Connecting in the Word with other believers
Child & Youth Sunday Classes
Little Kingdom (Kids 2 - Kindergarten) - Prayer Chapel
Kingdom Kids (1st - 5th Grade) - Art Room 13W
Youth Group (6th-12th Grade) - Youth Room 29E
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes
Classes Begin on Fresh Start Sunday - September 8
Crossways Bible Class - The Last Words of Christ, Pastor Myron Harms/Andy Hinkle, South Pod 7E
Living Word Class - Timothy, Mike Marino, South Pod 9E
Women of the Word - James, Linda Hinkle, Conf. Rm 15E
Young Adults Bible Class, Katie Weber, Prayer Chapel
Parents Class - Creating a Culture of Grace, Linda Stark, Choir Room 17W
Opportunities to Grow Together
Men with a Mission - Tuesday, April 15 - 6pm
Myron Harms,, 946-0681
Join us for dinner and Bible Study. Contact Myron if you are able to join in.
Thursday Evening Bible Class - 1st, 2nd 3rd John - Myron Harms - Church Chapel - 6pm
Myron Harms,, 405-946-0681
Sisters in Christ Women’s Bible Study - Weds., 9:30am
Kathy Brown,, 405-519-5049
Join us for fellowship and studying the book of Romans. All women are invited. Contact Kathy Brown if you are interested.
Saturday Morning Bible Class - Saturdays, March 15 & 22 - 9:30am - Mike Marino - Church Chapel
Mike Marino, 469-951-1921
Class topic will be The Who, What, When, Where & Why of Revelation. Class meets on 3rd and 4th Saturdays of the month. Contact Mike if interested.
Youth & Families
Parents Class - Creating a Culture of Grace - Sundays, 9:30am - Choir Room
Amber Runge,, 405-501-1706
Bring your kids to spend time with their friends and Jesus, while you get some adult time. In this class, we will look at our family trees and learn how to bring a spirit of grace into the family. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Amber.
Wed Night Family Programs! - Wednesdays 5:45pm-7:45pm - Messiah Gym - March 26 thru April 9
Amber Runge,, 501-1706
Our Wednesday Family Programs for youth from 4 years old on up through high school and their parents and families has begun. Meals, classes and connection time begin on this night. All ages are included in this program. Sign ups, volunteer or questions can be directed to Amber.
Youth Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Amber Runge,, 501-1706
Jr. High Noon Chaos - Sunday, March 23 - 12:00pm-
3:30pm- 6th-8th Grade Students
High School SNL Group - Sunday, March 23 - 5:00pm-8:30pm - 9th-12th Grade Students
Confirmation Retreat - March 28-30
Confirmation Sunday - April 6, 10:45am Worship
Youth events and signups can be made on our
Messiah Band App - Click HERE for the link