"Children Learning, Parents Earning, Communities Growing"
November 22, 2021 | Issue #47
Support of the Monday Morning Update
If you value the content of the Monday Morning Newsletter delivered to your email every single week by 5:30 am, then please consider a donation. We believe that freely sharing of information and highlighting information relevant to the readership is important. And over 6,200 of you do too. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
During this season of thanks, we extend to you our sincere gratitude for your membership, support and the trust you have bestowed upon us.  We’re truly inspired by your commitment to making a difference in the lives of so many children and families during these unprecedented and challenging times. We want you to know that CAPPA is here to support you.  We are here to provide you, and the families and children you serve, a voice in advocacy, a training and technical assistance resource, real time information, and a link to network and grow. We encourage you to get even more involved and to take advantage of what we can deliver.  But most importantly of all, we look forward to partnering with you and all organizations in unifying our strength in numbers and protecting the most valuable of services for working families and the child care and early learning infrastructures needed by our children.

So during this season of thanks, WE THANK YOU.

The CAPPA Board of Directors & Staff.