November 10, 2022


Cocheco River in downtown Dover. (SRPC photo)


Fall is flying by with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and a family favorite, broccoli casserole, are what I am looking forward to for the upcoming holiday. I hope you all enjoy the month and take some time to reflect on what you are thankful for this year. For me it is my family, friends, and the beautiful seacoast which I call home.

Here at SRPC we are gearing up for our MPO review on Monday, are finalizing maps for three trails in the Town of Lee, and are getting ready to welcome a new intern to the SRPC team.

In this issue you will find information on the outcomes of CommuteSmart NH Buses, Bikes & Brooms challenge; SRPC's latest conference and article; SRPC's master planning assistance; planning events of interest; Charlie King's citizen planner of the year award, the dates for the next Rising Tides photo contest, and community happenings.    

Until Next Month,  

Shayna Sylvia 


2022 Buses, Bikes & Brooms Outcomes

SRPC's Latest

SRPC's Master Planning Assistance Updates

Planning Events of Interest 

Partner Spotlight: Charlie King, Farmington

Save the Date: Rising Tides 2023

Community Happenings  


Senior Planner James Burdin provides an overview of the community master plan forum event to attendees. (SRPC photo)

Outcomes of the CommuteSmart NH

Buses, Bikes & Brooms Challenge

Costumed Smart Commuters.

CommuteSmart NH's third annual Buses, Bikes & Brooms challenge took place during the month of October.

This year, 39 smart commuters reduced 1,046 car trips, saving 14,137 miles and 576 gallons of gas, and preventing 11,290 pounds of emissions.

There were also twenty individuals who reduced more than 30 car trips in a single month, way to go smart commuters! To view the list, and to learn more about CommuteSmart NH visit their website.



Northeast Arc User Group (NEARC) Conference

Planning technician Stephen Geis attended the three-day Northeast Arc User Group (NEARC) Conference at the Omni Mount Washington during the week of Nov. 7. Many data-centric ideas were presented at the conference to support planning efforts through GIS. These planning data tools will be used by SRPC to improve automation, presentation and participation throughout several topics such as transportation and resiliency planning.

During the various sessions and trainings, Stephen learned about new data sources that will be useful for the update to SRPC's Data Snapshot this spring. The conference also allowed Stephen to build important connections with colleagues from across the Northeast and to share ideas.


ICYMI: "Economic Resiliency Planning"

SRPC economic recovery coordinator Natalie Gemma recently co-authored an article published in NHMA's Town and City Magazine focused on economic resiliency planning.

Along with Stacey Doll, community resiliency planner at North Country Council (NCC) and Jay Minkarah, executive director at Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC), Natalie shared an overview of the economic resiliency work that came as an outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the article she details work she led through SRPC's CARES Act programming. This includes SRPC's record digitization project and community technical assistance program, among other efforts.

Read the full article to learn more about SRPC's economic development programming and to learn about similar work at SRPC's counterparts at NCC and NRPC.

SRPC Master Planning Assistance Updates

SRPC staff and Strafford residents at the Master Plan Community Forum (SRPC photo).

On Saturday, Nov. 5, SRPC facilitated a community master plan forum for the Town of Strafford. This event welcomed over 40 residents, who participated in three of four activities in the following themes: housing, land use and community character, natural resources, and community services and infrastructure.

SRPC and the Strafford Planning Board members who assisted were able to get important feedback from exercises that were shaped by the public outreach survey, which was taken by close to 400 people in town. This information will inform the town's various master plan chapters that SRPC staff are helping to draft.

SRPC is also working with the Town of Barrington on its master plan, and will hold a similar forum on Saturday, Dec. 10. In the interim, the Town's public survey is live and can be taken by those who live and work in Barrington.


STILL TIME TO REGISTER | NHMA 81st Annual Conference and Exhibition - November 16 - 17, DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Downtown Hotel

There is still time to register for NHMA's 81st Conference which takes place on Wednesday, November 16 and Thursday, November 17 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Downtown Manchester. 

The theme this year is “Getting Used to Different”, as it's been nearly two years and New Hampshire municipalities are still “getting used to different” and adapting to the extraordinary events of the pandemic.

Elected and appointed officials have been faced with tough challenges and opportunities to create new programs and services that best meet the changing needs of their residents. 

