A semi-annual newsletter brought to you by the ACATE Council


January 2022

The Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) is pleased to provide its inaugural ACATE CANVAS Newsletter. With this semi-annual newsletter, the Council intends to inform its many stakeholders of the progress of art therapy program accreditation generally and the actions of the Council more specifically.

CAAHEP/ACATE Standards Revision - Volunteers Sought

All accrediting bodies are required to conduct periodic

reviews of their educational standards, seeking continuous

improvement and increased relevancy. ACATE has begun

its Standards Revision process with the creation of five

Review Committees, aligned with the current standards

and appendices.

  1. Sponsorship and Goals Review Committee – Standards I and II and Appendix A
  2. Physical Resources and Faculty Review Committee – Standards III.A, III.B, III.D
  3. Curriculum Review Committee – Standard III.C and Appendix B 
  4. Student Evaluation and Program Outcomes Review Committee – Standard IV
  5. Fair Practices Review Committee – Standard V

The full wording of the standards can be viewed on the ACATE website.


The Review Committees will seek ways to improve the quality and intent of each standard and the elements within each standard. To improve the relevancy of the standards, the committees will be asked to consider increased focus on flexibility and innovation in programs and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the curriculum. Each committee may meet six or more times over the next 18 months.


ACATE is seeking applications from stakeholders across the art therapy profession to join council members on the Review Committees. Practitioners and educators are especially sought, but other stakeholders are also welcome. We ask that individuals interested in participating in the Standards Revision submit a brief letter of interest and a brief biosketch by January 31, 2022, to Ron Hunt. Please also indicate a preference for which Review Committee(s) on which to serve.

ACATE Seeks Three New Council Members - July 2022

On June 30, 2022, three ACATE members will finish their six years of service on the Council, completing two three-year terms. ACATE seeks applications from art therapists who represent the education community (2 positions) and the practitioner community (1 position) and are interested in promoting the art therapy profession through accreditation.

ACATE is the only organization authorized to recommend the accreditation of art therapy master’s degree programs. All 12 Council Members and one Coordinator are volunteers who strive to conduct uniformly applied, high-quality accreditation processes as they review art therapy programs for initial accreditation, reaccreditation, and annual monitoring of compliance with accreditation standards.


On March 1, 2022, with the posting of the council openings on the ACATE website, applications for the three vacant positions will be accepted. Questions about the Council and its work can be addressed to Ron Hunt, ACATE Chair or Janet Kempf, ACATE Past Chair at

Awards and Recognition

Janet Kempf Receives AATA Distinguished Service Award

Janet Kempf, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, currently ACATE Past Chair, has received the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) 2021 Distinguished Service Award for her extraordinary service to the profession as an ACATE member since 2016, Vice Chair from 2017-2019, and Council Chair from 2019-2021. Janet was an art therapy practitioner in Cincinnati, Ohio, until fall 2021 when she began a Ph.D. program in Counseling Education at the University of Toledo.


As one of the founding members, Janet was instrumental in creating the ACATE Council, setting its policies and procedures, and establishing the initial Accreditation Standards for Art Therapy Education. As ACATE Chair, Janet organized complex projects and workflow processes into important written materials that guide the Council’s accreditation efforts. Despite her full-time job, Janet worked tirelessly during the past six years, keeping the work of the Council flowing while

dealing with many unexpected developments.


The AATA is a sponsor of ACATE’s work, and the accreditation of art therapy programs is a part of the AATA strategic focus.

Rebekah Flack Receives ACATE Outstanding Site Evaluator Award

Rebekah Flack, MA, ATR-BC has received the 2021 Dana Elmendorf Outstanding Site Evaluator Award from ACATE. Rebekah has been a practicing art therapist since 1995 at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and an adjunct faculty member since 2014 in the Cedar Crest College undergraduate art therapy program in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Rebekah has completed several site visits and has worked to continually learn and ask questions. She was the first volunteer site visitor who was not an ACATE Council member but who volunteered for the Lead Site Visitor role. The nomination noted, “Rebekah’s work has been accurate, timely, and always done with good humor and flexibility.”


The award was named for Dana Elmendorf, ATR-BC, LPC, who was the founding chair of the ACATE Council and since 2017 has been the volunteer ACATE Coordinator and also serves as a site evaluator.

Recent CAAHEP/ACATE Accreditation Actions

In the past six months, ACATE completed reviews of three art therapy programs,

leading to accreditation approval for eight years by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Educations Programs (CAAHEP). CAAHEP is the parent accrediting body for ACATE and dozens of other committees on accreditation. The newly accredited programs include:


Congratulation to these programs. They join 17 previously accredited art therapy programs already listed on the CAAHEP website at Nine additional programs are in various stages in their review for their initial accreditation. Of these programs, five have completed their site visits and four have site visits scheduled in spring 2022.

Thank you to our Sponsoring Organization
