Principal's Post

Dear Parents,

As we now begin to follow the ordinary routine of the school year, let us remember all the extraordinary things that come with being a part of Saints Peter and Paul School. 

SSPP is truly blessed to have a Home and School Association. The HSA leadership has many exciting activities planned to make this year anything but ordinary. However, nothing can be achieved without your help. Consider supporting the HSA events even if it is in a small way. All parents at SSPP are part of the HSA. 

What a great example it is for our students to see the HSA come together as a community supporting them and their teachers. For when the students become adults, they will remember our strong community and in return support Catholic education for the next generation. It begins with us. Forming a close community facilitates a child’s intellectual, moral, and spiritual development. Being an active part of the HSA is an opportunity to have fun and gives all parents a chance to meet new people.  

As Mother Theresa so eloquently says, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Let's be extraordinary… together. Go SSPP!

Veronica Chandler

Veronica Chandler, Principal

Looking ahead…

Monday, September 26th - Annual Monsignor Foley Golf Outing and dinner.

Thursday, September 29th - Golf Ball drop on the SSPP field.  

  • Golf balls will be released from a helicopter above the field as children watch. 
  • Try for a chance to win a 50/50! Golf ball chances
  • Friday, October 7th - First Friday Mass at 8:30 am.
  • Coffee and refreshments with Mrs. Chandler in the cafeteria following Mass.

Saints Peter and Paul School
1327 Boot Road
West Chester, PA 19380
tel. (610) 696.1000 fax (484) 631.0181
Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal
Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman
Diana Poole, Advancement Director