Greetings from Westervelt Hall! | |
Earth Day Family Engagement Event TONIGHT (Thursday, May 12, 5-6pm)
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Dear Families,
As June approaches, our students are not only busy with wrapping up learning for the school year, they are also preparing for class, state, and benchmark assessments. There are seasons within a school year, just as there are in the calendar year, and we are in the midst of the Assessment Season. Every year at this time, the students will take the MAPs test so that their teachers can see what growth they have made. This data will be shared with the next year’s teacher to ensure continuity in providing targeted support. The 4th- and 8th-grade students will be taking the New York State Science tests later this month, which will assess how well they have learned key concepts. Many of our high school students will be taking the New York Regents tests in June, which allows them to earn their diplomas. Your children’s teacher can share their MAPS or Regents test scores; however, your home school district will have the scores for the state assessments.
The guiding principle for all of our students at RSD is that instruction aligns with the New York standards. It is our responsibility to provide the same education that all students in our state receive, and the state assessments are directly matched to the standards and indicate if a student has met them for the specific grade level. Our teachers then use each child’s IEP as the guide for modifying instruction in order to meet specific needs, with the end goal always being the same: teaching to the standards. Educating Deaf/Hard of Hearing students requires skills to allow clear instruction in ASL, as well as expertise in understanding background knowledge and building ASL/English vocabulary in order for academic achievement to occur. That is why our teachers are incredibly valuable! We know that all of our students can thrive and succeed in learning, and we are committed to ensuring they are best prepared to follow their dreams.
We are truly your partners in the education of your children. Our teachers and staff are here to support their learning and development, and to help you in understanding each child’s plan for success. Thank you for supporting your children in getting a good night’s rest and eating a well-balanced breakfast before any test day. We want them to bring their “A-game” and be able to show what they have learned.
I wish you a happy spring and hope to see you at the Family Festival on May 26! Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
With kind regards,
Susan Ogden, Interim Principal
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May 26, 5-7pm
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May 25 & 26, 7pm
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Dominic and JD Make Their Mark at NTID's Next Big Idea
NTID's Next Big Idea High School version challenges deaf and hard of hearing students from across the nation to come up with a product, business, service, or technology that solves a problem or eliminates an existing challenge for potential consumers and/or users everywhere.
Dominic and JD's big idea earned them a spot in the final round of competition, where they presented their plan for vehicle rollover prevention to a panel of esteemed judges. Dominic and JD explain, "Our plan is to try our best to save lives by preventing car rollovers, possibly resulting in the people involved in the accident to be seriously injured, or even death.... Our main solution idea is a gyroscopic sensor with pneumatic responsive suspension." As finalists, they outlined the plan and did an analysis of audience, competitors, and costs.
While they narrowly missed a spot on the podium and a cash prize, their work so impressed the judges that they were offered full scholarships to attend the NTID Explore Your Future program this summer. Teacher Isaiah Tyler couldn't be prouder, "As the only underclass students in the finals, they took on an ambitious idea, researched it thoroughly, and put together a compelling case. I'm so excited that they will now get this important opportunity to explore career opportunities and have a taste of life as college students."
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Classroom Technology Upgrades Continue
RSD IT took advantage of spring break to bring more classrooms online with the new ClearTouch LED interactive Boards. Upgrades started in November 2021 and involve removing old projectors & SMARTBoards and adding the new interactive boards. The new devices are brighter, offer more interactivity with multiple technologies, and improve the classroom environment according to students and staff that have used them.
Teacher Joey Ausanio says, "I'm absolutely loving my ClearTouch board. I have been able to provide more visual materials to my classes by using the board. It's fast, and it has many options I can use as a teacher. It also helps make teaching lessons much more effective. It's an absolute lifesaver."
There are 39 classroom areas in Westervelt and Denton Halls, and the planned upgrades will span a few years based on budget.
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Wildcats Chess Invitational Continues
The RSD team of Alvin C., Cayne A., Cody C., Braulio C., and Niko S. is 3-1-0 and up against some great teams. They have played against six schools since the end of March and have pulled out some great moves. They have two more matches this week against Indiana School for the Deaf and Maryland School for the Deaf and are hoping to qualify for the semi-finals. The following are the standings as of Monday, May 10:
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International Travel Provides Opportunities for Learning and Growth
by Jessica Meissner, Director of Curriculum and Curriculum
One goal that RSD has had for many years is to make sure that students have the opportunity to be able to learn and grow both inside and outside of the classroom. The Travel Abroad Program offers juniors and seniors the ability to gain skills over the course of two years, with the culmination being a trip abroad. In April, eight students, Teaching Assistant Jeff Pratt, and I spent 10 days between Paris, France and London, England. What the students gained during the two years of preparation and planning and then what they added to their skills and knowledge during our trip will serve them well in life, regardless of where their path takes them!
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RSD Librarian Christine Fitzgerald offers some suggestions from the shelves of the Learning Resource Center for our young readers. | |
For our youngest readers, May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
"B is for Breathe: The ABCs of Coping with Fussy & Frustrating Feelings" - Dr. Melissa Munro Boyd
Additional book recommendations for Mental Health Awareness Month.
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For our middle-grade readers, we are showcasing Deaf author Ann Clare Lezotte.
She has a companion set of books out. The first book is "Show Me a Sign," and the second book is "Set Me Free." These are great books with a strong female character that will challenge you to think differently about the dignity and capacity within every human being.
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April was also a big month in literature for Deaf authors, education, and culture. These books may be of interest to our families! Please note that they include adult themes and are not endorsed by RSD but have been highlighted for your consideration and review. | |
Thursday. 5-6pm. See flyer.
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Friday. 6-10pm. Rochester Brainery. View flyer.
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Wednesday. Game time 7:05pm. View flyer.
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Thursday. 6pm. RSD Auditorium. View flyer.
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Thursday. 6-7pm. Presented by Victorica Monroe via zoom. More information to follow.
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Friday. 4pm. Details to follow.
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Susan Ogden
Interim Principal
585-336-5878 | VP 585-286-2841
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Sarah Gordon
Dean of Students
VP 585-270-7536
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Carrie Fisher
Director, Student Life
VP 585-286-2804
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Lisa Glasser
Director, Services for Children
585-336-5854 | VP 585-286-2806
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Jessica Meissner
Director, Curriculum & Instruction
585-336-5870 | VP 585-286-2805
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Karen Windhorn
Director, Early Childhood Programs
585-336-5877 | VP 585-286-2807
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1545 St. Paul Street
Rochester, NY 14621
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