Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"...Ohio lawmakers have introduced legislation that, if passed, would establish equal shared parenting for children of separated parents..."
By KPC News
"...How are you stepping up to the plate as a co-parent with your ex? How do you think your ex would answer that question about you? ..."
"...In an odd how-do-you-do, North Carolina’s second-highest court said Virginia laws, which treat sperm donors as different legal entities than fathers, govern the case. North Carolina statutes, on the other hand, do not draw legal distinctions between biologically fathering a child and qualifying as a child’s actual father. In fact, the laws say nothing at all..."
By Psychiatric Times
"...Let us be clear: false allegations of abuse are a form of parental alienation. Alienation involves the concerted effort of one parent to undermine the other parent’s relationship with their child. Nothing could be worse than a custody decision that is based on a false allegation..."
"...I remember first becoming a father almost 10 years ago. It was the happiest and scariest day of my life. I had all these plans — no fast food, no video games, exercise every day, limited television, etc. Who was I kidding?..."
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