H&H Child Care Training Center - Building Bridges to a World of Learning

Friday Snippets

Get ready for cooler weather
  • Montgomery County Mask Update

  • Licensing Classes Beginning in the Coming Week

  • 45 Hour Classes for November

  • Halloween Eats, Activities, & Shopping

Montgomery County Mask Update

Click Here to View Montgomery County's Update Web Page

Face Covering Guidance for Child Care Programs as of

October 28, 2021

Effective Thursday, October 28, Montgomery County no longer requires individuals to wear a mask or face coverings while in an indoor facility. This requirement was lifted as a result of the County’s improving community transmission rate of COVID-19.

Although the use of face coverings indoors is no longer required by the Board of Health, the following still applies:

  • CDC and MSDE guidelines continue to strongly recommend the use of face coverings indoors as well as in crowded outdoor settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained and for unvaccinated individuals. 
  • Child Care program staff and children must follow any applicable federal, state, or local face-covering requirements (ex. while on public transportation or in a County Public School).
  • Anyone with underlying conditions that may place them at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 is strongly encouraged to wear face coverings indoors as well as in crowded outdoor settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained

Despite this change, child care programs can continue to require children and staff to wear a mask in their programs.

Orientacion Sobre Cobertura Facial Para Programas de Cuidado Infantil A Partir del 28 de Octubre de 20210

A partir del jueves 28 de octubre, el condado de Montgomery ya no requiere que las personas usen una máscara o cubiertas faciales mientras se encuentran en una instalación interior. Este requisito se eliminó como resultado de la mejora de la tasa de transmisión comunitaria de COVID-19 en el condado.


Aunque la Junta de Salud ya no exige el uso de cubiertas faciales en interiores, se aplica lo siguiente:

  • Las pautas de los CDC y MSDE continúan recomendando el uso de cubiertas para la cara en interiores, así como en entornos exteriores donde no se puede mantener la distancia física y para las personas no vacunadas.
  • El personal del programa de cuidado infantil y los niños deben seguir todos los requisitos de cobertura facial federales, estatales o locales aplicables (como en el transporte público o en una escuela pública del condado).
  • Se recomienda a todas las personas con afecciones subyacentes que puedan ponerlas en mayor riesgo de contraer una enfermedad grave por COVID-19 a que se cubran la cara en interiores, así como en entornos exteriores donde no se puede mantener el distanciamiento físico.


A pesar de que se levantó el mandato, los programas de cuidado infantil pueden seguir exigiendo que los niños y profesores usen una mascarilla en sus programas.

Licensing Classes Beginning in the Coming Week

NOTE: All First Aid & CPR, Medication Administration, Asthma, Allergy and Anaphylaxis classes are taught face-to- face in accordance with State of Maryland and Montgomery County COVID-19 guidelines and regulations.

Basic Health & Safety and Breastfeeding Awareness (ZOOM)

Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ZOOM)

First Aid and CPR Blended (IN-PERSON)

First Aid and CPR (IN-PERSON)

Teach with Respect! (ZOOM)

Children at the Wheel: Emergent Curriculum

Asthma, Allergy and Anaphylaxis Prevention & Management Training for Early Education Providers (IN-PERSON)

Basic Health & Safety and Breastfeeding Awareness (ZOOM)

Upcoming Classes
Online Classes
CHECK OUT OURJOB BOARD! Positions available in Montgomery County, Urbana, Mt. Airy, Olney, Middletown, Bowie, and more! Click here for full details...

November 45 Hour Pre-Service Classes

45 Hour Infant and Toddler Methods and Materials (ZOOM)

  • SATURDAYS - Nov 20 through Dec 18
  • 9:00am to 4:30pm with lunch break
  • 9 Hours online = 3 online units X 3 hours each

45 Hour Preschool Methods and Materials (ZOOM)

  • SATURDAYS - Nov 20 through Dec 18
  • 9:00am to 4:30pm with lunch break
  • 9 Hours online = 3 online units X 3 hours each

45 Hour Blended School Age Methods and Materials (ZOOM)

  • ZOOM Class on TUESDAYS - 10/19/2021 AND 10/26/2021
  • 6:00pm to 10:30pm (4.5 +4.5 = 9 Hours)
  • 36 Hours online self-paced classwork (9 +36 = 45 Hours Total)

45 Hour Growth and Development (ZOOM) ACCELERATED

  • SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS - Nov 28 through Dec 12
  • 9:00am to 4:30pm with lunch break
  • 9 Hours online = 3 online units X 3 hours each

Halloween Eats, Activities, & Shopping

(Courtesy of Visit Montgomery Calendar)

A 'Wich For Every Witch at Taylor Gourmet

Fall flavors are just as important as fall fits, and Taylor Gourmet has your next festive favorites. Enjoy seasonal specials like their Colonial sandwich made with house-roasted turkey, sweet potato ricotta, ginger cranberry sauce, brie cheese, and garlicky kale. Or try their Logan Salad which includes butternut squash, cranberries, and apple cider vinaigrette. Stop by or place your order. Click for more info...

Butler's Orchard Pumpkin Festival

It’s back again for another year! The 41st Annual Pumpkin Festival starts September 25th and runs through October 31st. We’ve made a few updates to improve your Festival experience, and we are so excited to have you at Butler’s, whether it’s your first visit or 41st visit! Click for more info...

Trick or Treat ?

Get ready for Fall with its cold weather, warm sweaters and, especially Halloween celebration!!! 

Support our vendors during this Holiday Season! Starting on October 24th to the 31st, Arts & Crafts vendors, Independent Consultants and Small Businesses will help you get ready for the holidays! 

From Unique, Hand made Jewelry, to Bath & Body products, Candles and Home Decor, you can find an array of items to add to your holiday shopping list!

Also, by supporting a Small Business, you are supporting your local community - a mother, a father, a daughter or a son, a sister or a brother, or a next door neighbor. They have been one of the most impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, so let's give them a hand this holiday season - the Season of Giving! Shop Local, Support Local!! 

Click for more info...

H & H Childcare Training Center

839 Quince Orchard Blvd Suite D & E

Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Phone: 240.261.4163 or 301.237.1414 |

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