raku Pottery Volunteers Needed

Ms. McDonald, art teacher on the Cotswold Campus, is seeking volunteers to help with cutting clay slabs for the 4th Grade Raku Pottery event. Ms. McDonald will be onsite to assist volunteers and provide supplies; no prior experience is needed. Sign-up HERE to volunteer. Updated class time slots have been added.

For questions, please contact Katie Sontag, PTA Volunteer Coordinator. As a reminder, all volunteers must register with CMS volunteers.


Ms. Murphy, music teacher on the Billingsville Campus, is seeking volunteers to help with set design and prop creation for the 2nd Grade Spring Concert. This is a great opportunity to flex your artistic muscle! All supplies, project planning, and further information will be provided. The concert will take place in May, and the set decor will be completed in April. It’ll be a work-in-progress during the next couple months. For questions, please contact Katie Sontag, PTA Volunteer Coordinator. Click HERE to sign up! As a reminder, all volunteers must register with CMS Volunteers

Thank You to our Community Sponsors

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Announcement Requests

Announcements for ALL Cougar PTA communication tools should be submitted here.

Quick Links

Business Partners Wanted: Rebecca Howe

Cafeteria Menu

Membership Toolkit Registration

Paint the Spirit Rock

Dads on Duty

Cougar Night at the Hive

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