Volume 73 | January 2025

Let's Put the Health Back in Healthcare

Helene Langevin: Coalition kickoff for Whole Person Health

On her Director’s page, NCCIH Director Helene Langevin provides a summary of the first meeting of the Coalition for Whole Person Health. The inaugural stakeholder meeting of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) Coalition for Whole Person Health took place at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Natcher Center on November 1, 2024. NCCIH hosted this first meeting of the Coalition, which was attended by representatives from 60 member organizations with an interest in whole person health.

My colleagues and I provided an overview of our work at NCCIH focused on whole person health and our collaborations across NIH, including with the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, and with other Federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). We shared updates on our efforts to strengthen the research infrastructure for whole person health through different initiatives, including applications currently being reviewed for a funding opportunity on whole person research and the Research Across Complementary and Integrative Health (REACH) Institutions Virtual Resource Centers.

During the Coalition meeting, participants posed interesting questions about how the community of stakeholders can advance whole person health in the larger health ecosystem. Some of the questions that came up were foundational, like understanding the relationship between the terms “whole person health” and “whole health.” As more organizations join the discussion on whole person health, it was a welcome opportunity to take a step back and explore the different contexts and nuances in how the terms are used.

Read the full summary here

Save the Date: IHPC Assembly Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 25

IHPC will hold its first Assembly Meeting of 2025 on February 25

You won't want to miss this informative session that will look at current policy issues impacting integrative health. It will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Central time. Stay tuned for additional details and a link to the session.

IHPC Happenings:

IHPC Policy Committee Internship Opportunity

IHPC is looking for an intern that would be assigned to review the 2020 and 2022 AHRQ Reports on Pain to identify the research studies that were rejected from consideration to understand any trends or issues that can be corrected by researchers in the future so that their research is considered. Interested candidates should reach out to Michael Duarte <>

Learn more about the Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus

The Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus (SDOH), launched in 2022, is closely aligned with IHPC’s mission and goals. The caucus explores opportunities to improve the impact of services delivered to address social determinants with the support of federal funding. It will also work to amplify evidence-based approaches to holistic well-being.

Congressional responsibility for programs to address social determinants is divided among many committees and delivered across multiple agencies. As such, we have convened the Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus to bring together members of Congress from disparate jurisdictions to highlight the opportunities for coordination to improve health outcomes and maximize existing and future federal investments in health, food, housing, transportation, and other important drivers of health. Leadership is needed to break down the barriers that impede better coordination between health and social services programs.

Learn more about what the caucus does, what its members are saying and how to get engaged on their website.

Events and

Conferences 2025

Save the Date

February 25

IHPC's first 2025 Assembly Meeting / proposed time 11:30 pm Central

March 27-30

American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Annual Symposium / Pittsburgh, PA

April 3-5

International Chiropractors Association / Clearwater Beach, FL

April 3-6

Joint American Homeopathic Conference (online Pre conference workshops and virtual conference)

June 10-14

American Holistic Nurses Association 45th Annual Conference / Reno, NV

July 10-12

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Hybrid Convention / Palm Springs, CA

A special request

to our

Partners for Health

In order to keep up with the work of IHPC, we encourage you to follow our Facebook page and our LinkedIN page and then please share a link to these pages in your next newsletter!

Visit the IHPC Website
Integrative Health Policy Consortium | 712 H Street NE Suite 1108, Washington DC, 20002 |
202.505.IHPC (4472) |