January/ February 2025 Newsletter

In This Issue

Thursday Meetup

February 6

(Formerly First Fridays)

TCNA President's Message

Neighborhood Committees

  • Public Safety
  • Greens Committee
  • Neighborhood Gardens
  • Streets Committee Updates
  • 39th Street Calming Plan: Update
  • Tuscany Road Calming
  • Stony Run Walking Path Connection on Linkwood Road
  • Calvert School
  • Communications Committee

News in and Around Tuscany Canterbury

  • Events, NEW, Meetup
  • Street Lights, Linkwood and Ridgemede Roads
  • Flooding, Stoneyford and Linkwood
  • Residential Permit Parking Updates
  • Sidewalks in the Snow
  • Homeless Person Wondering the Neighborhood
  • Baltimore City Budget Forum

Happy New Year


Oldest House (1892) in Tuscany-Canterbury

TCNA Spotlight People, Places, Events

  • Jonna Lazarus 1943-2024
  • First Salt Box of the Season: Mary Pat Clarke
  • State Senator Mary Washington: Elected Chair of Baltimore City State Senate Delegation

Johns Hopkins University

  • Ice Skating Ends February 23
  • Early Learning Center: Updates

Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury

  • Hopkins Market: Opened, January 20th
  • Ambassador Dining Room: 20% off on-line orders
  • Cypriana is temporally closed due to water sprinkler damage.

Home & Condo: Sale Prices, Active and Sold Listings

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Tuscany-Canterbury board member, July 2025-June 2026
  • TCNA website administrator or help with the website
  • Join a neighborhood committee. Greens, Streets, Membership, Events, Communications need you.

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

TCNA Photo Galleries

Save These Tuscany-Canterbury Dates

Thursday TCNA Meetup, February 6, 6:00- 7:30, Ambassador Dining Room Sponsored by TCNA


March 19, TCNA Board Meeting 7 PM, All are welcomed to attend. Broadview, Lower Lobby, check website for agenda

Next full TCNA newsletter will be sent out in March. Updates will be sent as needed.

Support Tuscany-Canterbury

Tell someone in your condo, apartment building or in your block about TCNA. Encourage them to get the newsletter or to join. TCNA is stronger with you as a member! We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues. 

17 new neighbors have become members since July, a 60% increase of new members over same period last year. If you are a member, you will receive a renewal email the month that your membership should be renewed. If you aren't a member, join today.

Membership: New or Renewal

Your presence is cordially requested

for the inaugural 

Thursday Meetup

We are done with Zoom!

Your neighbors want to see you in the flesh!

Please join us and shake off the doldrums of winter on February 6. We have so many wonderful neighbors and these connections build a strong community. 

On the fence? We've brought a few neighbors back from the dead to convince you! Check it out 

Special thanks to Josh Cohen for creating this amazing video.

February 6, 6:00 - 7:30

Ambassador Dining Room

3811 Canterbury Road

Reduced price drinks (Cash or credit cards)

$5 beer (vs. the usual $8.95)

$10 cocktails (vs. $17-18)

$8 wine (vs. $12-14)

Mini-buffet and Snacks

The mini-buffet will be provided and the cost will be paid with your kind donations. TCNA board members made contributions to jump start the return of neighbors gathering for drinks and discourse.

A donation box will be on location if you want to make an offering for future Thursday Meetups. Checks to TCNA should include Meetup on the comment line so a separate TCNA social fund can be created for this purpose.

Tables are available if you would like

to order regular appetizers or dinner.

Your suggestions for the Meetups

TCNA President's Message

Pat Hawthorne

Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year!!!!

Even though it’s been bitter cold out, the TCNA is already planning for spring. You may recall that members of our TCNA Tree Stewards planted three new trees on Cloverhill Road this fall, thanks to the Baltimore City Recreation and Parks Department, Division of Forestry; and to neighbors Fred Chalfant and Jeanne Carey who did all the muscle work.  We are planning for 3-4 new trees to be planted this spring on 39th Street and Tuscany Road. The new trees will replace ones that died or were blown down during a storm. It is our goal to continue to care for all the beautiful trees in our neighborhood and maintain the dense green canopy that keeps us cool in the summer and absorbs carbon dioxide from the air.

