Worship Time 10:30 am


We look forward to seeing all our regular and many new Bible study folks at the Bible/book study and dinner. There has been one session so far but please join us anytime! The next chapter of the series “Experiencing the Bible in Historical Context, The Promised Land” will be “Wet Feet” occurring on October 12.  The evening begins at 6 pm with a light supper of soup, salad, bread, and dessert. Following dinner, we will watch a video and follow the study guide with questions and discussion. Bob Slagel will be leading the discussion. Everyone is welcome! No prior knowledge of the Bible or Christianity is required. Contact: Pastor Jody Guerrera,, 860-364-5002


A dog show and blessing of the animals will occur at Christ Church Episcopal in Sharon on Sunday, October 8. The blessing of the animals will begin at 12 noon.  All types, sizes and species of animals will be blessed; however, they must be caged, leashed or muzzled if necessary. The dog show will begin at 12:30. This should be a fun time!


Mission TeamHaidee continues to deliver two or three cases of toilet paper on a monthly basis to the St. Thomas Food of Life Pantry in Amenia Union.


Julie did a wonderful presentation during Sunday morning worship detailing the different missions in Haiti which the mission team feels are trustworthy and would be the focus of our church's foreign mission. She presented Hospital Albert Schweitzer, which our church has supported for many years, Hope for Haiti (focus on clean water) and Mission Haiti (Christian-based mission in education, elderly housing and medical care). The mission team is proposing a mission "minute" every couple of months during the service.


The team voted to disperse the money raised through Falcon Ridge Folk Festival concessions as follows: $800 will go to the church for the all-access ramp installation and the remaining $2,000 will be divided between Haiti missions and local food pantries.


 Concerning our discussion regarding the 2023 Christmas season, we hope to offer both "The Three Gifts Project" providing gifts to Sharon Social Services’ children and "The Red Stockings" providing monetary support for medical assistance for local community children.


The Mission Team will meet the third Sunday of each month and at the next meeting on October 15, we will focus on our local mission: How can our church combine supporting local needs with sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to our next meeting, and we would love to hear ideas concerning meeting our local mission goals. Any questions or inspirations can be brought to Arlin DeBoer, mission team leader.

Caring Team--The next caring team meeting will be on October 8 after the church service. Please join us for a cup of coffee and a discussion of ways in which we are "loving our neighbors as ourselves." We are always looking for new ways to reach this goal, so bring your ideas to the meeting!

A food collection basket will be in the entryway each week for an offering—please consider donating non-perishable items when you can.


 See TJ Murtagh, team leader, if you have questions or inspirations.


Worship TeamIf you enjoy sharing the Gospel by reading scripture on Sunday mornings, please sign up on the board in the fellowship hall or tell Pastor Jody direct; she would love to talk to you about it.

Fellowship TeamJoin us for coffee, tea, or a cold drink and snacks following the Sunday morning worship service! In addition, there has been impromptu gatherings for puzzle building in the fellowship hall and trips to local restaurants for lunch following coffee hour (aptly named “the lunch bunch”).


Volunteers to host coffee hour are always appreciated—a signup sheet is in the fellowship hall. I look forward to hearing from you with suggestions for activities or field trips that would help us get to know each other better. Kathy Amiet – Fellowship Team Leader - 860-836-4294 or


Prayer Team--We invite all to take part in prayer time each Sunday before worship in the fellowship hall as we continue to pray for the service, preaching and the congregation in attendance.

If you have a specific prayer request, let Pastor Jody know or drop a note in the prayer box located near the collection plates. An email will then be sent to our list of faithful pray-ers. If you prefer, your request can be anonymous—God knows your needs!

Teaching Team--October’s Book of the Month is Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas and three copies for loan are on the black bookshelves in the fellowship hall.


Book Overview--In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.” Turning the other cheek does not mean standing by while the enemies of God dismantle Christian civilization and brainwash our children. Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable. Silence is not an option. God calls us to defend the unborn, to confront the lies of cultural Marxism, and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom. Confident that this is His fight, the Church must overcome fear and enter the fray, armed with the spiritual weapons of prayer, self-sacrifice, and love.


Questions and inspirations can be brought to Bob Slagel, teaching team leader.


  • The next Executive Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, October 16 at 6pm.
  • Check out the calendar on our website—updated when we receive new information about an event.


  • Communion will be served during our service on the first Sunday of each month, except during the Lenten season, and there will be a time dedicated each Sunday to the blessing of gifts.
  • A Bible-based, 12-step program for people in recovery meets in the fellowship hall on Friday evenings from 6–7pm. JoAnn Carman is the contact person.
  • Grief Support Group meets on Sundays at 5pm in the fellowship hall. For further details, please speak with JoAnn Carman.  
  • Child care is offered during worship time. Speak with a greeter if you have need of this service.
  • Our Sunday worship service and weekly Bible studies are offered on our website: If you would like to receive an email notification of either of these events, please let us know.
  • Our newsletters are available in the narthex, sent to our email list and posted to our website.

