February 2023 Newsletter
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In This Issue
Neighborhood Committees
Events Committee: 100th Centennial Celebration: July 8
- Public Safety Updates:
- Calvert Liaison Committee
- Calvert Woods Committee
- Greens Committee: What's Coming in the Spring
- Streets Committee: Comments about University Parkway
- Communications: Website - History Section - Ma and Pa Railroad
Neighborhood News
- Neighbors in the News: Barbara Mikulski and John Waters
- Repair of Street Lights: Updates
- Lower Stony Run Plan Presented to Planning Commission
- Hillside Park: Video of Possible Plans for the Park
- Pickleball: Department of Rec and Parks Wants Your Input
- Congratulations: Delegate Regina T. Boyce
- Councilwoman Odette Ramos Updates: Keep Your Dog On A Leash
- DPW Request Comments on Solid Waste Plan
Johns Hopkins University: Lacrosse Season at Homewood Field
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
- Cypriana's special recipe
Alizee is now Bradley's Bar and Grill
Home & Condo Current Sale Prices
Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
March 8, 7PM, TCNA Board Meeting, Broadview Apartments - lower level meeting room.
NEXT RECYCLING DAYS: March 2 and March 16
- Lots of events included at the end of the newsletter.
Winter Gallery of Tuscany-Canterbury Pictures- More Great Pictures
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John, TCNA's neighborhood photographer, just took these picture this week (Feb 12, 2023). The flowers are pushing Spring to arrive early this year. | |
TCNA is stronger with you as a member? We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues.
CLICK HERE to join or renew your TCNA dues.
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Having a great park and walking path in our neighborhood is another reason to join TCNA. They improve our quality of life and also increase home values. | |
2010-2017 Tuscany -Canterbury spearheaded the creation of the 4 mile Stony Run waking path and secured the necessary state funding for the two bridges over Stony Run. Great for everyone in the neighborhood. | |
BEFORE: Old wooden bridge over Stony Run | | |
NOW: New steel bridge at Ridgemede and Linkwood | | |
Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates
Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Crime Committee
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Tuscany-Canterbury continues to be one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments. | |
January1 to February 15, 2023
Source: Northern District Police
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How to Make our Neighborhood Safer
Lock your car doors and do not leave anything visible.
Light up the outside your home or condo including motion lights.
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Captain Bennett attended the January TCNA board meeting and is scheduled to attend the March 8 board meeting. Captain Bennett will have more specific information that will be shared in the March TCNA newsletter. All are welcomed to attend the board meetings. | |
Major Azalee N. Johnson has been appointed as the District Commander of the Northern District. A Baltimore native, she has served with the Department for more than 20 years and was previously with the Executive Officer of the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Operations Bureau. READ MORE
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As the pandemic ebbs, an influential COVID tracker shuts down.
NPR's 'Morning Edition' broke the news that the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center plans to cease operations March 10. READ MORE AND LISTEN
Now that the pandemic is waning and the CDC seems to be back up and running fully, TCNA will join in JHCRC' decision to cease updates. This will be the last regular update. Stay safe and healthy. This will be the last regular update. Stay safe and healthy.
- Get vaccinated and continue with boosters.
- If you think you have COVID take a home test and call your doctor if you are positive.
- Wearing a mask around large indoor groups is always a good idea.
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Events Committee
Ann Christopher, Chair
Roz Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator
Josh Cohen, Tuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinator
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Tuscany Woods
Project Committee
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso, Co-Chairs
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The first weekend in February there was another leak from the cooling tower that was caught early on before it resulted in another hazardous ice situation on Tuscany Road. According to Calvert, this leak (and and the one that occurred over the Christmas holidays) resulted from a malfunctioning sensor that froze due to the unusually cold weather. Their contractor has installed an additional heating unit around the sensor that should prevent it from freezing again.
Calvert has made a commitment to re-locate and reduce the number of Forest Conservation Area signs as soon as the weather warms up enough to unfreeze the soil around the sign posts so they can be removed easily. Replacement plantings of dead trees and plantings of new trees around the cooling tower fence will happen later in the spring.
CLICK HERE to contact Project Committee
For the most updated information go to the TCNA website
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Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects
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University Parkway Changes
We've gotten a large number of comments about University Parkway after the recent changes. Some of you like what you see, and others have suggestions for how to adjust the design to make it work better for all users. If you have any feedback and haven't shared your thoughts with us yet, please send a note to the TCNA Streets Committee at: tcnastreets@gmail.com
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Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
Committee Members: Charles Benton, Alison Moliterno, Pat Hawthorne, Pat Mutch, Pat Loker, Fred Chalfant, Natalie & Will Snyder, Chris Whitaker, John & Kirsten Held
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Spring is almost here.
The Greens Committee would like to have a core group of volunteers who will be responsible for each of the 4 public garden areas that TCNA has adopted. TCNA dues pay for the mulch, plants, and other supplies that are needed.
- 39th Street near Canterbury
- Tuscany oval at Ridgemede
- Ridgemede plot
- Entrance to the large bridge at Linkwood and Stoney Ford
CLICK HERE to help. It's a great way to meet neighbors, have fun, and make the neighborhood even more beautiful.
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The Tuscany Oval
Massive work was done in the Fall 2022 to eliminate the crab grass and add plants that will require less watering and upkeep.
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Calvert Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy)
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TCNA Calvert Liaison Committee met on February 15th with Head Master Andrew Holmgren and Chief Financial Officer Tom Travers. The first order of business was to report on the conservation signage removal along Tuscany Road. The remaining three signs will be removed as the winter thaw allows. Calvert will be grooming and mowing the Tuscany Road bank as it is not part of the conservation area and signs will be posted directly on the fence.
Carpool traffic was discussed as the past two weeks residents noted a consistent slowdown on Tuscany Road for the 3pm pickup. Calvert will monitor and suggested the warmer weather can cause a transitional change in the timing patterns of parents. Calvert offered to send an email communication reiterating carpool rules and expectations to parents. Included in this email will be a reminder to not use Ridgemede Road.
The construction project has been delayed for several months as BGE must relocate an underground power line. Once this work is completed the construction of two new classrooms in the rear of the lower school can begin. TCNA will receive the timeline as soon as it is available.
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Calendar Events for Calvert School
- February 20, 2023 Schools Closed, President Day
- March 2 & 3 6-7:30 pm Lower School Auditorium Musical
- March 13-20 Schools Closed Spring Break
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Communications Committee
Linda Eberhart, Coordinator. Julie Watson, Webmaster
Committee: John Robinson, Ann Finkbeiner, Kathryn Gallagher, Lois Schenck, TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.
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TCNA Website Feature:
Ma and Pa Railroad 1901-1954
1901-1954 The Ma and Pa railroad went through Tuscany-Canterbury along the Stony Run.
From 1901 to 1954 the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad, affectionately known as the Ma & Pa, connected Baltimore and York, Pennsylvania, over a circuitous 77-mile route. The main line traveled northeast from Baltimore across the rolling Maryland hills through Towson and Bel Air. including its passage through Wyman and Linkwood Parks at the edge of Tuscany-Canterbury.
The history of the Ma and Pa is included in the History section of the TCNA website. Lots of new materials are added each month.
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Neighborhood News
Your Questions, Comments, or Messages
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Tuscany-Canterbury Neighbors in the News | |
The Bold and the Brilliant:
Six Baltimoreans Who Changed Everything
From Politics to Public Health, Sports, Art. Film, and the Humanities:
Six Baltimoreans Who Changed Everything
2 live in Tuscany-Canterbury
CLICK HERE for the Baltimore Magazine Article, January 2023
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Barbara Mikulski
LONGEST-SERVING WOMAN in the history of Congress. First Democratic woman elected to the Senate in her own right. First woman to chair the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. Second woman ever to serve in both chambers of Congress. Sen. Barbara Mikulski has made history at every turn. Her achievements have improved the quality of life for millions and earned her many titles. But her most cherished title is the one she’s had since birth: Baltimorean.
CLICK HERE to read more
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John Waters
John Waters is a filmamker and a SINGULAR CITIZEN of Baltimore. He travels widely for work, filling far-flung venues like the Sydney Opera House, and spends significant time in New York, San Francisco, and Provincetown. He cares about filmmaking, fashion, and the visual arts- none of which are centered in Baltimore. However, the first thing you must know about John is that he is a Baltimore son. And, most importantly, he has taught us to not just accept the things that make us different, but to celebrate those things. Along the way, John has put Baltimore on the cultural map over and over during a period when American society has changed dramatically. CLICK HERE to read more
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Baltimore City
Recreation and Parks
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Pickleball Listening Session
March 2nd 6pm
BCRP Administration Building
Peach Room 3001 E Drive, 21217
(410) 746-5431
BCRP will host a listening session to hear the community’s interest and participation in pickleball! Please come to share your ideas and experience. Be prepared to walk to tennis courts during the meeting.