This spring, we would also like to focus on pruning our trees to keep them healthy. If you are interested in helping with this project, we encourage you to become a TreeKeeper by taking free classes through TreeBaltimore, a city-wide tree stewardship program open to all residents. As a TreeKeeper, you will learn how to help plant and care for trees in your neighborhood. For information about spring classes, visit the TreeKeepers website at: If you do take a class, let us know ( and we will invite you to join us for one of our tree pruning/planting events.

Pat Hawthorne

President, TCNA

Plans and Hopes for 2025

  • Safe, beautiful, accessible, well-lit, and functional streets and sidewalks for all our residents

  • Continue our efforts to maintain our existing trees and re-plant where needed

  • Continued partnership with The Broadview to adopt /maintain the planters on 39th Street

  • Work begins on Linkwood Road as we work to complete a vital missing link in the Stony Run Path

  • Slower speeds and empathy among all people walking and driving on Tuscany Road

  • Engagement with neighbors on Charles Street to identify needs and propose solutions to make it safer to cross between Tuscany-Canterbury and Guilford

  • Complete a new agreement with Calvert School that will continue after the current one ends in 2026.

  • Increase TCNA individual and family memberships as well as condo memberships

  • Fewer water main and gas main repairs requiring street closures and cut pavement. All working street lights.

  • Decrease the crime in the neighborhood

  • Create more fun activities for all

A happy and healthy 2025 for all!

Let  us know what you would like added to the neighborhood list 

Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Garth Thompson, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

Jack Boyson


Don't start your car to warm it up and leave it unattended.

Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.

Keep outdoor lights on your porches and outside of condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.

Streets Committee

Brandon Eilertson, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets' On-Going Projects

39th Street Calming Plan is Working

Spring is Coming! Adopt a Planter

Plants in the pots need to be maintained. If you would like to donate money to maintain a pot (estimated to be $40/year) or if you would like to adopt-a-pot and give the plants a little TLC, send us an e-mail to with your name and address and we will send you instructions for doing so.

TCNA  President 

Tuscany Road Calming Project

All of Tuscany Road

PROBLEM: Cars speed throughout the day and evening

Spring 2024: Dozens of Tuscany Road neighbors put in 311 request to slow traffic on Tuscany Road. City responded that a study would be done in the September of 2024.

Fall 2024. No study was done.

January 2025. The study still was not done. City contacted about study. No response.


  • 4 speed bumps on Tuscany Road
  • Change speed limit to 20 MPH
  • Contact police with speed issues

Tuscany, Canterbury and Highfield Intersections

PROBLEM: Kids are walking and playing while waiting for the Roland Park school bus or being dropped off at the Canterbury and Highfield intersection. Cars don’t often stop completely at Tuscany and Canterbury and have been observed speeding in both directions on Canterbury and Highfield. The TCNA is exploring all options to make these intersections safer.

January 2025: A group of neighbors met with Street Committee chair to discuss issue. The issue was discussed at the TCNA board meeting in January.


  • 3 way stop at intersection
  • Speed bumps on Canterbury at intersection
  • Speed bump on Highfield
Please let us know if you have other ideas 

Installing speed bumps has been a problem in Baltimore City for decades. The graph below is from the Baltimore Banner article on January 22, 2025

The speed bumps on 39th Street were paid for by the Broadview Apartments. For decades TCNA made requests for speed bumps, and they were NOT considered.

When finished, the Stony Run Walking Path will provide 4 speed tables on Linkwood between Stoneyford and Ridgemede.

Stony Run Walking Path Connection

Linkwood Road between the two bridges

Thanks to Delegate Maggie McIntosh, state money was approved for the project in 2022. Parks and People Foundation have agreed to be the fiscal agent for the project along with Friends of Stony Run who will coordinate all projects.

8 different agencies must sign off on the agreement before the work can start. The State's Attorney's office must also sign off on the agreement. It has been in the DA's office for months. TCNA has reached out to our state elected officials for help. We'll keep you posted.

