I wanted this newsletter to have a name, something that connected to housing but that also evoked a sense of friendly neighbors and a place to hear the latest news. For some that may be a front porch, the fence post, or for those with more urban experience, the stoop. In Maine we have the dooryard. The dooryard is the area surrounding the door that your household, and all those who you trust and cherish, use to enter your home. It may be at the front of your home with inherited peonies and hydrangea or it may be to the side of the house where a lilac stretches over the spot your kids drop their bicycles to run inside. A friend of mine told me a dooryard should have chickens and a worn down path. Whatever image comes to your mind when you think of a dooryard, I hope it is one that feels like home. Because home is what Kennebunkport Heritage Housing Trust is all about.