Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, September 1, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


I pray you are doing well.


Today begins the nineth month of the year, and I am still asking how did it happen so quickly. It seemed like summer had just started, and here we are wrapping up summer already. The heat mixed with humidity I certainly will not miss, but the sunlight and the long evenings, the sun-ripened fruits, the picnics and barbecues, and all wonderful bright things summer I will miss.


I also look forward to fall, my favorite time of the year. The crisp mornings and cool days, a period that seems just right where it is neither hot nor too cold. The beautiful changing of the leaves and the festivities that start kicking into gear. I know some would add the start of college football (but I am on the side line for that as I never grew up with this sport), and just the beauty of the season.


Seasons do change, and for each we can still see the blessings and goodness of God all around us, we just need to keep our eyes open – both our physical eyes and the eyes of our hearts. God is always doing new and wonderful things in every season of our lives, and in our everyday lives. We simply need to look and see.


My prayer for us is that we will look and we will see.


There are a few things that are happening in the life of Saint Mark that I would like to bring to your attention:


All youth and parents of youth are invited to a time of sharing, listening, and fellowship on Sunday, September 10, immediately after the 11am service at the home of Tracy McArthur. This will be an opportunity for the youth to share with each other their hopes for the youth ministry, and a time for the parents to share among themselves how best they can support the youth to ensure they have a fruitful and thriving youth experience and ministry. Lunch will be provided, and all are welcome.


Wednesday Night Supper and Midweek Retreat will resume September 13. This is a time we pause in the middle of the rush of our week to break bread and fellowship together, study and learn together, and sing together. There will be different engaging activities during supper to get the whole family and individuals laughing and bonding together. We looking forward to seeing you at each of these Wednesday nights gathering.


Our 2023 Pride T-shirts are now available for ordering. You can buy your 2023 Saint Mark Pride T-shirt online. A portion of the proceeds will be returned to Saint Mark, and any donations you make on top of your shirt order will go directly to our Pride festivities. I am looking forward to buying mine, and I hope you are looking forward to buying yours, also. The link is:


Finally, please remember that because of the Labor Day weekend, there will be only one service this Sunday at 10:00am.


I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. If you are traveling, please join us online.


Enjoy the long holiday weekend, and be safe.


God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Carolyn.

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