Apalachicola, Florida

January 31, 2025

The Work of the Living

A few years ago, I read the following passage on a card. I was so moved by these words that I hurriedly wrote it down but completely forgot the source. Although I don’t know the author, I commend it to you today:

“I am everyone I have ever met. There are no chance acquaintances. Those who were kind taught me empathy. Those who were patient let me see that being first was not important. Those who loved me even in my frailties showed me an enormous gift that would carry me through difficult times. Those intolerant of me proved that someday others would fill this void. And those who stood for deep hatred portrayed a side of life I was glad not to be a member of. I am everyone I have ever met. What am I teaching you?”

This lands on my heart as a scriptural word. To say a text is scriptural is to say that, over time, its meaning unfolds before our lives. It comforts as it challenges. It offers a guide to speaking and living faithfully even when our voices shake, even when our hearts are mired in darkness. A passage like the one above arose from a life full of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, recognizing the impact others have upon us also acknowledges the power we have on others. It is an authentic, unvarnished view of life and one of the first steps we take in our walk with grace. 

What power have you derived from remaking your life…or life remaking you? What lessons have opened (or closed) your heart to the promises of better days? Can these lessons be used as a tool to repackage your grief into something far more potent and positive? Or do you think it’s too late; that you are left with watching the water flow under the bridge and into the distance? 

This is the work of the living. And because you are reading this, hear me: there is still work for you to do. And it may be an “aching kind of growing”, as John Steinbeck wrote in East of Eden.

For you are everything you have experienced. Do something with it to

teach the world that love has the last say, surrounded by the

grace of God instilled in you at your birth.

Love Big and Be Well,

Stephen +


Food & Fellowship Gatherings

Food & Fellowship groups (previously called Foyer groups) are a Trinity tradition, enabling parishioners to spend a few evenings together each year, with the same group of people, allowing them to get to know one another better.  There are no “rules” and no “expectations” as each group makes its own plans, with one person in the group serving as the lead coordinator.  

Ideally the groups will be created, and enjoy their first gathering, by the first of March. Groups will have 8-11 people. For those who may feel their home is too small to host a group, there are many other options; be creative! Last year one group had fun making pizzas together while another had an outdoor picnic, and another met at a local restaurant for happy hour and dinner. 

Food & Fellowship groups are part of the Parish Life committee and the sign- up sheets will remain in Benedict Hall through Sunday, February 9.

Fondue & fellowship at the home of Ralph & Susie Wagoner a couple of years ago.

If you are interested in being in a group but are unable to be at church the next several Sundays, please send your name, email, and phone number to: or

If you feel somewhat new to Trinity, or if you are part-time residents, we encourage you to participate and meet new friends. Of course, we want all our prior members to sign up again, too!  

Please, do not hesitate to ask questions and certainly know that everyone is welcome to be part of this Trinity fellowship.  

Third Thursday Bingo Continues in the New Year. Set your calendars for a fun evening of Bingo and fellowship every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in Benedict Hall. As always, the first board is free with additional cards $2 each (or three for $5). All proceeds go to Parish Life. Bring a snack to share; tea and lemonade will be provided. The next three Bingo nights are February 20, March 20, and April 17.

Becoming Episcopalian. Would you like to learn more about The Episcopal Church, or are you ready to be received as an Episcopalian? This class is for you! Classes will be held on Sundays at 4-5 pm in the Conference Room, with some breaks to accommodate the Ilse Newell Concerts at Trinity. Classes will be held on February 2, 9, 23; March 2, 9, 23; and April 6 (with a makeup date of April 27, just in case). Trinity will provide all the necessary study materials (donations to offset cost are appreciated). If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office or reach out to Stephen.

Helping Hands. The Pastoral Care Committee has been hard at work planning out 2025. In addition to starting support groups for those navigating bereavement, cancer, and caregiving, we are expanding how we provide support to those needing short-term, temporary assistance. There is much more to come about these subjects, so stay tuned.

Our Beloved Prayer List and More. Every Sunday you can write in your prayer requests in the small notebook on the table as you enter the church. These are read during the 10:30 service and included in the parish prayers that week. In addition, you can email prayer requests to; please include their name(s) and the need. These will stay on the prayer list for 30 days unless directed otherwise.

Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live.

And don’t forget - we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.

Trinity Landscaping Plan Underway

The response to the Trinity Landscaping Plan has been extremely positive. Phase 1 includes replanting the areas around the Rectory, Benedict Hall, and the sanctuary. We have completed planting around the west and south side of the church, the south side of Benedict Hall, the south side of the Rectory, and planting three large trees on the northeast corner of the Rectory lot. 

We have discovered that the sprinkler system does not cover the entire property. Therefore, the next project will be extending the sprinkler system to cover the gaps. A few of the plants did not survive the summer and the freeze; they will be replaced. Another project, to be completed in the next few weeks, will be the replacement of the soil in the memorial garden on the west side, and miniature camellias will be replaced.  