Stony Run Walking Path / Linkwood Road Project

N7 is the Linkwood Road Walking Path

State Funded Capital Improvement Project

Greens Committee

Eric Elton and Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Board Member of Friends of Stony Run: Eric Elton

TCNA Landscape Committee

The landscape committee contracted with Mark Pratt, a retired landscaper, who nicely groomed our four garden areas: 39th Street, pedestrian bridge at the intersection of Linkwood Road and Stoneyford, Ridgemede Elbow, and the Tuscany Oval in the late summer. The gardens for the winter were put to bed.

Information About All the TCNA Public Gardens


Tree Stewards

GOAL: Keep Tuscany-Canterbury Green and Tree-healthy

See President's Message at the beginning of this newsletter for information about how you can help maintain the health of our neighborhood trees.

Click Here for More Information about the Tree Stewards' Program in TCNA

Calvert School

  • Thank You Calvert
  • Calvert's Calendar

Thank you Calvert for the extra help you provide during snow and ice events in clearing the streets and all of your sidewalks.

Calvert School Calendar

  • February 14, School Closed - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • February 17, School Closed - Presidents’ Day
  • March 14, School Closes at 12:15 PM
  • March 17-24 School Closed - Spring Break
  • March 25, School resumes at 8:00 AM

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator

Julie Watson, Webmaster

John Robinson, Photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner, Nancy Lee LaMotte and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and others who help with the newsletter and website.

TCNA Electronic Newsletters Started 7 Years Ago

Seven years ago (February 2018) TCNA sent out its first electronic newsletter. Prior to 2018, TCNA did a great paper newsletter 4 times a year and hand-distributed it throughout the neighborhood. PDF copies of those paper newsletters back to 2010 and all the copies of the E-newsletters and updates on the TCNA website.

In 2018 the newsletter went to 200 neighbors. Today it goes to 758. If a new neighbor moves to your condo, apartment or block, let them know about TCNA. You can forward the newsletter to them also.

In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Questions, Comments, Messages

If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.


Six streetlights out since November


Linkwood and Ridgemede

January 31, 2025: Everything has been repaired and lights are now working.

January 28, 2025: This is the information that Councilwoman Odette Ramos just received from BGE. "225 Stoneyford Rd repair will be delayed due to a material delay with the 150W LED Modern Post Top. We will repair the light as soon as BGE receives the materials.

We have a pending cable replacement that was released on January 24, 2025 for scheduling. The job has been requested to be completed as soon as possible and our lighting team is working with our Contractor to provide an update on when we will be able to go back out to replace the underground cable. We experienced a delay due to a right of way issue and the repair has been delayed."

January 20, 2025: Though BGE contractors are usually very responsive to reports through their street light outage page, and calls are made repeatedly.

January 10, 2025: The outages have been reported several times by TCNA and Councilwoman Ramos. Some of the poles are marked with a notice that they are aware and will schedule repairs.

November 2024: Prior to Thanksgiving, accessible ramps and curbing were installed on each side of Stoneyford Road at the intersection with Linkwood Road. The excavation cut the power to six street lights on Linkwood and Ridgemede Road and was reported via the BGE outage map. A BGE contractor investigated, excavated on the west side of intersection, stated that the break in power was on east side of intersection, and they would return to locate the break soon.

Special thanks to neighbor and volunteer, John Hopkins who always makes sure the street lights are working throughout Tuscany-Canterbury. He will continue to keep in touch with BGE to fix the problem.

Baltimore City does not clear sidewalks of snow or ice.

In Baltimore City, property owners are responsible for removing snow and ice from sidewalks in front of their property within three hours of a snow event. This includes sidewalks in front of residential and commercial buildings, as well as empty lots. Homeowners who violate the law are fined $50. Commercial property owners are fined $100.

Most of the property owners have done a great job in removing the snow. The condos, apartment buildings, and Calvert School get an A+ for making their sidewalks safe.

Home Owners: Please be a good neighbor and clear your sidewalks of snow and sprinkle some salt or sand so that everything isn't an ice rink in the morning. The city doesn't clear the sidewalk for you, it's the responsibility of the property resident (renters too). There are several dozen homes in the neighborhood where the snow and ice were not removed. Don't be the reason your elderly neighbor falls.

