December 8, 2022

Akorn Recall & Recommended Buying Alternatives

Recently, Akorn issued a drug recall notice for all products within expiry manufactured by their Somerset facility and announced the closure of this site and subsequent discontinuation of stability support for all marketed products. This notification instructs all retailers to cease dispensing and distributing, and to quarantine a list of specific lots. 

With Akorn leaving the market, this could trigger price increases from other suppliers of these products, so if you have historical usage, consider carrying extra inventory. Click here for recommended alternatives that we feel are the best solutions from a net perspective. Alternative NDCs listed are in order of greatest to least value. These alternatives also have supply constraints, however, there is some availability.


IMPORTANT -- This information is as of November 18, 2022 and prices and supply are subject to change. Please contact your APRx Consultant with any questions.

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