Trinity Episcopal Church

139 Ocean Ave.

Cranston, RI 02905

(401) 941-4324

Visit Our Web Site

Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island

Pray for Peace Daily,

Together We Are Trinity

Contact info for the Reverend Susan Wrathall

You may email Mother Susan at For pastoral emergencies, the contact number is 401-384-0455. To make an appointment, you may either email or call the parish office at 401-941-4324.

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Weekly Events


8:00am and 10:00am

10:00am Live and online

Facebook livestream

Lenten Program, Parish Hall, 6pm

Child Care provided for the 10am Service

Sunday School 9:45am in the Education Room

Choir Rehearsal between services and at 11:30am

Coffee Hour in the Bay Room, following both services

Living Stones 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:05 in the Education room. Vance Morgan will send the topic.


Monday Christian Meditation On Zoom for the winter at 6:00pm

Contact Bill Baddeley (

Monday AA Meeting, parish hall, 7:00 pm

Tuesday Morning Men's

Group 9:30am

Tuesday Knitting Group 10:00am-12:00pm

Thursday A Look at Sunday's Gospel w/ Mother Susan 9-10am

Friday Way of the Cross, Church, 6pm

Pathways to Healing 1st Sat of month @ 10am


Journey through Lent with Trinity Church

Mondays: 6 pm Meditation on ZOOM

Tuesdays: 9:30 am Men’s Group with Bible Study

Thursdays: 9 am A Look at Sunday’s Gospel in the Education Room

First Saturdays: 10 am Pathways to Healing in the Bay Room

Third Sundays: 8:45 am Living Stones in the Education Room

The Way of the Cross – Fridays at 6 pm

March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, (and NOON on Good Friday)

Using Trinity’s lovely stations, walk in Jesus’ footsteps as he makes his way to the Cross through readings and prayer. This 30-minute service can be a meaningful addition to your Lenten journey.

God on Mute: Unanswered Prayer

Five Sunday Evenings in Lent 

March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6

6-8 pm

Childcare provided

We begin with a simple supper of soup and salad. Then, through video and small group discussion we explore those prayers that seem to go unanswered through this transformative 5-part series grounded in Holy Week. The program will be led by Ginny Simms and Mother Susan. Mother Susan also hopes to explore Lent and Easter with our youth during one or two of the sessions. All are welcome to join in.

Chidren burying the HALLELUJAH under the Alter

Ash Wednesday Sermon

The liturgy for Ash Wednesday is so rich it really needs no comment – but the sermon is not optional so I will say a few things about where we find ourselves today, on the first day in Lent.

Click to continue reading

Last Sunday's Sermon

By Mother Susan

Today is the Last Sunday after the Epiphany. This has been a season of epiphanies – big and small revelations or ahas about the Divine. You will recall the Wise Men, on Epiphany, revealing the Messiah to the Gentiles; God’s booming voice at Jesus’ baptism revealing him as God’s only and beloved Son.

Click to continue reading

Pray for peace

Those whom we are remembering in prayer:

Ben, Barbara, Marcia, Bev, David, George, Ginny, Becca, Daniel, Billy, Bruce, Eric, Gabi, Corey, Henry, Tim, Sandy, Harrington, Joan

Grocery Cards Available Every Sunday

155 Princess Ave., Cranston

Social Outreach

FOOD DONATIONS Always needed for the

Ecumenical Food Closet

The usual supplies are still needed: soups, pasta, beans, cereal and snacks.  Let’s not forget our furry family members.  Thank you again for all donations.

Barbara Chartier


A new year and a chance to increase the amount we donated in 2024!

Thank you,

Sue Hinckley, Social Outreach Committee Chair

Contact Sue if you have any questions:


Sunday ⬅️Bulletin link Service at 10am is live streamed on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet