August/September 2023


We've had a busy summer with lots of activities happening at one time. From Wii Bowling and the Spelling Bee to our Annual Photo and Testimonial Contest, we have been keeping our communities busy and thriving!

Photo & Testimonial Contest: There is still time to showcase how your residents are thriving by entering your photos & testimonials.

This year's Supportive Living theme is “Our Time to Thrive," so we are looking for entries that showcase all the things Supportive Living communities do to ensure our seniors and individuals with disabilities have the support they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. 

You've still got time to capture life in your community and share the results with the rest of the SL family by participating. The deadline for entry is Thursday, August 31st.


Visit our website to learn more about the contests.

Wii Bowling Competition: Check out the regional winners of our Wii Bowling competition. The following teams have moved onto the Semi Finals, which take place from Sept. 4-15.

Central Region:                          

Gateway at River City – DJB (2743 pins)

Central Region (Wildcard):  

Grand Prairie Assisted Living – The Strikers (2454 pins)

South Suburban Region:               

Heritage Woods of Bolingbrook – HWB Wii Bowling (2904 pins)

Northwest Region:                         

Heritage Woods of Freeport – Silver Shiners (2142 pins)

Spelling Bee Competition: Our spelling teams have been busy competing in local challenges within their communities, and winning teams will soon be moving on to compete in regional competitions later this month! Stay tuned for teams moving on to Regional Competitions!

Policy Update

Action Required!! HFS Survey on Residents Impacted by May 2023 Asset Limit Increase

We encourage you to complete the survey sent by HFS!! Your help is needed. Please complete the survey by September 13th!

The federally approved 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services waiver for the Supportive Living Program (SLP) includes a cap each year for the number of unduplicated Medicaid residents served. With the asset limit change that became effective in May, it’s possible we will have more Medicaid residents than projected for this waiver year and the next.


HFS may need to submit a waiver amendment to federal CMS to revise our cap.  To determine if a waiver amendment is necessary, HFS must collect information on:

·       The residents who were recently approved for Medicaid as a result of the asset limit change effective May 19, 2023.

·       Residents impacted by the asset limit change with pending Medicaid applications and anticipated applications within the next 6 months.  

Again, HFS is only requesting information for residents whose recent Medicaid approval was impacted by the asset limit change or those with pending/future approvals that will be impacted. If an individual applied for Medicaid prior to 5/19/23 and their assets were <$2,000 for an individual or <$3,000 for a married couple, do not include them in the survey response. To learn more, click here.

 *If you did not receive the password-protected survey, please contact:


Maximus Dementia Reviews for Colbert Class Members began this Month

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has contracted with partner Maximus to conduct independent, conflict-free Dementia Reviews to facilitate HFS compliance with Colbert Consent Decree requirements. This new service launched on August 14, 2023, and will help to:

·       Identify persons residing in Cook County Nursing Facilities who may no longer require community transition services due to severe dementia (i.e., major neurocognitive disorder) that is unlikely to improve.


·       Support the long-term resolution of the Colbert Consent Decree through the implementation of this new process. To learn more, click here.


Medicaid Reinstatement Accountability Call with LTC Providers-August

To view slides, click here.


Updated SLP Cost Report & Instructions

All supportive living program providers certified by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services must file a cost report. SLP providers must submit cost reports to the Bureau of Health Finance at any time upon request from the Department, or, when a significant change occurs in the SLP provider's financial status/solvency, and, annually not later than 90 days after the end of the SLP provider’s fiscal year. Additional details regarding preparation and, filing requirements can be found in the cost reporting instructions, and in the Department’s rules at 89 Ill. Adm. Code 146.265(e)2. Click here to learn more.

