September 7, 2023

FACTS Family Portal Log-in
Student Absence Reporting
Doctor's Note Submission (return to school after illness or injury)
Immunization Record Submission
School Website
Parent/Student Handbook
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Lunch Menu
Child Nutrition Program
Medical Forms & Policies
Carpool Map & Instructions
Sports Code of Conduct
Student Athlete Physical Exam Form
Community Partners Fundraising Flyer
Community Partners Fundraising Form
St. George Spirit Shop

Principal's Message

Snapshot of a Moment at School

Today I stepped out onto the playground and saw so many amazing things going on. In just a brief moment I saw middle schoolers crossing the courtyard to go their activity class. Some were headed to band; some were headed to the football field to play bocce ball, some were headed to the computer lab for coding, and some were headed to French class. Third graders were walking to the cafeteria and first graders were leaving the cafeteria. 

Kindergarteners were learning how to line up to go back to class from recess and fourth graders were at recess playing football, climbing on the playground equipment, and dancing on the deck. A group of students were also praying by the statue of Mary. I was stopped by many children saying hi and one student told me a riddle, which he waited patiently while I tried to solve it.

If all this can happen in a few minutes, just think of what happens 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Every day I am amazed by what I see happening on our campus - the learning, the friendships, the prayer, the fitness. It takes the work of so many people to organize, prepare, and implement this each and every day and I want to thank our staff for all they do to provide this amazing educational environment for our students.


Mrs. Fontenot

Looking Ahead...



Everyone seems to have adjusted to their new school routines and arrival and dismissal are running smoother with each day that passes. Although the buses are not running as efficiently as we would like, we are grateful for your understanding and patience. All of these routines will continue to get faster and easier with each day of practice. 

Although efficiency is important, we also want to ensure that we are arriving and dismissing students as safely as possible. We have many layers of safety built into all our routines and procedures throughout the day and arrival and dismissal are key times that safety is of utmost importance. You, the parents, play an important part in the safety of our students as well. 

Please remember:

1.      Students must be seated in cars and buses until the vehicle is stopped and parked in the unloading areas.

2.      In the back carpool, students should not get out of the car unless a staff member is present at your car.

3.      The use of handheld devices is not allowed in the carpool lanes. This state law was written for the safety of your child and other children. 

DID YOU KNOW - When your car enters the carpool lane a staff member uses your carpool sign to enter your carpool name on a shared doc that all teachers display on the board in each classroom. This is how teachers know who to dismiss from the classroom and students know which designated number spot they should report to. Please always have your carpool sign hanging in the front window until your child has entered the car.  

Cafeteria Visitors

We are excited to extend this invitation to our school parents, but due to limited space, only one parent visitor can attend per quarter and the following guidelines must be adhered to so we can accommodate all parents who wish to eat lunch in the cafeteria.

Parents who wish to eat lunch with their child must:

  • Sign up on the Sign-Up Genius before Monday at 12:00 noon.
  • Only those parents who have signed up are allowed to visit the cafeteria.
  • Due to space, one parent visitor is allowed per quarter. Please do not sign up for more than one visit per quarter as this blocks other parents from signing up.
  • When signing up, include whether you will purchase a plate lunch from the cafeteria or bring something from home so the cafeteria can plan accordingly.
  • If you are not purchasing a cafeteria lunch and are bringing food into the cafeteria, the Child Nutrition Program does not allow food that is wrapped or marked with commercial/fast food labels in the cafeteria.
  • For safety reasons, siblings are not allowed.
  • Because this is a special time for parents to be with their child, parents and their child will eat together at the designated visitors’ tables/spaces. Other students must stay in their regular seat assignments.
  • Upon arrival, parents should sign in at the school office and receive a visitors pass. Parents should walk directly to the cafeteria when their child’s lunch time begins. When lunch is over, parents should walk directly to the office and sign out.
  • Parents should not follow students to the classroom or activities after lunch.
  • For the privacy and safety of students, cell phones are not allowed to be used on campus for personal reasons. You can take a picture with your child, but it must be outside or without other students in the background. Please enjoy this cell-phone free time with your child.

We hope you enjoy this time together with your child and appreciate your cooperation and willingness to follow the guidelines above.

Lunch price - $ 6.25 (check only)

Book Fair 2023 - September 10 - 15

The St. George Book Fair is fast approaching! 

Please take note of the dates below:

  • Sunday, September 10: Book Fair Open House 10:30am -1:30pm. 
  • All are welcome!

  • Monday, September 11 - Friday, September 15: Book Fair Sale Week!
  • Assigned class time posted on website here.

You can visit the Book Fair online, set up an ewallet for your child, and get other information by clicking HERE.

Help your child’s teacher get books for his/her classroom!! Contribute to their eWallet here!! The deadline to contribute is Wednesday, September 13th.

Questions? Contact Mrs. Taylor, SGS Librarian, at 

Picture Retakes - Wednesday, September 27

Retake of school pictures is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27. Girls in PreK - 5th grade must wear white blouse under their jumper if they plan to have their picture retaken.

Tech Talk

From Cyber Civics Website

Do you know what parents' #1 health concern is? Screen Time. How about #2 & #3? Social Media and Internet Safety! 

If you want to learn more about a recent national poll regarding children's health, our founder wrote about it here.

The good news is these are solvable problems. We can and must teach kids how to protect themselves when they use technology! Read on to learn more and join our upcoming webinar to get 5 lessons that directly address these concerns.

Screen Time & You

In this self-paced course, young people learn how to achieve a healthy balance between screen time and everything else life has to offer. Course includes an entertaining combination of videos, activities, reflection questions, quizzes, and more.

Best suited for ages 11-14.

Click here to: Purchase | $18.75

Regular Price: $25

About this course:

We all spend lots of time (sometimes too much!) on our screens today. This is especially true for young people. In fact, research shows that nearly 50% of tech-using teens feel “addicted” to their devices.

Although many young people use their screens in productive ways—to do schoolwork, learn new things, and maintain connection with friends and family, it’s important for them to know how to find balance between all the wonderful things screens and offline life have to offer. 

In this course they will analyze their time to discover how they use it, learn about the “persuasive technologies” companies use to capture and hold on to their attention, and gain some valuable tips as they decide how to allocate their precious time. Course will take approx. 2-3 hours (excluding activities) to complete.

From the creators of Cyber Civics, the popular middle school digital literacy curriculum for schools. 

Child Nutrition Program Notes

  • A note from Child Nutrition:

  • We would like to encourage parents to make lunch accounts,, so that they can see what their children are buying in the cafeteria every day.

Please remember:

  • Meal Payments: NO cash will be accepted beginning this school year. However, checks and money orders will be accepted. Parents are encouraged to create an online meal account at Click here for a quick guide on how to use the My School Apps website.

  • Student Meal Prices for Paying Students:

Breakfast $2.75 (Elem)

Lunch $3.55 (Elem)

Please note that according to the LA. School Food Service Policy Guidance Manual, outside restaurant food and soft drinks are not allowed in the school cafeteria. Your compliance is appreciated and necessary.

Athletic Dragon News

New 2023/2024 Athletic Pass:

The athletic department is excited to offer a 2023/2024 Athletic Pass for entrance into all regular season home athletic events this school year. The cost of the pass is $100, this includes all processing and transaction fees so your total at checkout will not be more. The pass is only sold for individuals and for the entire year, at this time we do not have passes for each sport season. This is completely optional, we know for some the cost might outweigh the convenience of having a pass and we will still be accepting cash at the gate for all events. The pass will not be accepted at tournaments and please remember it is only good for contests at St. George. You can purchase the pass using this link: 23/24 St. George Athletic Home Pass

Girls Basketball:

Congratulations to our 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams for all kicking off their season with big wins in their jamboree games last night! All teams start regular season games next week, if you have not received your schedule from your coach please make sure to reach out to Ashley Bourgeois

The schedule for the upcoming week is below:

Monday, 9/11

  • 3rd White @ St. George 5:45
  • 4th White @ St. George 6:30
  • 5th White @ St. George 7:15

  • 3rd Dragons @ St. Jude 5:45

  • 4th Fire @ Catholic Pointe Coupee 5:45

Tuesday, 9/12

  • 3rd White @ Sacred Heart 5:45
  • 4th Dragons @ Sacred Heart 6:30
  • 5th Green @ Sacred Heart 7:15

Wednesday, 9/13

  • 4th Fire @ St. George 5:45
  • 4th Dragons @ St. George 6:30
  • 4th Green @ St. George 7:15

Good luck to our 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls as they play in the St. Jean Vianney Tournament this weekend. You can check out the schedule and see how the girls are doing all weekend with this link SJV Girls Basketball Tournament

Cross Country:

Congratulations to both the boys and girls for capturing 1st place in each division in the first cross country meet of the season this past Saturday! The team will be participating in the unscored Episcopal middle school meet this Saturday 9/9 at Highland Rd. Park. Boys will run at 10:45 and girls at 11:15. Go out and cheer on our Dragon runners!


Our teams are all practicing hard and starting to participate in scrimmages and preseason games. Congratulations to the 7th/8th team for a big win over Uhigh last night!

Mark your calendars for our first home game day on Sunday, 9/17 when you can come out and see all 4 of our teams in action!


Cub Scouts Pack 136 - Join by September 12


St. George Fair - October 6 - 8

Visit the St. George Fair site
Sign up to Volunteer at the Fair
Order Fair T-Shirt
Fair Sponsorship Opportunities

St. George Church News

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