It is hard to believe another year is drawing to a close already. This has been an eventful year for sure, but as we approach the new year we can see many opportunities ahead of us to further the democratic values we all hold dear.

Looking back over this past year I am particularly thankful for all the great volunteers who have contributed to growing and maintaining our Democratic ideals. Besides all our great candidates and volunteers I'd like to particularly thank Val Scarborough for her leadership in our Plymouth office over this campaign season. Well done Val!

We are looking for your input on how PAD can best help with civic engagement in the coming year. If you are interested in joining the board, or have suggestions for meeting topics or activities please reach out to Bill or Jane.

Meanwhile I hope everyone has a chance to rest, spend some time with friends and family and celebrate the holidays and change of the year in whatever way you find special. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on January 18th.

-- Bill

THANK YOU for the great work!

Thank you to the many volunteers whose dedication led to the record voter turnout and results for our candidates on Election Day!  The PAD office documented only the work you did starting October 15 and going through November 8, but the numbers are impressive! During that time, you knocked on almost 4,000 doors during 135 canvassing shifts, with 56 volunteers (canvassers and drivers) completing at least one shift, for a total of at least 405 hours. Towns where you canvassed included Ashland, Bristol, Campton, Dorchester, Hebron, Holderness, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, and Woodstock.    


Priority of the turfs we canvassed was determined by NHDP, and unless a canvasser was a candidate who had a focus on a specific town or towns, our canvassers were sent out in order of towns’ priority.  This meant that a day’s schedule might have volunteers going to Plymouth, then Campton, then Bristol, then Campton, then Ashland, then Holderness, etc.

Shout-outs to the Canvass volunteers who were there day after day (and sometimes did more than one turf in a day), including Kathy Archibald (who drove from Warren to canvass!), Katie Badylak, Sue Donaldson (who votes in MA but stayed in NH so she could canvass!), Katie Hedberg, Kathy Henning, Jane Helfrich, Della Mills, Phil Preston, Deb Reynolds, Sheryl Shirley, Sarah Thorne, and Joyce Weston.

Candidates Heather Baldwin, Bill Bolton, Sallie Fellows, and Peter Lovett were also canvass regulars whose conversations with voters helped the whole ticket! Congratulations to them, and best wishes for success in the Legislature! We know other candidates logged many hours knocking on doors independent of the PAD office, and each of you contributed to the cause. While they chose not to run for reelection, Joyce and Suzanne still logged many hours both canvassing and helping run the office, and we applaud their dedication and commitment! 

No matter how many times you may have canvassed or driven, you made a difference in the election! Conversations with voters truly matter!

In addition to the canvassers and drivers, we had volunteers in the office (the “Staging Location”), who included the Staging Location Director, Greeters, Canvass Trackers, Canvass Trainers, Lit Packet Wizards, and daily Office Stalwarts. These folks put in well over 500 hours to ensure that the entire operation went smoothly. Staging Location volunteers (many of whom canvassed after their office shift was done) included Stephanie Osborne, Sally Widerstrom, Janis Ahern, Katie Hedberg, Joan Turley, Suzanne Smith, Martha Richards, John Richards, and Val Scarborough.

Finally, we appreciate the volunteers who brought food and supplies!  There were many anonymous donations, but a special thanks to Dick Hunnewell for his multiple crockpots, Teresa Gocha for her mac & cheese, Cam Sinclair for his hot sandwiches, Heather Baldwin for her apples, and Martha Richards for the oranges and cider.

We are also grateful to Alex Ray for his generosity in renting the office to us at a fraction of the going rental rate, Diane Downing for making our Election Watch Party at the Common Man such a welcoming event, Flip’n Furniture for not only loaning us furniture, but also delivering it and picking it up at no cost to PAD, and Jim and David Lurie of Plymouth Furniture for loaning the office a refrigerator at no charge. Please patronize their businesses and thank them when you see them!

-- Val Scarborough

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars and plan to join us in January as we kick off the new year and continue to work to bring fairness and respect back to New Hampshire politics. We're in the process of confirming a couple of really great speakers that I'm sure you will want to hear from - watch your e-mail and our facebook page for details in early January.

January General Meeting

Plymouth Regional Senior Center

January 18th, 2023

Dish to pass supper at 5:30pm, meetings begins at 6.

Zoom link available on request.

The filing deadlines to run for town office for the March 14th Town Elections are just around the corner, from January 25th through February 3rd. We’ve seen a very real far-right mobilization around School Boards and Election Offices, so it’s more important than ever that we recruit candidates at the local level who will stand up for our democracy and for our public schools. Republicans and free staters in NH have threatened to defund schools and reject the realities of history. We can’t let them dominate the conversation, let alone the races that influence these decisions. 

So we need progressives who are dedicated to ensuring our schools continue to be places of learning and discovery. Folks who are interested in running for office can find more information at

Plymouth Area Democrats
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