Before we navigate through this exciting year full of learning and community building, it’s essential to look ahead at how we can best serve students. After much time spent quarantining and distance learning, one of the best ways to ensure academic stability and success is taking each day at a time. 

The easiest and most effective methods to ease into this new year is to pay attention, listen to student and parents’ needs and concerns, and plan ahead. Remember to keep things light and enjoyable where possible, as this is where the best learning environments bloom. As educators, we have the power to set the pace, encouraging students to excel and reach their full potential. 

Although many things have changed with regards to in-person teaching and classes, it is imperative that we follow the state’s COVID-19 pandemic guidelines. Safety is the goal, not only for yourself but for everyone’s overall wellbeing.

We’re wishing you a wonderful academic year ahead, filled with ease, new knowledge, and success. Lead by example in the classroom, and lend a helping hand where you can on the path of knowing.

Here’s to a great first semester as we try to navigate all things new, including ways to implement the B.E.S.T. Standards.