August-September 2023

Community Advocates Connections


Community Advocates staff and our partners never shy away from dealing with tough problems. We try to find ways to address them and prevent them from ever happening. Some of these tough problems include homelessness, community disinvestment, domestic violence, and substance misuse. Over the decades, our programs and services have adapted to meet the needs of community members coping with these problems, and we promise to never stop advocating for their well-being and right to live in dignity. As you’ll see in this newsletter, we’re working on issues that seem tough—and issues like domestic violence and fentanyl are tough—but they are not impossible. I welcome you to learn more about our work and join us as we make positive and lasting changes in our community. 

In gratitude,

Andi Elliott

Chief Executive Officer

Community Advocates

Community Advocates' Andi Elliott

Receives Equal Justice Award

Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee honored Community Advocates CEO Andi Elliott with its Equal Justice Award at its annual luncheon on at the Italian Community Center on September 7. Community Advocates and Legal Aid Society are strong partners: the organizations share our downtown office building and, more importantly, share a mission to uplift Milwaukee’s marginalized individuals and families so that they may live with dignity and achieve true justice. If you’ve ever met Andi you’ll agree that she is very deserving of this honor, and we at Community Advocates thank Legal Aid Society for recognizing her contributions to our community.

Community Advocates Public Policy Institute's

15th Anniversary Celebration

An Evening with Ben Westhoff, Author of

Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Created the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Grace Center, 250 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee

VIP Meet and Greet with Ben Westhoff: 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Doors Open, Food & Silent Auction: 5:30 p.m.

Main Event with Local Leaders & Ben Westhoff: 6:30-10 p.m.

PPI anniversary with Ben Westhoff

As we mark our 15th anniversary, we at Community Advocates Public Policy Institute are recommitting to enhancing our community members’ health, mental health, and wellness to by addressing the harms posed by opioids and other drugs to individuals, families, and communities.

To help us understand how various forms of opioids and other deadly substances find their way into our community and what we can do about it, on November 2, we will host a special night with investigative reporter Ben Westhoff, author of Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Created the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic.

Guests will gather at the Grace Center in Downtown Milwaukee, featuring presentations by local leaders, a book signing with Westhoff, appetizers and desserts, nonalcoholic "mocktails" specifically developed for our guests, a silent auction, and free Narcan and training. Our event sponsors, PPI Members, and special guests will be able to meet Westhoff in an intimate gathering before the program begins and may receive a complimentary copy of his book.

PPI Network Members will receive free admission to the pre-event meet-and-greet with Ben Westhoff and a complimentary copy of his book with their ticket purchases—another reason to consider becoming an individual or organizational member of the PPI Network.

Event sponsorships are available and gratefully accepted

Get Details & Tickets

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Community Advocates highlights the need to notice and support the needs of survivors of intimate partner violence and resolve to end the cycle of violence for good. We urge survivors and their loved ones to reach out for help so that individuals and families can heal from this trauma and thrive. Community Advocates is here for you, 24 hours a day.

The Milwaukee Women’s Center, a Division of Community Advocates, provides emergency shelter and supportive care to women and children who have survived domestic violence. In addition to operating an emergency shelter, we offer comprehensive programming for the entire family, with the goal of building stability, independence, health, and healing. Programs and services include help with finding housing, case management services, the Nevermore Batterers' Treatment program, the Older Abused Women's program, trauma-informed programs for children, substance abuse treatment in English and Spanish, and the Bottomless Closet clothing bank with job-searching coaching.

If or when you need to talk to someone about your experiences, we are here for you. Our 24-hour crisis line is 414-671-6140. Call anytime.

Learn about Our Programs

Nevermore Can Help

If you are a man age 15 or older and you’re having trouble understanding male behaviors related to intimate partner violence (domestic violence) and you would like to learn new behaviors and modify inappropriate ones, Nevermore can help.

Nevermore Batterers Prevention and Intervention Program offers classes/groups to help males learn new and appropriate behaviors in the areas of intimate partner relationships—free of charge.

For more information or to enroll:

Steve Thomas


4900 W. Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee

Learn More

Energy Assistance Season Returns October 1

Community Advocates is a proud partner in the Milwaukee County Energy Assistance Program. This program provides vital benefits to eligible county residents during the heating months. To set up an appointment, go to or call 414-270-4MKE (4653). 

Schedule an Appointment

Recognizing Excellence

Astrid Ryan

This month we’re highlighting the work of Astrid Ryan, a Bilingual English/Spanish Disability Services Advocate at Community Advocates. Our SSI and Disability and Advocacy programs provide much-needed services for those who are living with a disability and trying to navigate various systems so that they can live with dignity. Oftentimes, they come to us needing help with other issues connected to their basic needs. As you’ll see from this email we received from Molly at MHS Health Wisconsin, Astrid is an expert advocate for her clients.

