St. Cuthbert Anglican Church

"A Place to Grow"

St. Cuthbert's, here is your weekly focus on things that are happening in the parish. Read and stay connected.

Future Events Focus

Featured Worship Services Focus


8:00am - Said Holy Communion BCP

10:00am - Choral Eucharist BAS*

*Available via live Zoom: Click Here To Join This Sunday's Service

*With Sunday School & Nursery


10:00am - Said Holy Communion BAS

Lenten Offerings Focus


Lenten Water Bottles

This year Lenten Water Bottle offering will go towards WINGS.

Parish Wide Lenten Series Study

This Lent using Trevor Hudson's 40 Words for 40 Days: Pauses for Lent you can join a small group, study alone, or join others on Wednesday evenings after the 7:00 pm service for a time of introspection, prayer, and seeking God's guidance.

Mondays at 7pm – Doyle’s

Wednesday at 7:30pm - Church

Thursdays at 2:30 pm – Hains

Thursdays at 7pm – Home Fellowship

Fridays at 1:30pm – McDowall

Sundays at 3pm – FABS


Books available for $12.00

Contact: Rev. Monte - 604-594-8822 ext 104

Lent Evening Prayer

For 5 weeks there will be an Evening Prayer at 7:00pm at St. Cuthbert's followed by the Trevor Hudson Lenten Series Book Study in the Narthex at 7:30pm

Dates for your diary:

19 March

26 March

2 April

9 April

65th Anniversary Features Focus

65th Anniversary Service

The Venerable Nick Pang, Executive Archdeacon of the Diocese New Westminster, will join us on Sunday 23 March to preach and preside at our 10:00am Service dedicated to our Founder, St. Cuthbert. Refreshments will be served to conclude the festivities of the day.

Commemorative Photo Collection

On Sunday, March 2nd, please bring a photograph of your family taken in the decade in which you first came to St. Cuthbert’s. These photographs will be on display in the Narthex for the month of March to celebrate our church family’s history.

St. Cuthbert's 65th Anniversary Celebrations


As one part of our celebration we are putting together a binder of who we are at St. Cuthbert. It will be called "Who We Are, St. Cuthbert's at 65" and I'm hoping that every single person will join us. This will be a history of our congregation now, for the congregation in years to come to look back at. Had this been done years ago, you could look back and find out about Rev. Pat Reid, Rose Whitaker, Frank Sutton and many, many more former parishioners who are no longer with us.

This is strictly an “in house” project, only for those of us who are around the church to look at, so you need not worry about privacy and this going out to the world at large.

Please fill in a page with the story of you at St. Cuthbert and preferably including a picture of yourself. An outline of what to include and a page to put it on are attached. When you’re done please email it to me ( or print it and bring it to the church.

Suggestions of what to include and a page to put it on are attached.

Please download the two forms here:

Who Are We Suggestions

Who Are We - form

Men's Breakfast

Saturday March 29 at 8:30am

in the St. Cuthbert's Hall.

Confirm with Phillip Kenny to reserve

your plate if you plan to attend.

Contact: Philip Kenny - 778-231-6415,

Funerals & Celebration of Life Focus

Celebration of Life Service for the Late Georg Kiewitt

Saturday, March 22 at 2:00 pm. at St. Cuthbert's

Zoom Link

Celebration of Life Service for the Late Rev. Arthur Nash

Saturday, April 5 at 10:30am. at St. David Anglican Church:

1115 – 51 A Street, Delta

Celebration of Life Service for the Late Dick Van Egmond

Saturday, April 26 at 1:00 pm. at St. Cuthbert's followed by Ashes Interment at Valley

View Cemetery

Rest eternal grant them O Lord,

And let light perpetual shine upon them.

May their souls, and the souls of all the departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in eternal peace and rise again in glory.



In the News

Submission of articles for the next issue of the

Parish Newsletter - The Communicator are due in April 2 with the email date of April 10. Email your articles to Barb Steele at

ACW Meeting

Dorcas Shower

Everyone WELCOME!!

Help us collect new baby items to help the Diocese of New Westminster ACW make layettes for new moms across the Diocese & the Yukon!

Monday, April 7 at 7:00 pm, in the Church Office Area

Contact: Beth Fortin - 604-572-8122

Monthly Luncheon

Monday, April 14 at 12:00 noon till 1:115pm

St. Cuthbert Hall. 

Cost: $6.00/person.


Contact: Jan Wilmot - 604-584-0710

Spring Clean Up

Saturday, May 3 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Come help clean up the inside or outside of the church.

Lunch and goodies will be provided.

Bring gloves and tools you will need.

Susan Gage: 778-866-0843

Future Formations Focus

Confirmation 2025

For those interested please contact Rev. Monte. Teens to adults of any age: to affirm your faith from your baptism to your confirmation, reception into the Anglican Church, or reaffirmation – connecting back to the church. Confirmation is on June 14 at Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver. Monte would love to talk to you about your questions about faith.

Our Mission Statement

“To seek and encourage growth as a Christ–Centred community, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to know God and to make God known in word and deed.”

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Past Services
