InComm Materials
This email was distributed solely to the MNFs in
FL, IL, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, and TX.
Dear CPESN Managing Network Facilitators,
You are receiving this email because your network in one of the InComm targeted states, which includes FL, IL, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, and TX. Please click here to find a summary slide (one for each state) that you may use and adapt for presenting the InComm opportunity to your pharmacies within your local communications and at your local meetings. 

Additionally, click here to download an Excel spreadsheet you may manipulate to better answer questions regarding potential spend by zip code. 

These are tools to help support you to drive pharmacy enrollment and answer questions regarding the financial opportunity presented to CPESN USA pharmacies as a part of this deal with InComm. 

Matt Webber, PharmD
Director of Value Based Contracting