CECFC Middle School Newsletter
January 20th, 2022
Hello Middle School Families,
It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement, effective Friday, May 13.
I've spent 36 years as an educator, but the best years have been spent here at CEC. I joined the middle school staff in its first year, and it has been a privilege to lead and shape this school into what it is today.
I'm happy to say that Mr. Jeb Holt has been hired as my replacement. To make for a smooth transition, he will be working with the staff this semester. I know he is excited to get to know our students and their families.
We would love to have you and your student(s) join us on February 2nd at 3:00 pm for "Snacks with Incoming Principal Mr. Holt", sponsored by SAC. You can also see the attached document for some more information about Mr. Holt and his background. 
Delight Hockman • Middle School Principal
Get your dancing shoes ready and buy your ticket!

Our MS dance is still in effect, happening tomorrow evening,
Friday, January 21st from 7:00pm - 8:30pm.*


Tickets will continue to be for sale up until 3pm tomorrow.
Tickets are $7 each and can be purchased at the front desk.

We are in need of some items to help create this special occasion. Please click on the button below to sign up for anything you might be able to help out with.

If you are donating food or supplies, please bring these items in to our front office no later than 3pm tomorrow, January 21st.

Thank you so much for your help in making this a night to remember!
Join us for a day of fun competition at CECFC Middle School!
Where: 4512 McMurry Avenue, 80525 
When: Saturday, February 5th, 2022 from 8:30am until approx. 3:30pm
Entry Fee: $20 if registered by Jan 31; $25 after Jan 31. 
Prizes: 1st-5th place trophies and awards per section
Check-in begins at 8:30am and there will be a mandatory players' meeting at 8:45am. The first round will start at 9:00am with a total of 5 rounds being played. There will be unrated and USCF Rated Sections. Register here or scan the QR code!
Questions? please contact Karen Karppinen at:
-High School and Middle School Coed Basketball/Volleyball Intramurals-
CECFC Intramurals are a chance for students to join a team and play semi competitively against other CECFC students after school. The focus will be on fun and practicing a sport. All students welcome!*

The approximate dates for intramurals this semester are:

  • Time: Middle School 4-5 pm, High School 3-4 pm
  • Basketball: Every Tu/Th school day, 1/20 - 2/25.
  • Volleyball: Every Tu/Th school day, 3/8 - 4/22.

*If interested, please sign up outside of Mrs. Hockman's office. 

Please plan on making all Tuesday/Thursday events, or talk to coach ahead of time if you know you can’t. If you have any questions please reach out to: chris.domenicali@coloradoearlycolleges.org
Our next Choir Concert will be on Friday, Feb 25 at 6:30 pm.
Be sure to join us!

Ready for some music to your ears? Here are scheduled dates for our wonderful CEC Music Concerts. Put these dates in your calendars now... you won't want to miss them!

Thursday, 2/17 - Middle School and High School Band, Orchestra
Friday, 2/25 Middle School and High School Choir
Thursday, 4/28Middle School and High School Choir
Tuesday, 5/3Middle School and High School Band and Orchestra
Choir students are in need of costumes for Mary Poppins. They are in need of hats, jackets, skirts, aprons, etc. for their performances. If you have any of these items you would like to donate or have any questions about what's needed, please contact Mrs. McCreery at: theresa.wellsmcreery@coloradoearlycolleges.org
Safe2Tell is a Colorado resource for students, parents, and schools to anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family or your community. Safe2Tell connects schools and other authorities to protect our students. Please use Safe2Tell if you become aware of a student who is threatening harm to themselves or others or who is in danger in any way. https://safe2tell.org/
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Colorado Early Colleges Fort Collins (CECFC) has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to students with a disability. For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification, evaluation and placement into Section 504 programs, please contact our CECFC 504 Coordinators.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your 504 coordinator at: merrily.bowers@coloradoearlycolleges.org
If you are interested in joining a student driven book club please contact Amy Kamin at amy.kamin@coloradoearlycolleges.org for more information.
Parents and students: When assignments are missing due to absences, IC (Infinite Campus) automatically marks the grade as a zero. This acts as a temporary placeholder to help both teacher and student to remember to check in with each other once the student returns to school.
This movie helps us all flip the script on stress, anxiety, and depression. We follow Delaney Ruston as she finds herself at a loss on how to help her own teens as they struggle with their emotional wellbeing. Ruston sets out to understand these challenges in our current screen-filled society, and how we as parents and schools empower teens to overcome mental health challenges and build emotional agility, communication savvy, and stress resilience. The impact of social media and screen time in general is incorporated in topics brought to our attention in Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, how it may be impacting our teen’s mental health, and what we can do to help support youth in the face of struggles.
The countdown is on. You have until January 28th to guarantee your student gets a Colorado Early College Fort Collins Middle School yearbook. We will be ordering VERY FEW extra copies to sell at the end of the year. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY there will be a book available for your child if you don’t order a book by January 28th. 
A 3 month payment plan is available when you check out from Jostens.com. If you have already bought a book, THANK YOU! Offer ends: January 28th.
Purchase today before it’s too late! http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01129622