The total budget was $20,208 and funds raised are $11,208. We have $9,000 yet to raise. 

As for Phases II and III of the Landscaping Plan, the Vestry has already approved a Phase II Meditation Garden for the area north of Benedict Hall. That’s the space where the Montessori School playground was.  

Phase III will be the extension of the Memorial Garden. There is a waiting list of congregants who are interested in purchasing space in the columbarium. A committee has been appointed to develop a plan for that area. 

Phase III will also include the development of a plan to memorialize pets with brick pavers. An un-utilized space has been identified just west of the storage building and the alley on the church office property.  We are grateful that Rebecca Stafford, the landscape designer who donated her time for the development of Phase I and Phase II, has agreed to donate her time for Phase III.

I hope you will consider contributing to the Landscape Project. The Vestry would like to complete Phase I so implementation of Phase II can begin. Be sure to mark your donation Landscape Plan Phase I. Many members have earmarked memorial gifts for the landscape plan. Now is the time to plant in our area, so the vegetation can get established before the summer.  

-- Rick Watson, Chairman, Phase I


Trinity's Rector, Stephen Pecot, teamed up with local singer-songwriter, Clayton Mathis, to perform for a standing room only audience at the Apalachicola Margaret Key Library last week.


Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on February 2, pray for St. Andrew’s and St. Patrick’s, both of Panama City, FL; and on February 9, pray for Education for Ministry and St. John’s, Mobile, AL. For prisons: on February 2, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Washington County Jail, Chipley, FL; and on February 9, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Apalachee Correctional Institution, East Unit & West Unit, Sneads, FL.

Cursillo Weekends Are Back! Cursillo is a three-day retreat offered to persons who wish to deepen their faith and walk with Christ. It is offered through our diocese at Beckwith Conference Center in Fairhope, AL.

Cursillo is currently offered two weekends each year, and it is free to attendees. There are two weekends scheduled for 2025: March 13-16 and September 11-14.

To learn about Cursillo, the diocese has a great website or talk to someone who has been (Chris Presnell, Bonnie Stewart, The Pecots, Ina Margaret Meyer, Patti McCartney, and many more). Check it out. Who wouldn’t want to be loved on and pampered for three days? You deserve it! De Colores!


Supporting Southern California Wildfire Response Efforts. Trinity will direct the loose plate collection this coming Sunday, February 2, to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and their One Body & One Spirit Annual Appeal as they assist people with recovery in that region after a devastating month of wildfires. (By the way, ‘loose plate’ means offerings not earmarked for pledges or other purposes.) As always, Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with partners to support those affected.

You can make an online gift directly to ERD by visiting In the meantime, please pray for those who have experienced loss there from minor damage to everything, including lives. 


Dot Hill's great-grandsons enjoyed a rare opportunity to play in the snow at their farm in Jackson County where they had about six inches of snow last week. Snowballers are Wyatt, Camden, Waylon, Brantley, and Wallace.

Martha & Rick Watson were privileged to attend mass at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC on January 19.

Kay Carson with her grandson, Frankie Siliezar, celebrating his first birthday in Rhode Island.


The TRINITY TEN, a ten-point questinnaire that provides a light-hearted,

yet sincere, profile of Trinity parishioners, is designed for us to get

to know each other a little better. Your responses, along with a

photograph, will appear regularly in the Bay View.

Jason Carter

Jason Carter grew up in Ozark, Alabama. He currently works in Supply Chain with MasterBrand Cabinets, where has been employed for 22 years.

Prior to MasterBrand, he worked in the chemical industry as a distillation and capital project specialist supporting projects around the globe. 

Jason holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alabama, and plans to retire from MasterBrand in March!

Greatest influence on your life (person or experience): What a tough question to answer! I've been blessed with wonderful parents, friends, and professional mentors throughout my life. My father taught me the importance of working hard and serving others, and my mother taught me the importance of being thankful. Though I never had the chance to meet him, the teaching ministry of the Rev. Dr. R.C. Sproul has been very impactful on my Christian walk, helping me to know God more deeply and share His love with others.


How would someone else describe you: Friendly


One thing people might be surprised to know about you: I can sing bass. I grew up in a church that only had a cappella music - no instrumental accompaniment.


Favorite part of living here: The people, both at Trinity and the broader community.

Dogs or cats: Both, Tara has helped me to love all of God's creatures!

Bacon or broccoli: Really??? Bacon.


Coleslaw - vinegar or mayo: Mayo.


One thing you are good at: Picking wine.


One thing you’d rather not do: Paint


What drew you to Trinity:  The warm and sincere people, not to mention the short commute to church!


Readings for February 2, 2025, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Readings for February 9, 2025, the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Watch our Sunday sermons online:

Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.


Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is February 12)

-- Kay Carson, Editor

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday

Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550


Visit our Website