St. Tim's Monthly Potluck & Game Night

Saturday, February 1, 6pm

Parish Hall

St. Tim's Game Night is rebranding as a Potluck & Game Night (and who doesn't love a potluck?!) On the first Saturday of every month, a crew gets together to play board and card games, eat tasty food, and hang out with one another. ALL ages are welcome. Bring food and games to share!

February's Potluck & Game Night will be themed around the Superbowl! Cincinnati (sadly) didn't make it to the playoffs, but we can still root for our (other) favorite teams!! Wear your team's colors and be ready to play as hard as they do!

Our beloved Rev. Alice is a Game Board Librarian and had this to say about why games are important:

"The thing is, we still need play as adults, whether it’s telling jokes or a sports league or board gaming. We get stuck in the seriousness of the world and need the release of play. To be fair, there’s heavy stuff happening in the world and close to home—there are real problems that need to be taken seriously if we are going to heal. But delight and play help heal us as well. In a world where we are increasingly separate, where we struggle to find ways to talk to each other, whether it’s because of a political disagreement or simply because we don’t know each other yet, play can bring us together. Meet some new people, play new games, change the world, maybe. " (Quote from The Power of Play — Free Parking )

Kids & their People

Sundays, 10:20am

At our usual time of 10:20am, meet us in the Gathering Space and follow the sound of the bells downstairs--the Littles will be in Room 2 and the Bigs in Room 4.

We'll be exploring the story of Jesus calling some weird dudes to be his followers. Come and see!

Questions? Email The Rev. Alice at


Support for Immigrants


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35


In November 2024, in cooperation with several other Cincinnati churches, St. Timothy’s began co-sponsoring a refugee family. We sent $2000 to this Sanctuary Coalition to help with the family’s expenses and we have a church member on the weekly support call. A small group of St. Tim’s folk are brainstorming how else God is moving among immigrants in Cincinnati and how we can help. If you’re interested in this conversation, please email Althea Kearney at

Ignite Peace for Immigration 101

Tuesday, February 18,


St. Tim's Parish Hall


Learn about changes to our immigration system, how we're organizing to protect each other, and how you can get involved. Registration requested


Coffee Hour by Week

This Sunday is the FIRST Sunday of the month -

those with last names beginning with letters A - F should bring in a treat to share!

Please find which week your last name correlates with and bring in a small treat to share that Sunday.

Sunday of the month...

1st: last names A - F

2nd: last names G - M

3rd: last names N - R

4th: last names S - Z

5th: If you forgot to bring something on your Sunday, bring it today! This is an all hands on deck week!

Parish Photo Share

Do you have any pics of St. Tim's? This could be a group of parishioners out to eat on a Friday night or snaps of the Holy Eucharist on a Sunday morning. Don't mind if they are used for our communication? Share them with us!

Stephen Ministry

St. Timothy's is a member of the Greater Cincinnati Stephen Ministry Network.

If you would like more information about this ministry please view the website at


If you need to schedule a room in the building, please contact Louise

Click here for the full calendar on our website.

Email Scam Warning

Unfortunately, there are multiple scam emails being sent to parishioners. The perpetrators have emails with Roger's and Alice's name in them and have gone as far as taking his photo from our website. They can be convincing, but beware - they are scams. There isn't anything we can do about the impersonators except to flag the email as a fake account. If this happens to you, please report the email in your inbox.

Remember: Our clergy will NEVER email you asking for money or gift cards. ALL official correspondence from clergy will come from the address ONLY.

Be careful online - always check and double-check your links and accounts.

For Those On Our Prayer Lists:

Pray for those who need God's grace and assistance: Charlie Griffith, Jean Burr, Kim Smith, Tammy Young, Nancy Kes, Anne Kennedy, Millicent Vatter, Scott Rogers, Felix Winternitz, Kurt Frees, Selah Maisie Hart, Kimberly Trawick, Michael Trawick and Andrew Trawick, Angela Berner, Bill Hart, Bryce Riedel, Eva Brewer, Gretchen Griffith, Rod Davidson, Evelyn and Olivia Nemecek, Cole, Robyn Painter, Carrie Hayden, Ryan Griffith, Pat Noland, Walter Brueggemann, Wendy Jones, Tom Keller, Brooke Taylor, Dick Riedel, Angela Berner, Sarah Cummins, Kelley Mack (Klebenow), Tommie Libecap, Nat Truszczynski, Debby Corotis, Molly Dutina, Bill Jenne, Brad Crandall, Torrence Vaughan, Camryn Yacks, and Ann Hopkins

Pray for those serving our country: Jason Albright, Brandon Andrews, Michael Biller, Scott Birkley, Matthew Bradford, Michael Cassidy, Michael J. Corban, Tony Creation, Nick Flannery, Matthew Frank, Darrin Garland, Anthony Giardano, David Hancock, Anson Isaacs, Kasey Kozma, Valerie Lee, Micah Maupin, Patrick McCoy, Ben Menner, Roy Mitchell, Sam Morton, Peter Nowacki, Rachel Piening, Thomas Piening, Ryan Robinson, Jason Smith, Anthony Wurster, Leeland Young, Maddie Friedland, Brandon Murray, Blake Stephens, Andrew Fenner, Madison Swan, Logan Parlier, and Ryan Erps

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, this week we pray for:   The Diocese of Lokoja – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion); The Diocese of Lomega – Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan; The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; The Diocese of London – The Church of England; The Diocese of Long Island – The Episcopal Church; The Diocese of Los Angeles – The Episcopal Church; The Diocese of Louisiana – The Episcopal Church

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, this week we pray for: The people of St. John’s, Worthington – and Gia Hayes-Martin, Rector; David Burman, Associate Rector. The people of Ascension and Holy Trinity, Wyoming. Pastors to Retired Clergy and their spouses – Bruce Smith, Tom and Nancy VanBrunt. The School for Ministry. Those exploring calls to ordained ministry.

In the Parish Cycle of Prayer, we pray for: El Hogar

The eNews is published each Friday.

Please send submissions to Sami by 10am the Thursday before.





St. Timothy's Episcopal Church

8101 Beechmont Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45255


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