e-blast November 15, 2022

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ISBNPA Strategic Plan

Last year we asked the ISBNPA community to comment and participate in developing our new Strategic Plan.

As a result, the Executive Committee Is now working on operationalizing four strategic initiatives:

  • Climate Action
  • Impact
  • Inclusive Culture
  • Growing the Next Generation

You can find more details about the Strategic Plan in this infographic [LINK] or in the image below.

Strategic Plan: Call for helpers


We would appreciate your help in supporting the operationalization of the initiatives.

As such, ISBNPA is offering the following to anyone from the ISBNPA community who wants to be part of the team involved in the implementation of the strategic plan initiatives:

  • up to 12 annual meeting registrations (estimated value of ± 700 USD, for up to 1,5 hours per week workload) 
  • and up to 20 memberships (estimated value of ±250 USD; for up to 0.5 hours per week workload - note that this is an "in kind" offer; we will not transfer any funds)  

To learn more and apply, go to the following [FORM] (deadline November 25, 2022).

ISBNPA 2023 last call for symposia

ISBNPA 2023 is "shattering records": 

  • We have received 84 symposia submissions - that is up 25% of our previous maximum
  • And 16 workshops submissions - also 25% more than our previous record

All submissions are now being reviewed (3 independent reviewers per symposia/workshop).

Albeit several ISBNPA community members have offered to review in response to these record numbers, we predict that we will only be able to complete the task a few days later than planned. Guess how many days later... 25% 😁. 

The new symposia notification date is now December 13, 2022. We'd like to ask for your understanding.

We will do our best to notify the workshop submissions on the same date.

You can still join us in ISBNPA 2023.

Submit your best research to ISBNPA 2023. You can submit to the following:

  • In-person meeting in Uppsala, June 14, 17, 2023.
  • Or the online-only meeting in late September 2023.

The calls that are open until December 7, 2022, are as follows:

  • Regular abstracts - click [HERE] for more information
  • Dare2Share - click [HERE] for more information

The late-breaking abstracts call (only for posters) will open a few weeks after the closing of the above calls and will be open until March 8, 2023.

#ISBNPA2023 Call for Submissions

Renew or join us now

The 2023 ISBNPA membership renewal campaign is ongoing. Please be sure to look in your inbox for a reminder, or go directly to the website membership page [HERE]. 

Executive Committee Elections (Nov 15- Dec 15, 2022)

All ISBNPA members are invited to vote for the 2023 Executive Committee Elections. 

As part of our Inclusive Culture initiative, this will be the first time we will have to elect one representative of each United Nations geographical world regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America, and South America or the Caribbean).

If you are a member, please pay attention to your email inbox (spam folder included), as we will send an individualized ballot for the elections.

If you don't see your ballot, please contact António Palmeira.

Membership Webpage

Pioneers Program (ISBNPA Scholarships)

You can still [apply] to our seed funding/scholarships program. The deadline for applications is November 18, 2022.

Click on the image below to learn more.

Webinar Fall Season

Bookmark the ISBNPA webinar webpage!

There you can find the upcoming webinars, such as the one below, and a wealth of knowledge if you access the webinar recordings.

We have more than 25 webinars from the last three years, and over 50 since we started posting the recording online.

ISBNPA Webinars

Be updated on all ISBNPA news

Stay Tuned

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