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Message from
Councilwoman Odette Ramos
Please Keep Your Dog on a Leash!
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We are seeing an uptick in residents walking their dogs on the Stony Run Trail and on our public sidewalks without leashes. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW. Dogs have bitten children and other small dogs. Animal Control will be out to enforce this law, and issue $200 fines for each offense.
If you have been bitten by a dog which is off-leash, you should call 911 and make a police report. If you know who the resident is, please send me the details and we will have Animal Control take over the incident. Repeat offenses could mean taking the dog away from the owner.
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Street Lights
All (11) lights on 200 and 300 block of Tuscany and Tuscany Court were out.
Initial report: 1/10/23
The BGE repair team arrived January 25 and were able to find a "cable fault" and repaired the problem. All the street lights on Tuscany, Tuscany Court, and one at Ridgemede at the Tuscany Alley are operating on January 26.
Two street lights out on Linkwood at Tuscany Alley and 310 Ridgemede Road
Initial report: 1/10/2023
Status: Pending Underground Cable Replacement
Estimated BGE Time of Repair: 03/23/2023
WORK COMPLETED February 13, 2023
Street light needs to be replaced at Tuscany and Stoney Ford Road
Initial report: December 2021
Status: BGE Awaiting Special Materials that need to come from Baltimore City
Estimated Time of Repair: Unknown - still waiting for materials
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The two street lights on Linkwood and Ridgemede needed new underground wiring. BGE put a rush on the order and completed the work in two weeks. | |
If you see a street light out, contact Baltimore 311. | |
Lower Stony Run Plan was presented to the Baltimore Planning Commission on February 9, 2023
To view presentation CLICK HERE
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Congratulations to our Delegate Regina T. Boyce was selected as the Chief Deputy Majority Whip in the Maryland House of Delegates, and also appointed as a subcommittee chair. This is only the beginning of Regina's second term in office. | | |
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Comment on DPW's
10 Year Solid Waste Management Plan!
February 22, Zoom meeting
The 10 Year Solid Waste Management Plan is about how our city will manage waste in the future including moving toward Zero Waste! The draft plan can be found here, and you can register for the February 22nd public meeting on the same link.
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It is lacrosse season.
The lacrosse schedule at Homewood Field on University Parkway:
- February 25: Men's 12-2, Women's 4-6
- March 4: Men's 2-4
- March 7: Men's 4-6
- March 19: Men's 7-9
- March 23: Women's 4-6
- April 1: Women's 11-1 Men's 3-5
- April 15: Men's 2-4 also Alumni Weekend
CLICK HERE for more information about what to do if the noise from the Homewood field is unusually loud. (TCNA now has a FAQ page on its web page that has information from previous past questions in the TCNA newsletter)
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Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
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TCNA foodies will find plenty to love during this season of Valentines. Alizee has announced a transition to "Bradley's Bar and Grill". (Fun fact - the new name is inspired by Bradley, the youngest daughter of the Colonnade's Owner.) To mark the transition, a new menu will debut in both the restaurant and bar. Guests will see a revamped dining space, allowing them to enjoy their meal while separated from the hotel lobby. See the changes for yourself while enjoying dishes including Rock Fish Tacos, Pan Seared Salmon, and Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake will rotate weekly.
Dinner dates are wonderful, but how about a date brunch? One World Cafe fits the bill perfectly. On a recent Saturday morning, a grilled vegetable omelet with squash, leeks, red peppers and mozzarella topped the menu. For those with a sweet tooth, the Peach Cobbler French Toast is sure to satisfy. Enjoy a great meal while supporting a neighborhood restaurant.
Finally, what better way to show love to Tuscany Canterbury than by bringing in a new business? The old Sam's Cafe space at the Ambassador is available for a new tenant. Know someone who would be interested? Invite them to call the Ambassador at 410-235-2712 to arrange a tour.
Kathryn Gallagher, TCNA Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
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What's Happening at Cypriana
Lois Schenck, Neighborhood Restaurant Reviewer
I'm happy to report that some of the dine-in crowd has returned to Cypriana and I have an uncommon treat to share with our readers. Rarely does a restaurant agree to share a recipe with diners, but chef co-/owner Maria Kaimakis has offered our readers her mouth watering recipe for Cypriana's signature Hummus. The number of diners has picked up, and Maria and her husband, Vassos Yiannouris, have breathed a sigh of relief. In the mood to share, they have offered to let me print one of their signature recipes, Maria's very popular Hummus. It's not hard to make in your own kitchen. If you really want to try Hummus at its best, order it at Cypriana and because their pita is better than any you can buy in the grocery store!
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Hummus a la Cypriana
- 1 C dry chickpeas
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 lemon juice or to taste
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground cumin
- 2 cloves fresh garlic
- chopped parsley
- olive oil to decorate
1.Soak the chickpeas and baking soda in cold water overnight
2.Boil chickpeas until done, drain the chickpeas and save the juice
3.Place cool chickpeas in a food processor with all the other ingredients and blend until smooth.
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Bar & Grill
(443) 449-6200
4 West University Parkway (Former Alizee in the Colonnade)
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A full range of smoked and BBQ foods, as well as local selections
- Open every day for breakfast (7-10) and & dinner (5-10)
- Weekend Happy Hour
- Revamped dining space
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Friday & Saturday 5 - 11
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
5 - 9
105 W 39th Street
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Saturday 9 am - 8 pm
Sunday 9am- 4pm
Call for the menu
or check out their
Facebook Page
410 235-5777
100 W University Parkway
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Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
in Tuscany Canterbury
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Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: julia@monumentsothebysrealty.com
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Events & Happenings
In and Around
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Free February at the JHU Homewood Museum
Tuesday to Sunday 11am to 4pm
Tours last one hour - last tour at 3pm
In honor of Black History Month, Homewood Museum welcomes all visitors free of charge throughout February but must reserve a tour in advance.
A National Historic Landmark, Homewood was built circa 1801 for members of Maryland's prominent Carroll family. The house also was home to at least 25 enslaved individuals, including members of the Castle, Conner, and Ross families. Tour the house's period rooms and learn how the lives of all of Homewood's early inhabitants intersected as they reached for liberty and fulfillment in vastly unequal circumstances.
CLICK HERE to make reservations
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Community Concerts at Second
World-Class Concerts, FREE
February 19, 2023, 3:30pm Morgan State University Choir
March 5, 2023, 3:30pm Seraph Brass
4200 St. Paul Street
For More Concert Information
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Morgan State University Choir
Led by Dr. Eric Conway, The Morgan State University Choir has performed for audiences throughout the United States and all over the world – including Virgin Islands, Canary Islands, Canada, Africa, Asia and Europe. While classical, Gospel, and contemporary popular music comprise the choir’s repertoire, the choir is noted for its emphasis on preserving the heritage of the spiritual, especially in the historic practices of performance.
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Winners of the 2019 American Prize in Chamber Music, Seraph Brass is a dynamic ensemble drawing from a roster of America’s top brass players; they are widely-considered America's top all-female brass quintet. Committed to engaging audiences with captivating programming, Seraph Brass presents a diverse body of repertoire that includes original transcriptions, newly commissioned works and well-known classics. | | |
Drop-In Tours
Are Back at the BMA
Every Thursday & Saturday at 2 pm
Want to learn more about BMA's collection? You're in luck! Weekly drop-in tours have returned. Join a free one-hour docent-led exploration of art featuring a new topic each week. No registration required.
February 23 & 25: African Art Collection
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Johns Hopkins University
Ice Rink
Last Weekend February 18 & 19
Disco Throwback Night: Saturday, February 18 – Skate to some far-out disco tunes
More information will become available CLICK HERE
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Houseplants Exhibit
Evergreen Museum & Library
4545 North Charles Street
Now through June 4, 2023
There are numerous benefits of tending an indoor plant. The houseplant boom began in the Victorian era and blossomed.
If you are interested in houseplants, there is an enormous amount of information on their website. CLICK HERE
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Former Northern District Police Station Hampden
Baltimore Heritage 5 minute video
It was known as 3355 Keswick Rd, or the Castle on Keswick, or the building that kind of looks like the Eastern Avenue Pumping Station (same architect).
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More great pictures on the TCNA website -click on the picture and it will now enlarge and will usually have a caption. If you have a picture that you would like to be included in the TCNA gallery, send it to presidentTCNA@gmail.com
Neighborhood photographer, John Robinson
Webmaster, Julie Watson
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TCNA Officers and Board Members
President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
Board Members:
Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street)
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
- Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road)
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