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January 6, 2022
A PESA staffer gets more than she bargained for when tackling our website relaunch—but her pain is your gain
Friends and fans of PESA would be forgiven if they haven’t looked at our website in some time. It was, after all, a little, well … dated. In our defense, it’s tough enough running a busy CBO, let alone also playing webmaster in the warp-speed Digital Age.
But in a classic case of “be careful what you ask for,” Director of Youth Services Araksya Nordikyan made the crucial miscalculation early last year of suggesting that we consider a website reboot. “I can still hear Mr. Amster saying, ‘You’re right Roxy! Why don’t you take that on?’” Nordikyan recalls with a rueful laugh.

Well, take it on she did, though admittedly having no idea what she was getting into. But in true MacGyver fashion, just seven months, 127 Excedrin headaches and countless revisions and changes later, we are proud to announce the rollout of our new and greatly improved PESA website.
You can see for yourself the bright and shiny arrival at, and we think you’ll like what you find. Things like all-new graphics; improved navigation; resources such as links to our many educational programs; lists of our incredible partners; mission statements, staff and intern bios … the list goes on. And there are more improvements still in the works.

“We get asked so often to explain all the things PESA does for our community,” says Nordikyan, “and I am so excited that all of that information can now be found in a single, organized space for those who want to get involved, donate or become a partner.”

If you’d like to support PESA’s many social and educational initiatives, please contact us.