Hello 8th grade Parents,
Though the final deadline for submitting your 8th grader's yearbook recognition ad passed a while back, due to extreme interest this year, we have shifted things around in our ever-evolving 2022 yearbook to make more room for recognition ads, so we now have one more page that we can fill. If you are still interested, submit your ad now. This very limited amount of space is being sold first come, first served. The last day we will be able to accept any late ads will be January 18th or until the available space is filled, whichever comes first. Please visit www.TheYearbookCompany.com for more information and/or to submit. - Mrs. Duran
SPORTS AND PETS: Do you have pictures of your student(s) participating in sports? How about pictures of your student and their pets? If so, we need them for our yearbook!

Please send pictures to Ms. Rogers at: Jackie.Rogers@coloradoearlycolleges.org
Please visit http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01129622 to order your yearbook today!

Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 11th!
We have a family of nesting owls in our trees again. These owls can be very aggressive, so please avoid disrupting them and try to avoid the the tree area at the front of the building.
Our next Informational Meeting for the 2022-23 school year is on Wednesday, January 26th, from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.
Please click HERE to sign up.

Informational Meetings are designed to help potential students and their parents/guardians understand CEC's unique program.

While not required, we strongly encourage parents/guardians and students to participate in an informational meeting. You will have an opportunity to chat with CECFC staff members, ask questions about the middle school and/or high school and tour the middle school (McMurry) or high school campus.

The following documents will be needed when completing the enrollment process:
  • Birth Certificate, Passport, or State issued ID
  • Immunization records or exemption
  • Transcript (incoming 10-12th graders) or Report Card (incoming 6-9th graders)

Both high school and middle school information is covered during the meeting.
To RSVP for this meeting, click HERE. To view a list of upcoming meetings click HERE and scroll toward the bottom of the page.
If you have family members, siblings, or friends who are interested in enrolling, please share this link: https://coloradoearlycolleges.schoolmint.net/signup 
or click the button below.

Please gather the following documents to have on hand when completing the enrollment process: 
  • Birth Certificate, Passport, or State issued ID  
  • Immunization records or exemption  
  • Transcript (incoming 10-12th graders) or Report Card (incoming 6-9th graders)

All current students will automatically be reenrolled for the 2022-23 school year. Students enrolled in 8th grade for the 2021-22 school year at McMurry Middle School do not need to enroll in the CECFC High School. They will receive a separate email later in the year with additional instructions on what steps are needed to complete the transition into CECFC High School.
The Refer-A-Friend form for the 2022-23 school year is now available! Refer a friend to CEC and you could be eligible for $100 gift card!

Click the button below to fill out the form.
Parents, Guardians and Students, did you know IC is not only on the web but there is a mobile app as well? You can check attendance, grades, assignments, set notifications, and so much more!
Download the Infinite Campus Parent or Student App today to stay connected!
To find out more information, click the button below.
If at any time you are having problems with Infinite Campus and/or Teams, please contact our support team at: support@coloradoearlycolleges.org
For an updated list of classroom exposures please use this link.

Class exposures will be kept for 3 weeks before being removed from the dashboard and the link will be updated daily.
It doesn't get any easier to show your school pride than by shopping online for exclusive CEC Wolf Wear!

Click on the button below to make your purchase now!
Need a reminder of important school dates? Click on the button for the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar!
CECFC MS Main Line: (970)893-4549
Attendance: (970) 682-2007
Attendance Email: fcmsattendance@coloradoearlycolleges.org

Do you have a question, concern, or are you just not sure to whom you need to speak with? The School Contact Information Sheet is a list of helpful contact information for CECFC Middle School and High School.