Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.
Hear Ye Here Ye, Your Monthly Newsletter Has Arrived
A Letter from our Executive Director
Joy Wins
Last year, I was so excited to announce my word and then my co-worker announced hers. Happiness and joy. Said co-worker pronounced joy is better than happiness and we all sat pondering the difference. There you have it – the entirety of 2021 has been about exploring the difference between the two.
Giving Tuesday - Thank you for being a difference maker in Charlotte County. With your Giving Tuesday gift, you helped us raise more than $19,000 which was more than last year. Your donation continues our vision of a community united where collectively we help families reach their full potential. Thank you for your generosity.
Women United Holiday - Thank you very much to Dillard's for hosting a fabulous event and shopping experience. It was festive, fun and wonderful meeting new friends while connecting with our community. Thank you very much to those who came out to support United Way of Charlotte County. Click here to read more.
Who is Someone that Transformed Your Life?
Let us share your story. When you give, tell us why the person you're honoring is special to you and how they transformed your life. Click here to make your year-end gift today.
Pizza for the Win!
For every order of a large 2-topping pizza, 10” cheesesticks, and 2-liter soda through the end of this year, you can ask Papa John’s to donate $2.11 to United Way of Charlotte County (just use the code LIVE UNITED). And you get all of that for $22.11.