Sunday School
Youth Groups
Adult Forum
A Change in Youth Group Meeting Times
Rite 13 and J2A will meet on the First and Third Sundays after the 10:30 am Mass.
Youth Volunteers Needed
Youth volunteers are needed to help run children's games during our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 16 from Noon-5 pm. Please contact Alison Jandak if you can help!!
Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meets in the Lady Chapel at 9:30 am (between the 8:15 and 10:30 services) most Sundays. Along with our usual Advent and Lenten studies, this year we will include two new discussion series: “The Voices of St Martins” and “Spiritual Practices”. All are welcome.
Sunday School (Preschool - 6th Grade)
In-person Sunday School returns to Saint Martin's! Sunday School occurs during Saint Martin's Sunday 10:30am service.
Please note that this year Saint Martin's will also be having a "Come As You Are" Eucharist on Saturdays at 5:30 pm. For the times when you cannot make the 10:30am Sunday service, we invite you to worship in community with your family at the Saturday service.