Water Main Breaks

'Tis the season but one hopes that these infrastructure failures can get fixed once and for all.

If the Water Main Breaks

  • Call 311, don't assume someone else called.
  • Get the confirmation number.
  • Contact TCNA. TCNA can alert other neighbors about the problem and contact Councilwoman Odette Ramos for help.
Report problem to TCNA after contacting 311

January Water Problems

January 15, 2025: The water was turned off for the Gardens of Guilford and the Tuscany-Lombardy buildings. 

January 12, 2025: 3900/4000 block Linkwood Road – This is address is behind Hopkins House Apartments and they didn't have water. Odette Ramos had water delivered to the apartment building.

January 12, 2025: 4300 Block at Overhill Road – A lot of water was rushing up on Overhill and Linkwood, but no complaints of water service shut off. 

Let TCNA Know Your Neighborhood Concerns

Residential Permit Parking (RPP)

Nancy Lee LaMotte, TCNA Coordinator

Nancy Lee LaMotte, TCNA board member and chair of RPP for Tuscany-Canterbury, is a member of the City-wide Residential Parking Permits' advisory board. They have quarterly meetings and below is new information that was presented at the last meeting.

  • In 2024 there were 16,700 RPP citations issued including 5,546 citations for stadium events.
  • Twenty-three (23) new officers enforcing RPP will begin their employment February 1st with Baltimore City.
  • There are ninety (90) already on board with 60-70 active officers dividing their time equally between traffic control and parking enforcement.

Homeless Person Wondering the Neighborhood: Update

Since September, numerous neighbors have contacted TCNA about a homeless man who pushes a cart  through T-C alleys and often wonders nude screaming profanities in the early mornings. After contacting many groups for help, TCNA just received the information that he has been arrested for violating a peace order and is awaiting trial on that charge. It is our hope that the Mayor's Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) and the Baltimore Department of Social Services will be able to make recommendations to the court so that he will be enrolled in a program that will provide health services for him and ensure his safety .

If you are interested in the Baltimore City Budget, this is your opportunity to get involved and have input.


TCNA Neighbors, Places, Events

Let us know about anything that should be featured.   Email:

Jonna Lazarus 1943-2024

Our neighbor and friend

Our friend and neighbor, Jonna Lazarus, passed away in November.

Jonna, her husband, Fred, and their two Jack Russell terriers moved to Tuscany- Canterbury about ten years ago just after Jonna and Fred retired. A talented landscape designer and horticulturalist, Jonna was known for her inventive and harmonious choice of plant materials and making use of native plants. In addition to the beautiful landscape designs she and her firm created for private clients, Jonna’s work at MICA is especially notable for greening the streetscape. Jonna loved to cook and loved being with her children and grandson.

TCNA knew right away what a talent they had on Ridgemede Road and asked for Jonna’s help with some design ideas for the landscaping near the two Linkwood Road bridges. Jonna knew that we would be relying on volunteer weeders and planned the planting by the steps leading to the big bridge over Stony Run using only two kinds of plant, Black -eyed Susans and a ground cover – beautiful and smart! Jonna provided invaluable help during the TCNA conversations with Calvert when the school purchased the woods along Tuscany Road.

We really miss seeing our wonderful friend walking her little dogs up and down the hill, and her loving spirit but are grateful for having her with us as a wonderful Tuscany-Canterbury neighbor.   Jonna, her husband, Fred, and their two Jack Russell terriers moved to Tuscany- Canterbury about ten years ago just after Jonna and Fred retired. A talented landscape designer and horticulturalist, Jonna was known for her choice of plant materials and making use of native plants. In addition to the beautiful landscape designs she and her firm created for private clients, Jonna’s work at MICA is especially notable. Jonna loved to cook and loved being with her children and grandson.

TCNA knew right away what a talent they had on Ridgemede Road and asked for Jonna’s help with some design ideas for the landscaping near the two Linkwood Road bridges. Jonna knew that we would be relying on volunteer weeders and planned the planting by the steps leading to the big bridge over Stony Run using only two kinds of plant, Black -eyed Susans and a ground cover – beautiful and smart ! Jonna provided invaluable help during the TCNA conversations with Calvert when the school purchased the woods along Tuscany Road.

