Service of Installation
The Rev. Becca Putman
It is with joy and thanksgiving that we invite you to participate
in the service of installation of 

The Rev. Rebecca Lawson Putman

Becca Putman has been called as Pastor of
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gainesville
All teaching elders and ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service in attendance are invited to wear robes and red stoles and process in together (single file and spaced appropriately) before being seated in the sanctuary. (Please be sure to pre-register by completing this survey.) Meet outside the sanctuary door twenty minutes prior to the beginning of the service.
When and Where
Sunday, November 7, 2021
4:00 p.m. 

In person and via Zoom

Westminster Presbyterian Church
1521 NW 34th Street
Gainesville, FL 32605

If you wish to attend in-person, reservations are required and may be made by completing this survey.

Due to safety precautions, masks must be worn and social distancing guidelines will be followed.

There will be a reception with light refreshments after the service for safely greeting Rev. Putman.
Zoom Login Information

Meeting ID (if needed)
865 7937 8082
Passcode (if needed) 859194
One tap mobile

Phone Dial-in
 +1 301 715 8592
Enter Meeting ID: 865 7937 8082
and Passcode: 859194

The service will also be recorded,
and the recording will be shared
on Facebook and by request
after the service.
The offering for the installation service is designated for the presbytery's Candidate's Fund which financially supports seminary students under our care. Offering baskets will be available during in person worship, or use the button below to donate. 
 The mission of the Presbytery of St. Augustine is to support our faith community,
 so that together we may be a greater witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.