In the Know

Upcoming Services

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Two Services:

9:00 am (in-person)

11:15 am (in-person and via Zoom)

Collaborative Arts Worship Service

Justin Cody, Director of Music

& UUCA Poetry Pals

In this collaborative arts worship service with the UUCA Poetry Pals, poems about trust will be read with musical support.  

Service and music led by Justin Cody, Director of Music & UUCA Poetry Pals; Charlene Gatewood is Worship Leader; and Wonderbox by Sarah Devlin-Tremble, Director of Lifespan Faith Formation. Flowers for the Sanctuary are provided by Chris Wien.


*Please fill out the Virtual Connection Card.*

Missed last week? See Past Sermons


Sunday, March 23

Before or During the 1st Service

Mindfulness Practice Group

9:00 am - 10:00 am


Every Sunday in the UU Sisterhood room.

Join us at the UU Church of Annapolis for our spiritual practice group, a sangha (community of contemplative friends), where we come together as a supportive community on our meditation journey. Our group follows the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, but we welcome all to come sit with us. Like him, we respect all meditation practices and celebrate the diversity of practice among us. 

Middle Hour (10:15 am - 11:05 am)

Location: Black Lives Matter room and via Zoom.

Parenting Spiritually

Drop in for Supportive Conversations for caregivers with Jessie Rhines.

 Location: UU Sisterhood room.

 Location: Wendi Winters Memorial room. 

Take to the Streets! Come hear how to safely attend protests, demonstrations, and direct actions. With our own Phil Ateto. 

 Location: Piscataway room.

Join a "visiting steward" to learn and share more about UUCA and our pledging to support our annual operating budget.

 Location: Lobby. 

Beyond Middle Hour (11:15 pm and after)

Meeting of the Brain Balance Group with Scott Eden

Location: UU Sisterhood room.

Time: 11:15 am -12 pm

Newly Forming Outdoor Adventure Club with Becca Anderson

Interested in activities like hiking, dodge bow, high-ropes courses, rafting, and more? Join us in the and get involved!

Location: Sanctuary.

Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm.

Gallery 333 and Full Circle invite you to an After Hour Artist Reception with refreshments for Elemental Reflections. This exhibition showcases artworks that embody the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Location: Lobby and Gallery 333 hallway.   

Announcements & Events

Board of Trustees meeting

from 6:45 - 9 pm

Next meeting: Thursday, 3/27

Interested in knowing where UUCA is at and where we are going? Join us at one of our monthly meetings!

Location: Wendi Winters Memorial Room

and Zoom

Meeting ID: 922 5263 7488


Beyond Sunday Announcements

You are our Beloved Community and we want to make sure you are safe. The deck is being repaired this week through Saturday. Please do not use the downstairs entrance.

You may use the Gallery/Office door to enter and then go down the stairs to your rooms. That door is to the left of the main glass entrance. Just follow the path. If you need a door code, please email me at I’m always so excited when I see one more thing that improves our church. Have a great day!

Multigenerational Choir

Come sing as a family. Come sing as an intergenerational pair. Come Sing. Prepare for one Sunday performance of two songs! Sunday 3/30, 2nd Service Two Rehearsals: Wednesday, 3/26 at 7 pm and Sunday 3/30 during Middle Hour. We will be singing Peace Like a River and We Give Thanks. Both are hymns that all UUs should know and are easy enough for children to sing. Led by Justin Cody. Register in Realm.

Board serving dinner at the Light House

Some members of your UUCA Board along with co-coordinator James Robertson made and served dinner at the Light House Homeless Prevention Shelter on Sunday March 9th. There are still spaces for your group to sign up and serve meals. Contact James Roberson. 

Providing Flowers for the Sanctuary


Did you know you can honor someone or a special event by providing flowers for a Sunday service? It's the perfect way to recognize a birthday or anniversary, express gratitude, memorialize someone special, or simply beautify the sanctuary. Contact Olivia Bittner ( at least three weeks in advance to reserve a specific Sunday. On the designated Sunday, bring a floral arrangement for the front of the sanctuary in advance of the Service. Thank you!

Mindfulness Practice Group

There are multiple events on different days that happen each week.

Stay updated!


in the Sanctuary

6:30 pm- 8:30 pm


in the UU Sisterhood room

9:00 am - 10:00 am


via Zoom

4:30 pm to 5:10 pm

Meet with Your Minister 

Rev. John: You can set up a meeting by emailing him. 

UUCA Calendar

The button below will take you to our calendar.

Please note that only public events will appear in this calendar.

UUCA Realm Calendar


The church office is open during these hours.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Wednesday, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.


Seeking information?

In need?





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(410) 266-8044 | 333 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD 21401