We really miss seeing our wonderful friend walking her little dogs up and down the hill, and her loving spirit but are grateful for having her with us as a wonderful Tuscany-Canterbury neighbor.  

Baltimore Sun article about Jonna,  December 12, 2024 

First New Salt Box of the Season

Not how I wanted to kick off Salt Box Season but no one deserves the first box of the season like Mary Pat Clarke. This trailblazing Baltimore City Council member of 32 years (and eventually first female president of the council) passed away on November 10.. I had the pleasure of being in a few merchant meetings with her and her civic pride and tenacity were contagious! I always left those meetings feeling inspired." 

Juliet Ames

Salt Box Video

Senator Mary Washington, 43rd District

Elected Chair of the Baltimore City Senate Delegation

"As Chair, I look forward to focusing on the best ways to leverage our collective strengths to ensure that we continue to pass laws during our time together in Annapolis that benefit all Marylanders and deliver meaningful results for the Baltimore residents, businesses, and institutions we serve.  I look forward to continuing to work tirelessly to bring about meaningful progress and ensure that your voices are heard."

  • JHU Early Learning Center

  • Hopkins Ice Skating Ends February 23

JHU Early Learning Center

University Parkway at San Martin Drive

Johns Hopkins sends TCNA updates about the progress at JHU Early Learning Center. In the future these updates will be posted on the TCNA website so you are able to check it as needed.

  • Install silt fence and construction entrances
  • Remove trees within the future building footprint
  • Trailer power installation

Johns Hopkins

Ice Skating Ends February 23

Hours of Operation


JHU affiliates and open to the general public

Saturdays: 8 am–11:30 pm

Sundays: 10 am–3:30 pm

Weekdays: JHU affiliates only

Monday–Thursday: Noon–7:30 pm

Fridays: Noon–11:30 pm

Complete the electronic waiver on-line prior to arrival at the rink

Book Here for Time on the Ice

The Ice Rink has a new location for 2025

Entrance is off West University Parkway in the Imagine Center parking lot. 


In and around


Maureen LaPorta, TCNA Restaurant Liaison

One World Cafe

Tuesday-Friday, 10- 8

Saturday, 9- 8

Sunday, 9-4

More Information

Alizee serves up classic American dishes with a modern and innovative flair. Our brown bag café offers to-go options and specialty coffee,

Now Open for Dinner on Mondays

5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Tuesday to Sunday

11am-3pm 5pm-10pm

20% Off On-line Orders

Order On-line

The sprinkler system went off unexpectedly with water damage. Restaurant closed until repaired. Check website for updates when they will reopen.

Check Cypriana's website for updates
Visit the TCNA  Website

Coconut cake is a speciality that they have on occasion. Tiramisu and almond croissants are their most popular items. 410-829-5393.

Hopkins Market is open!!


Sunday-Thursday,7am- 11pm

Saturday & Sunday, 7am-12am

More Information 

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TCNA restaurant web page.

Tuscany Canterbury Homes & Condos

Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract

Active means currently on the market. .

Closed means the property has sold and no longer for sale.

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Volunteers Needed

In Tuscany-Canterbury and Baltimore

TCNA Board Members: At the June 2025 meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of officers and board members. This recommended slate will be sent to the membership 30 days prior to the June meeting in accordance to the TCNA by-laws. The goal is to have an active and committed board with members from all sections of the neighborhood, including the condominiums.

All board members serve one year terms and

  • Are responsible for a committee or other neighborhood project; and are willing to provide information for the newsletter and website concerning the committee's activities or projects
  • Attend the majority of six board meetings and two general meetings each year (Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7PM)
  • Must be current TCNA members
  • Reach out to neighbors in their section of the neighborhood when necessary
  • Keep the board informed about neighbors' issues and concerns
Click here if you may be interested.  