Any questions concerning the filing of cost reports should be addressed to:

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Bureau of Health Finance

201 S. Grand Ave. E.

Springfield, IL 62763

Telephone: 217-782-1630


Questions and Answer: Reinstatement Period

Members that do not submit their redetermination on time have a 90-day reinstatement period. If their redetermination is completed within the 90-day period, and if the member is determined eligible for coverage, the member’s Medicaid coverage will be reinstated back to the first date of lost coverage. If the reinstatement is processed within the 90-day period, the member will be reassigned to the same managed care organization (MCO) prospectively. Providers should bill HFS for any services performed for the period of reinstated coverage.

QUESTION #1: When an enrollee loses his/her eligibility during redetermination and enters the 90-day grace period, what entity will pay for services provided if the person is then reinstated (ie- the MCO or the State). I assumed it would be the person's original MCO with which he/she was previously enrolled that would pay, but I found the paragraph below on the BCBSIL website, which states that providers should bill HFS for any services performed for the period of reinstated coverage.  Does this mean that  that HFS would pay fee-for-service, or the MCOs will pay claims when directed by HFS?


ANSWER: The re-enrollment into the managed care is prospective, so the customer would be fee-for-service during the period of time that their Medicaid eligibility was reinstated prior to the prospective enrollment back into the managed care plan. Services provided during that period of time should be billed to fee-for-service Medicaid and would be paid fee-for-service.  


QUESTION #2: If the resident is not reinstated during the 90-day period and determined ineligible, will there be any payment for continued services during the 90-day grace period?  

ANSWER: No, there wouldn’t be any payments if the individual didn’t have coverage. The customer would have to reapply if they didn’t get the redetermination and necessary supporting documentation submitted within 90 days of the closure. 


Do you have a question about the ongoing redetermination process? Ask AALC and we will track down the answers for you! Send questions to with subject line “Redetermination Question.”

CMS Extends Timeline for Appendix K Authorities

CMS is issuing this guidance in recognition of the number of section 1915(c) waiver actions already submitted and expected to be submitted by states to incorporate Appendix K flexibilities into the ongoing operations of their HCBS programs. The nature of these amendments, namely those to modify services, payment rates and provider qualifications, meets the definition of a “substantive change” defined at 42 CFR § 441.304(d), and therefore requires an effective date no earlier than the date of CMS approval, and requires public notice to be conducted prior to submission of the action to CMS, as defined in § 441.304(f). The ability for these waiver actions to be submitted, reviewed and approved by November 11, 2023, to prevent a lapse in authority, is highly uncertain. In the name of minimizing disruption to beneficiaries, providers and states, CMS is issuing this extension of the Appendix K expiration date. The applicable Appendix K will remain in effect until the effective date of the section 1915(c) waiver action (amendment or renewal). To learn more, click here.

HFS submitted a waiver amendment to federal CMS on August 1st seeking, among other things, to make permanent the $6.15 daily rate increased authorized by Appendix K.


Expanding Veterans’ Options for LTC 

AALC has been working to educate and promote Expanding Veterans' Options for Long Term Care Act (SB 495/HB 1815). AALC has been meeting with other national trade associations as well as the Illinois Congressional Delegation to secure support for the Act.  If enacted, the Act provides for selection of six Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs) or regions to help pilot this veterans' initiative. With Illinois' national lead in affordable, Medicaid-supported assisted living and its location spanning 3 VISNs (VA Heartland Network, Great Lakes Health Care System, and the Midwest Health Care Network), Illinois could be instrumental in successfully implementing this pilot program. To learn more, click here.


New Application for Benefits Eligibility Access and Multi-Factor Authentication Process

All Long Term Care (LTC) providers that the State of Illinois will soon be introducing a new way for Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) users to log in to their accounts. The projected Go Live for this new process is Fall 2023. Users will then receive an email with instructions on how to complete registration on their Illinois Partner account.

This new login, which includes a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) security process, is called ILogin for customers and Illinois Partner for logging into the ABE Provider Portal. The goal is to improve protection of private information. The Illinois Partner application uses the latest security tools to protect information and reduce the chance that someone other than the Provider user is able to access data in ABE. To learn more, click here.

