In The Know
An Internal Newsletter from the
Sherman ISD Communications Department
September 29, 2021
SHS Football Game vs. Highland Park Rescheduled
Due to the impending weather forecast for Friday and Saturday, the Sherman Bearcat Football game vs. Highland Park has been rescheduled to 5:30 pm Thursday, Sept. 30.

All ticket purchases made for the original game time will be honored. All sub-varsity games scheduled for Thursday are canceled, and Highland Park will refund tickets purchased online. All tickets purchased for the 9th grade home game will also be refunded. 

Sherman High School spirit groups will perform Thursday if weather allows. Maroon Mania has also been canceled. There will be no pep-rally on Friday, and SHS will have a normal bell schedule.
United Way Campaign Begins Friday
Sherman ISD's annual campaign to support the United Way of Grayson County runs from Oct. 1 to Oct. 29. Katie Baker (ext. 2012) and Julie Kerr (ext. 2005) are the liaisons for the district.

Our campus coordinators are:

Your campus coordinator will be collecting donations and organizing fundraising opportunities at your campus.

District Incentives:

  • Campuses that reach 90% participation will receive an ice cream party.
  • The campus that has the highest per capita will receive a cookout.
  • Individuals who donate at least $120 per year ($10 per month) will earn Jeans Days on Mondays only from Nov. 1 to Dec. 13.
  • Individuals who purchase a United Way t-shirt for $10 can participate in "United Way Wednesdays" and wear their shirt on campus from Nov. 3 to Dec.15. Campus coordinators will have t-shirt order forms.
Are You Registered to Vote?
As educators, we can model civic engagement in three easy steps:

1. Register
2. Research
3. Vote!

In Texas, voters choose the people who determine how much to fund public schools, how much to rely on standardized testing, whether to use A-F ratings and how grades are determined and how much to fund teacher pay, healthcare and retirement. Voting is not only our right, it is our civic duty.

Monday, Oct. 4 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 2, 2021 election.

Other Important Dates:
Vote by Mail application due Oct. 22
Early Voting - Oct. 18 to 29
Election Day - Nov. 2 from 7 am to 7 pm
SISD Staff Flu Vaccination Clinics Continue

Available vaccines include:
- Flu
- COVID-19
- Pneumonia
- Shingles
- Tdap (Tetanus, Whooping Cough)
- Hepatitis A/B

Staff members should bring their pharmacy insurance card. Clinics are open to all SISD staff members, regardless of location.

Tuesday, Oct. 5
7:30 to 9 am - Sory Elementary
11 to 12:15 pm - Piner Middle School

Wednesday, Oct. 6
7:30 to 8:30 am - Jefferson
9 to 11 a.m. - Sherman Middle School
11:30 to 12:30 pm - Fairview Elementary
2 to 3 pm - Neblett Elementary
Notifications of Positive Case
Communication Guidelines for SISD Teachers and Staff
The SISD Communications Department notifies families via email when an individual on their campus reports a positive case of COVID-19. These emails direct parents to the SISD COVID Dashboard for further information about cases on a certain campus.

If you receive questions about a notification from parents or students, please direct them to the SISD COVID Dashboard for further information.

The tabs at the bottom of the dashboard will open a campus-specific spreadsheet that gives additional information on each case. At the elementary level, cases are identified by positive test date, student/staff, grade and homeroom. At the secondary level, cases are identified by positive test date, student/staff, grade and extracurricular activities/clubs.

Due to privacy laws, we cannot release further information regarding individual cases.
Employee Reporting Form for Positive COVID-19 Cases
If you test positive for COVID-19, please complete the SISD Employee Reporting Form. Once the form has been completed, the Human Resources Department will contact you with further instructions.
Tell Us Your News!
We would love the opportunity to feature honors and recognitions received by SISD employees. Please send accomplishments and news to Arena Blake at