January 28, 2025
We serve, in every program and service, an amazing diverse population who needs us, and we serve them with an amazing diverse staff. I use the word ‘diverse’ here to mean largely but not only race and ethnicity, and also backgrounds, views, experiences, identities, hopes, fears, and loves. Recent policy, in the spirit it's intended and in its literal words, goes right to the heart for many of our patients, staff, and community.
We cannot change the reality of the work we do, nor remove my personal commitment to our values. This means that I walk in every day to guide an organization that provides compassionate, diverse and inclusive, welcoming, and responsive care for every patient, student, or client we serve. We do our work with integrity and with teamwork. We will continue to do this with every ability to do so, and as we find challenges, we find ways to adjust to them with those values as a North Star.
This was true last week, it is true today, and it will be true tomorrow.
Sabrina Trocchi, PhD, MPA
President and Chief Executive Officer