Illinois Among States Prompting Concern By Federal CMS

In letters sent this month to state Medicaid agencies, CMS raised concerns that long call center wait times and high abandonment rates “are impeding equitable access to assistance and the ability for people to apply for or renew Medicaid” and may run afoul of federal requirements. Similar warnings were sent to 16 states — Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Utah. To read more, click here.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $100 million to Grow the Nursing Workforce

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this month announced awards of more than $100 million to train more nurses and grow the nursing workforce. These investments will address the increasing demand for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and nurse faculty. To learn more, click here.

View Current SL Rates


This year our goal is to raise $225,000 in voluntary contributions for the AALC PAC! We very close to reaching out goal but need your help! To date, we have secured contributions or pledges totaling $205,000! With your help, we will reach or even exceed our goal.

This year we have asked communities with 100 or fewer apartments to contribute $2,500 and those with greater than 100 apartments to contribute $3,500. You can send your check to the AALC PAC at: PO Box 1245, Springfield, IL 62705. I know that you understand the important role that the AALC PAC plays in our advocacy work. 

Thank you for supporting our advocacy work!

Legislative Update

August has been a busy month for us! We hosted two important events to honor our legislative champions.  On August 10th we celebrated Leader Robyn Gable and her work to protect and advance the Supportive Living Program. The Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives Chris Welch was in attendance and highlighted the important role that our members play in giving Illinois seniors and individuals with disabilities an alternative to institutional care. Most recently, we hosted Senate President Don Harmon on Monday for lunch. We had a thoughtful conversation with a small group of AALC members. President Harmon is a strong champion of the supportive living program and we deeply appreciate the ongoing support we have from the Illinois General Assembly. 

AALC is continuing to work with HFS to implement a range of regulatory and legislative initiatives that impact the Supportive Living Program.  We are equally happy to have a strong partnership with the HFS and look forward to their participation in our Annual Meeting in October.  Learn more and register today.

Legislative Champion Events

August 10 Event: 

From Left to Right: 

Charlene Burkett, Rod Burkett, Michael Stein, Robyn Gabel, and Karin Zosel

August 28 Event:

From Left to Right:

Michael Stein, George Dinges, Karin Zosel, Illinois Senate President Don Harmon, Bob Gawronski, Chuck Sheets, Joseph Chase, and John Shlofrock

HFS Medicaid Training Webinar Series - FIRST WEBINAR IS TODAY!

Join HFS as they hold a three-part virtual webinar series designed for partners to who want to help Medicaid customers stay connected to care. Please register at the links provided below.

August 30, 1–2pm

Training Series Two, First Session:

A Review of ABE Manage My Case (MMC) Setup, Navigation , and Functionality. Register here.

September 6, 10–11am

Training Series Two, Second Sessions:

Previously Submitted Questions Answered By HFS Subject Matter Experts. Register here.

September 14, 11am–12pm

Training Series Two, Third Session:

Language Accessibility - Training Customers, Providers, and Stakeholders on How to Access Translation Services for Medical Redetermination. Register here.

AALC Annual Meeting 

October 25-26, 2023 Springfield, IL

Register to attend AALC’s 2023 Annual Conference. We are offering two tracks for owners and staff. CEU credits will be available. Learn more and register today.

Supportive Living 2023 -

Member Activity Spotlight

Heritage Woods of Freeport Celebrates SL Week in Style!

Heritage Woods of Freeport celebrated Supportive Living Week in August. One of their dress up days included pool attire!

Enjoying the theme days of their SL week celebration, Heritage Woods of Freeport decided a "Tacky Tourists" day would be fun!

Thanks for showing us how your residents are THRIVING!

What better way to end SL Week celebrations than with a water balloon fight! Happy Supportive Living to everyone!

Vendor Members - Sign Up to Sponsor AALC's Annual Meeting!

Meet members, set up a display booth and support AALC. Learn more about becoming a sponsor here.

MEMBERS! If you know of a vendor who might be interested in joining AALC, share their information with us at and we will reach out to them. Are you a vendor member and interested in bringing content to our Supportive Living communities? Let us know and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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