This year’s conference will be held as a live, in person event in Manchester both days with simultaneous live-streaming for virtual attendees. 

Learn more and register online.

NHPA'S "The ins and outs of Stormwater Utility Ordinances" - Friday, Nov. 18 at Noon

Join NHPA and panelists Gretchen Young, Environmental Projects Manager, City of Dover; Emily Scerbo, PE - Senior Storm-water Practice Leader, Tighe&Bond; and Renee Bourdeau - Senior Stormwater Extraordinaire Engineer - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. for a lunchtime panel discussion of what works, what doesn't and what drive us all crazy about Stormwater Utility Ordinances!

Register via Zoom.

NH Planners Association Annual Meeting – Friday, Dec. 2 at Fratello's in Manchester

NH Planners Association invites you to celebrate a successful year of planning across the state, at its annual meeting. 

The business meeting will begin at 10:15 AM, preceded by check-in and networking beginning at 9:30AM. Coffee and pastries will be provided. 

Lunch will follow the business meeting portion of the agenda. The last portion of the meeting will be for professional development with two sessions, one an ethics session led by Max Latona and the other session will be a panel discussion on urban street trees, forest management plans, and landscaping. CM credits pending.  

Register online.


Charlie King, citizen planner of the year, celebrates his award with the rest of the Farmington Planning Board. (SRPC photo)

On October 18, 2022, Farmington resident Charlie King was named recipient of the 2022 Citizen Planner of the Year by the Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) for his dedication to local volunteerism. Each year, NNECAPA recognizes citizen planners in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, for their advancement in the science and art of planning and commitment to community involvement through planning initiatives. Earlier this year, Charlie was honored with a similar award by the New Hampshire Planners Assocation at their Spring Conference in June. Over the years, Charlie has helpedFarmington accomplish quite a few monumental projects, including the construction of a new Public Safety Building, the reconstruction of the Main Street Bridge, securing funding for significant renovations to the Farmington Childcare Center, the establishment of a TIF District, the installation of LED streetlights, and implementing a Safe Routes to School program that included the enhancements of existing sidewalks, new crosswalks, signal lights, and other pedestrian safety improvements. 

Additionally, as Chair of the Planning Board, Charlie has been instrumental in guiding discussions about ways to promote higher density in the Village Center, protect the Town’s long-term drinking water supply, provide more housing options, and encourage commercial development along Route 11. In 2021, he was part of a process that adopted a full update to the Town’s Master Plan. 

He also founded the “Friends of Farmington”, along with his wife Kathy, a non-profit community organization that seeks to promote and support projects for the betterment of the community. Their vision is to create a more vibrant and productive community by supporting public outreach events, drug prevention and addiction services, and an affordable incubator space for small businesses. 

Please join us in congratulating Charlie! 

Save the Date for the Next Rising Tides Contest

2021 Rising Tides Photo Contest, High Tide Flooding – Atlantic Coast Winner (Credit: Ned Harvey)

The NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) will again hold its Rising Tides photo contest (previously King Tide photo contest).

Save the date for this year's contest, which will take place from Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 12:00 AM Eastern Time (“ET”) until Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.

And its never too early to start scoping a shooting location! Take a look at the tide chart below, and visit the CAW website for more information.


St. Ignatius Spirit of Christmas Fair

Nov. 11, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The 8th Annual Spirit of Christmas Fair will be held on Friday November 11 from 10 am to 7 pm and on Saturday November 12 from 9 am to 3 pm. Location is St Ignatius of Loyola Parish Holy Trinity Church, 404 High Street, Somersworth. This two-day Fair features Parish Artisans, Penny Sale, Raffles, Jewelry, Cookie Carousel, Baked Goods, Christmas Decorations, and Kid's Store. Join us for our Homemade lunch or dinner. Free admission with ample free parking.

Learn more.

Winter Farmers' Market

Nov. 19

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Seacoast Eat Local is again kicking off its winter farmers' market program, starting at Wentworth Greenhouses in Rollinsford on Nov. 19. There will be additional dates throughout the 2022-2023 winter season.

The markets feature local cheese, maple syrup, eggs, vegetables, bread, beer, soap, crafts, lots of other goodies - and music.

Learn more on the Seacoast Eat Local website.

Strafford Regional Planning Commission 

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

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