September 2023


Lion's Law has been awarded a "Strategic Business Advisor Accolade" from Sumiao Hunan Kitchen for its "unwavering dedication and invaluable contribution". 


Court granted our motion to enforce a settlement reached at a mediation. We represent the defendant a small business owner in a 2.5 year long case where parties reached a verbal settlement at a mediation session. The following day, plaintiff reneged and refused to sign a settlement agreement. We requested court to enforce the verbal settlement, because mediator read out loud of parties' agreement, and parties clearly expressed their consent to the agreement, thus a verbal agreement was reached. We also reasoned that to continue the case will cause unnecessary financial burden to our client. Court agreed with our position.  

Our office reviewed and edited an employment handbook for a client company with employees throughout multiple states. 


On August 9, 2023, Biden issued an Executive Order which controls on outbound U.S. investments in certain Chinese entities. To learn more about the details, read the article in Chinese below.


美国当地时间2023年8月9日,总统拜登签署了有关对华投资限制的总统行政命令[1](以下简称"行政令"),该行政令将严格限制美国企业对受关注国家(目前仅针对中国大陆、中国香港特别行政区和中国澳门行政区)高科技和敏感技术领域的投资,并且要求美国企业就其他科技领域在美国投资情况向美政府进行投保。具体执行方面,该行政令授权美国财政部长对在中国的投资施行审查机制,禁止或限制美国在包括半导体和微电子、量子技术和人工智能系统三个领域 (Semiconductors and Microelectronics, Quantum Information Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence Systems)中对中国实体(Chinse Entities)进行投资。拜登在给国会的信中声称,他此举是为了应对中国等国家"在军事、情报、监视或网络能力等"重要敏感技术和产品方面的进步所带来的威胁。

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On September 26, 2023 at 7 PM EST, Attorney Fang Wang of Commerce and Law Offices 通商律师事务所王芳律师 and 苏州吴中生物医药产业发展有限高级投资经理顾寅凯 will host a Zoom seminar - analyzing the current industry trend in pharmaceutical and biotech in China, as well as preferable government policies on retaining talents for inbound startups from overseas. Register by click HERE.


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Lion’s Law hosted a series of seminars titled Legal Considerations for Overseas Startups in China by guest speakers.

Lion's Law Immigration Partner Le Ye speeches on EB-1A and EB-2 NIW, EB-5 and H-1B, L-1 and Other Employment Based Visas.

Lion’s Law Attorney Ke Yi hosted seminars of Estate Planning including real case study and analysis, frequently asked questions and answers.

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