September 2023
Dear Friends:

A new academic year has started and the campus is buzzing with activity. Here in our department, we are preparing for a busy fall season, including hosting several events that I’m pleased to invite you to. Please read more in the newsletter below – I hope to see you there!
Fall also means a return to school for our younger kids. Many parents are wondering how much freedom to give their children regarding allowing them to have their own phones and being active on social media. A study by Dr. Jane Harness and colleagues that was published last September reveals a striking awareness among teens about the potential harms social media can have on teenagers' mental health, but also their persistent attempts to counter these harms. Some young respondents explicitly said social media made them feel depressed. Many asked their parents to help them stop using it. Nearly two-thirds of respondents gave some version of this advice to future teens: Don't use social media. It's OK to abstain. Or delete your accounts.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Surgeon General released an advisory, discussing the complex interaction between youth social media use and mental health. In June, we held a webinar on Tips for Families of Tweens and Teens featuring some of our experts in child and adolescent psychiatry – I invite you to watch the recording now. You can also read up on advice for caregivers to promote positive boundaries and mental health for young people; there are several tech savvy ways to better manage and control your children’s social media use on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Please reach out with any questions or reactions.
Thank you for your partnership and support. I look forward to hearing from you!

Gregory Dalack, M.D.
Daniel E. Offutt, III Professor & Chair
Join us for these webinars and in-person events this fall:
Webinar on September 14, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Join a panel of experts to discuss the complex interplay between stress, sleep, and substance use. Learn about the multidisciplinary approach U-M experts are taking in response to the mental health crisis in America and how emerging technologies can play a role in managing these risk factors. RSVPs are required.
In-person event on October 19, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm 
Michigan League Hussey Room
John Hendrickson is staff writer at The Atlantic and author 'Life on Delay: Making Peace With a Stutter.' In 2019, he wrote a groundbreaking story about Joe Biden’s decades-long journey with stuttering, as well as his own. The article went viral, and overnight, he was forced to publicly confront an aspect of himself that still caused him great pain. This event will provide insights into John’s experience with stuttering and stuttering research and neuroscience-based treatments.
Two events:
October 18 at Maple Theater; 4135 W. Maple Road; Bloomfield Hills, MI
October 25 at Michigan Theater; 603 E Liberty St; Ann Arbor, MI
This documentary sets out to lift the shroud of shame around mental health while giving emotional insights into how anxiety shows up in our children’s lives, impacts families, and what parents’ contributing role may be in the journey. Join us to view the film and take part in the expert panel discussion following the screening. Buy your ticket(s).
In-person event on November 8, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Kahn Auditorium, Ann Arbor medical campus
Andy Dunn is an entrepreneur, author, and investor, who co-founded the menswear ecommerce brand Bonobos. The company’s inventory-free store model redefined what an offline retail experience can be in the digital era. In 2022, Dunn published a memoir, "Burn Rate: Launching a Startup and Losing My Mind" which chronicles his journey at the intersection of entrepreneurship and bipolar disorder. Register here.
What will it take to make mental health coverage and care better?
New mental health parity efforts seek to address insurance issues and provider shortages, but more help is needed, experts say. Read this article that quotes many of our experts.
Chronic pain, depression, and other problems researchers and clinicians are trying to solve with an under-studied class of drugs. Read this article
Also: Watch Dr. Sagar Parikh's interview for this CBS Detroit story: Ketamine treatment for depression gaining popularity in US
Accidents and behavioral disturbances lead the list of reasons for ER visits, suggesting need for better caregiver support to prevent crises. Read this press release about Dr. Lauren Gerlach's research.
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