Here’s what Molly had to say: "I just wanted to reach out and tell you how wonderful Astrid is, as I am sure you are aware. We were sent an urgent email from DHS for a very vulnerable member of ours trying to navigate SSI and compassionate allowance while trying to remain housed, keep her power on for herself and kids, and battle a rare form of cancer.

"I asked Astrid to outreach ASAP and Astrid spoke with her on a Saturday. The following Tuesday, Astrid let me know that she had already spoken with the Disability Determination Bureau supervisor and got the case pulled to be worked on and could have an answer in two weeks! Astrid also connected her to the housing program and emergency energy assistance. She truly goes above and beyond for her clients.


"I used to work in a similar role as Astrid with SSI applications, so I know what a feat that is to actually get them to pull a case early. She is just wonderful and we and our members are so lucky to have this program with her support!" 

Community Advocates Supported

International Overdose Awareness Day

Hundreds of loved ones and allies of those impacted by overdose gathered during three community events on Thursday, August 31, International Overdose Awareness Day, as well as a press conference featuring Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and other local leaders.


The events featured resources, Narcan training and supplies, fentanyl test strips, healing activities, prayers, kids’ activities, a memorial lantern lighting, and a march to end overdose. A Memorial Tree decorated with purple ribbons went on display at City Hall. In addition, the Hoan Bridge lit up purple on August 30 and 31, thanks to Light the Hoan, to show support for those living with a substance use disorder and their friends and family.


The events, presented by RISE Drug Free MKE, which is overseen by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, were hosted and organized by Samad’s House, UMOS Inc., Team HAVOC, and RISE Drug Free MKE.

Partnering organizations were: City of Milwaukee Health Department, CleanSlate Medical Group, Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, Community Medical Services, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, Milwaukee Fire Department, Milwaukee Women’s Center, Nar-Anon, Onepillkills, RISE Drug Free MKE, Samad’s House, Street Angels, Team HAVOC, UMOS Inc., Vivent Health, and Wauwatosa Health Department.


A big thank you goes out to everyone who attended and welcomed visitors on this meaningful day. The turnout from the community and commitment from local organizations prove that the will to tackle substance misuse and overdose is mighty. 

Community Advocates Hosts

Harm Reduction Vending Machine

We’re pleased to announce that Community Advocates’ downtown offices, located at 728 N. James Lovell St., now hosts a Harm Reduction Vending Machine thanks to funding from Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services. The vending machine is stocked with Narcan, fentanyl test strips, safe disposal kits, medication lock pouches, gun locks, and information and resources. All supplies are free to the public during regular business hours. 

Much Appreciated

Many thanks go out to Eaton Corp. for making a big donation to the Milwaukee Women’s Center Emergency Shelter’s programs and services for individuals and families experiencing housing instability and domestic violence. We appreciate your generosity!

Walk In for Housing Help

Our Housing Department will help community members in person without an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome at Community Advocates' downtown offices at 728 N. James Lovell St., Milwaukee.

  • Monday: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You can also find available rentals in Milwaukee and surrounding areas on our website. We update the listings every week on our website and Facebook page.

Click Here for Rental Listings

We’re Hiring!

We have a number of career opportunities right now. Join our team!

  • Bilingual Mental Health and Wellness Coordinator
  • On-Call Resident Manager
  • Seasonal Energy Assistance Advocate
  • Shelter Advocate
Get Details & Apply
Community Advocates’ Wish List

Can you help Community Advocates and the Milwaukee Women's Center meet the needs of our program participants? We serve families and individuals who have experienced homelessness or domestic violence, and most of them come into Emergency Shelter or our Autumn West Safe Haven with few belongings. We're currently seeking these items for our guests:

  • Hoodies for toddlers up to adults
  • Jackets of all sizes, from toddlers to adults
  • Twin sheets
  • Blankets
  • Socks, boys and girls, men and women
  • New underwear for all ages, from toddlers to adults
  • New pillows
  • Tennis shoes for boys, girls, men, and women
  • New or gently used towels
  • School supplies
  • Pots and pans, utensils, dishes, blankets, and other household items

If you are able to give, please reach out to Jeri at to coordinate delivery of your donation. Thank you!

Community Advocates’ Services and Resources

You can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Join Our Mailing List
Community Advocates
2023 Board of Directors
President: Bryan House | Foley & Lardner, LLP
Vice President: Sharon Jordan | Direct Supply
Treasurer: Sandra Samse | BDO
Secretary: Natasha Dotson | Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative

Board Members
Sheree Dallas Branch | The Salvation Army
Anne DeLeo | Community Volunteer
Valerie Gabriel | Community Volunteer
Gary Ingram | Igary Events
Pamela Klein | Community Volunteer
Jim Liedtke | Community Volunteer
Alexandra Urrutia-Comas | Advocate Aurora Health
Kate Venne | Brady Corporation
Jodi Wire | Community Volunteer

Lisa Kaiser | Community Advocates | |

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