HELP NEEDED: TCNA Newsletter and Website

  • Be the new administer for the TCNA website.
  • Find events that are happening in the area and summarize them for the newsletter.
  • Research and update some of the history of the neighborhood.
  • Be a back-up person to help format the newsletter.
  • Update the email list for the newsletter.
  • Check all the links to make sure they work.
Contact us to find out more about the ways you can help 

A great way to make a difference and meet neighbors and find out your neighborhood.

Volunteer in Tuscany-Canterbury

Greens Committee: Volunteers work to keep the neighborhood green and beautiful. They are responsible for the four public gardens and adding trees throughout the neighborhood. Currently TCNA hires a person to do the actual work. Goal is for 1 person to oversee each garden and let the coordinator know what needs to be done.

Streets Committee: There are two major street projects, one each on Tuscany Road and Linkwood Road, to calm the traffic and make the neighborhood safer for all. A separate group works on each project.

Membership Committee: Welcome new neighbors and to make sure everyone knows about TCNA. The goal is to have one person in each area or building to reach out to new neighbors.


Events Committee: Events throughout the year provide a variety of opportunities for neighbors to get to know each other. In 2025 help is needed with the new Thursday Meetup events and also the yearly picnic.

Let us know your interest and we'll have that committee contact you

Help Baltimore City Schools students achieve their dreams of higher education.

The CollegeBound Foundation is seeking volunteer scholarship readers to evaluate applications. This program provides critical funding to students based on academic merit, community service, and resilience.


Register to volunteer

Before February 25, 2025

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.

Year of the Snake

February 1, 6-10 pm

Peabody Heights Brewery

401 W 30th Street


Celebrate The Year of the Snake! Peabody Heights Brewery and NAAAP Baltimore are joining forces to celebrate Lunar New Year!

  • Beer Release: SALAK – Snake Fruit Inspired Beer
  • Activities: Money Tree, Snakes & Ladders, and Paper Chain Snakes.
  • Performances: Dual Lion Dance and music by Steve Hung
  • Food: Ekiben
  • Vendors: Asian owned businesses
  • Asian-Themed Arcade Games
  • Art by Reed Bmore & Jethro Patalinghug

The Walters Art Museum are hosting an event earlier in the afternoon so you can make this celebration last all day long!

More information about the Peabody Brewery Event
Information about Waters Art Gallery  Event 

February 1, 11 am–4 pm

Free, All ages

A day of art-making, tours, storytime sessions, photo booth fun, food, and more.

The Book Thing Website

Saturday, January 11

Sunday, February 9

EXTRA Donation Dates

Sat, Jan 25 – 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm only

Sun, Feb 23 – 10 am – 1pm only

See website for more information

3001 Vineyard Lane, Baltimore, MD 21218

Concerts Near Tuscany-Canterbury

February 23, 3:30 pm

Morgan State University Choir

The Morgan State University Choir is renowned as one of the nation's most prestigious university choral ensembles. While their wide-ranging repertoire spans classical, gospel, and popular music, the choir is especially acclaimed for their historic and authoritative performances preserving the heritage of the spiritual.

2nd Community Concerts

4200 St. Paul Street

Free concerts. No tickets or registration required. Presented in-person and live streamed on YouTube


There are many wonderful concerts available within a few minutes drive from our neighborhood. Some even within walking distance! The TCNA webpage has the list of concerts in the area. (Most are free.)


Baltimore Heritage

5 minute Video

Did you know Henry Box Brown escaped enslavement by shipping himself inside a wooden crate on the B&O Railroad? The journey took 27 hours from Richmond to Philadelphia in 1849.

The museum has a fabulous new exhibit, The Underground Railroad: Freedom Seekers on the B&O Railroad.... You can go visit and learn about the enslaved people that used the B&O Railroad as part of the Underground Railroad.

Click here for the video


See more pictures in the TCNA Galleries. Special thanks to John Robinson who took most of the pictures. If you have neighborhood pictures that you would like to share, please send them to us.

President TCNA

TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025

  • President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup, Chair Membership Committee, Member, Greens Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road), Public Safety Committee, Chair
  • Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Member Greens Committee

Board Members:

  • Jack Boyson (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Brandon Eilertson (Cloverhill Road), Chair, Streets Committee
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee

Find out more about

Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhod