CECFC Middle School Newsletter
March 3, 2025
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March 4: MS/HS Choir Concert HS Auditorium 6:30pm
March 14: Masquerade Spring Dance - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
March 17-23: Spring Break MS/HS Closed
March 28: Talent Show - 1:20pm - 2:45pm CEC FC HS Auditorium
March 28: Rollerland - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
**Informational Sessions for Open Enrollment *
March 5: 9:00am - 10:30am
March 27: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
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Welcome to March. We are almost halfway through the semester. Please remember to encourage your students to check their grades and missing assignments frequently. Our tutors are ramping up and will be helping students get caught up in work, learning, and hopefully their grades. We know that students who are behind get discouraged. Also, please remember that we have Tutoring After School from 3 to 4 Monday through Thursday! If your student needs help with learning, assignments, or anything else at school, you can reach out to our front office team, and they can help set up after school tutoring.
We are going to start increasing our school-day and after school activities. Please keep an eye on the newsletter as that is where most updates will be happening. I am also going to start doing weekly posts from Infinite Campus. If you are not getting them, please reach out to our front office to make sure your information is correct in Infinite Campus.
Lastly, as we begin to make plans for next year, we will be sending out an intent to return survey. We would greatly appreciate you completing this form as quickly as possible, so that we can plan properly for how many students we may have in the 25-26 school year.
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Date: March 14th, 2025
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Tickets: $5
*No full masks allowed
*Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria at lunch or at the front desk for part time students not here at lunch.
*Please remember students/families that dress code for CEC applies.
*Parents are responsible to drop off and pick up.
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The CEC Fort Collins Middle School STEM department is looking to upgrade our 3D printers by selling our old ones. All the proceeds from the sale of our old 3D printers will go directly to buying new, more up-to-date models.
We currently have 3 3D printers for sale: A Lulzbot Mini 2, and two Lulzbot Mini 1s. All three machines have been used for a handful years, but all are currently in working order. Some have more wear and tear than others, and that is reflected in the pricing. All the machines use 2.85mm filament. We will also throw in a roll and a half of PLA filament at no extra charge for each machine sold. In addition, both the Mini 1s have working Raspberry Pi's attached to them. Pricing is as follows:
Lulzbot Mini 2: $350.00
Lulzbot Mini 1: $250.00
Lulzbot Mini 1: $200.00
Cash, check, or credit card will be accepted. All sales are final.
If you or anyone you know are interested in purchasing some of our 3D printers, or simply have more questions, please reach out to Mr. Englar at:
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If your student has signed up to audition for our talent show. Audition dates will be Wednesday, March 5th, OR Thursday, March 6th, 3-4 PM, in the music room.
Please have your student choose one day. If you need to pick them up before 4 PM, please communicate with them about being one of the first students to audition. They will be able to have their cell phones during this time (if they have one).
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CECMS Talent Show!
The basics:
The Talent Show is on Friday, March 28th, during 7th and 8th period at the HS auditorium (depending on number of participants).
- Families are encouraged to attend!
What you need to know:
- You need to let Miss Sandlin know by Friday, February 21st, if you are officially wanting to be a part of the show.
- Every act, regardless of what you are doing, is not to exceed
4 minutes.
All acts must be school-appropriate. If you are using music, whether you wrote the song or are using someone else’s song, you are required to give me a copy of the lyrics by Monday, March 3rd.
Pick one day to audition. Wednesday, March 5th, OR Thursday, March 6th, 3-4 PM in the music room
Dates to remember:
Sign up for participating in the show: February 21st
Song lyric check: March 3rd
Auditions: March 5th and March 6th after school (3-4 PM) *choose one day*
Talent Show: Friday, March 28th, 7th and 8th period at the High School
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Congratulations to our middle school MathCounts team, which placed 4th at a tough regional competition on Saturday 2/22! We also had 3 students qualify for the state competition in March -- Yuna Kim, Damian Hilt, and Connor Shedenhelm. Congratulations again to all our MathCounts competitors who did an excellent job representing CEC at UNC this year! | |
School of Choice Enrollment for 25-26 Is Now Open!
CECFC School of Choice Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open for new students in grades 6-12! Tell your friends and families that enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open and you could receive $100 gift certificate for every new student who enrolls! For details check out our Refer-A-Friend Program. To start the enrollment process, click HERE.
Please gather the following documents to have available when completing the enrollment process:
· Birth Certificate, Passport, or State issued ID
· Immunization records
· Transcript (incoming 10-12th graders) or Report Card (incoming 6-9th graders) - Homeschool families, please use CEC Homeschool Transcript Form located on the CEC Website under documents and forms.
· Names, birthdates, and phone numbers for non-parental emergency contacts. CEC requires at least one non-parental emergency contact.
· Legal documents if applicable (i.e., guardianship)
All currently enrolled students will automatically be reenrolled for the 2025-26 school year; you do NOT need to complete a new application! Students currently enrolled in 8th grade in the 2024-25 school year at McMurry Middle School will receive a separate email in February 2025, with instructions on what steps their 8th graders need to complete to transition into CECFC High School.
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Hello CEC Fort Collins families!
As a reminder, teacher work hours are Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm when school is in session. This includes teachers responding to emails and Teams messages from parents and students. While we fully recognize that emails and messages sometimes need to be sent outside of these hours, we ask for brevity and grace in terms of teachers responding to these messages.
Unless it is an emergency, we typically tell our staff that they have 24 hours from the business day the message was received until the following business day to respond.
We highly encourage strong and positive collaboration amongst all of our CEC Fort Collins community, and we thank you for your understanding on this matter.
With Regards,
CEC Fort Collins Middle School Administration
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Huge shout-out to both of our competitive robotics teams - Burnt Filament: Michael A (not pictured), Ryaden L, and Connor S & Mechanical Dart Frogs: Damian H and Troy S - who have qualified for the VEX V5 Middle School Robotics Colorado State Tournament!! This is a wonderful accomplishment as only 36 teams from the entire state of Colorado qualify. Way to go guys!! | |
High School and Middle School Choral Concert: 6:30pm at the High School. [High School students should arrive at 5:45, middle school students at 6pm] "Songs of Illumination, Stars, and Hope" Come support our CEC choirs in their first concert of 2025! This night will be full of joyful songs and ballads ranging in style from traditional choral music to a bit of fun pop rock. Come out and help us welcome spring with an evening of beautiful music!
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If your student has signed up to audition for our talent show. Audition dates will be Wednesday, March 5th, OR Thursday, March 6th, 3-4 PM, in the music room.
Please have your student choose one day. If you need to pick them up before 4 PM, please communicate with them about being one of the first students to audition. They will be able to have their cell phones during this time (if they have one).
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Attention families. Please only park in handicap spaces if you have a valid handicap permit. Thank you for your cooperation! | |
Illnesses: Please DO NOT SEND students to school if they are ill.
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has resolved without fever reducing medications to lower the fever
- Students must stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting and/or diarrhea without medications to reduce those symptoms
If your student has missed [5 consecutive days] or [7 days in a two-week period] due to illness, please provide medical documentation for these absences to be excused.
Medications: If your student needs to take medications while at school, please contact the health office for required documentation.
Health Conditions: Please inform the health office if your student has health conditions
Contact Info:
RN: Jen McGlue, RN can be reached at 970-377-0044 x10121 or Jen.Mcglue@ColoradoEarlyColleges.org
Health Tech: Lyniah Martinez can be reached at 970-893-4549 x 1108
or Lyniah.Lester-Martinez@coloradoearlycolleges.org
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For February, Ms. Lerner would like to share tips and information about Resources. | |
A few things to consider for this season and upcoming seasons for your student:
Fort Collins City offers fun and engaging weekends, after school and summer activities that are inexpensive and positive for all ages.
Check it out:
The Recreator (Recreation Program Guide) - City of Fort Collins
CSU offers a great mentoring program to pair up your student with a CSU student who mentors them with homework and personal choices and feeds them dinner. The referral must come from a school or agency so reach out and let me know if you would like me to refer your student: https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/cc/
The Matthews House is an awesome resource and one that offers parenting support groups here in our community. https://www.thematthewshouse.org/caregiving-and-parenting/
They also offer much more like afterschool activities that can help kids access physical and emotional growth. Check it out here:
As always, reach out if you need to contact me about your student, resources, or concerns.
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What is SAC? School Accountability Committee?
Role and Purpose
The School Accountability Committee (commonly referred to as the SAC) is a representative advisory committee that serves as a grassroots organization for a school’s accountability change process. The primary role of a SAC is to understand all operating procedures within the school, and if needed, make recommendations concerning school improvement, including but not limited to such topics as: spending priorities, academic achievement, facilities, and culture and climate (CRS22-11-402(1)(b)).
Please join us for the following SAC meetings!
April 24th 4:30 - 5:30
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Please remind your students to stop by the lost & found cart to see if they have lost any belongings. Items will be donated weekly.
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CEFC Families, we are excited to share that all students will receive one free breakfast and lunch daily through the Healthy School Meals for All program! This statewide program, approved by Colorado voters, is helping Colorado children and teens have access to nutritious food at our school.
Even though breakfast and lunch will be provided for free, we need families to continue sharing household income information through the Free and Reduced Meal Benefits form in so that we can receive full access to federal funding. These additional funds will go directly back to CECFC Middle School to help cover the cost of meals and other nutritional programs. Plus, families who qualify may receive discounted school activity fees, community activity fees, utilities support and more! As always, all household income information will be kept confidential, and protected by law. Immigration, migrant, citizenship or refugee status is not required when completing the form.
This information also allows us to apply for more GRANTS, which allows us to provide additional programming and services for your child. So PLEASE complete the APPLICATION today!
Please fill out ALL required information in the application. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. Only one application per household is required. Applications may also be picked up in the Front Office.
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The Nutrition department is actively seeking temporary volunteers and permanent kitchen staff for the upcoming school year. They urgently need consistent assistance with dishwashing, serving, and cleanup.
Additionally, they need a volunteer to transport food from the High School to the Middle School and manage the Point-of-Sale system. Our Food Service Team is collaborating closely with HR to expedite the hiring process, but in the meantime, we need YOUR HELP! If you are interetested, please contact Pam Cailteux at (970) 377-0044 x 10126. We greatly appreciate your support in advance!
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Please contact Mrs. King at lori.king@coloradoearlycolleges.org if you are interested in volunteer opportunities. We need classroom volunteers, school dance volunteers, events volunteers, cafeteria volunteers, kitchen volunteers, volunteers for field trips and off campus events, and more! Research shows that parents have a major influence on their child's achievement, and volunteering at school is a great way for parents to positively impact student achievement. | |
Ms. Lerner is the McKinney Vento Liaison. Please see below for more information about that program. | |
Key Explorers offers a 10% discount for CEC families! | |
Log into your account at www.KingSoopers.com
- Go to Community Rewards
- Search Colorado Early Colleges (EG422)
- Click Blue Enroll Button
Thank you for your continued support!!
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Parents, Guardians and Students, did you know IC is not only on the web but there is a mobile app as well? You can check attendance, grades, assignments, set notifications, and so much more!
Download the Infinite Campus Parent and/or Student App today to stay connected!
For more information, click the button below.
| If at any time you are having problems with Infinite Campus and/or Teams, please contact our support team at: support@coloradoearlycolleges.org or click the link for support information: https://coloradoearlycolleges.org/support/ | |
Welcome new and returning CEC Families! Please take a moment to read our MS Student and Family Handbook to familiarize yourself with our school policies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (970) 893-4549 and we will be happy to assist you.
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CECFC MS Main Line: (970)893-4549
Attendance: (970) 682-2007
Attendance Email: fcmsattendance@coloradoearlycolleges.org
Address: 4512 McMurry Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80525
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