• Attendance: 68 ---60 voting members; 8 non-voting participants.
• Welcomed into membership, Rev. Patti Moats, Goodyear and North Springfield Churches, Akron.
• Greetings and announcements from Presbyterian Mission Agency, PCUSA (Rev. Chris Roseland) and Synod of the Covenant (Rev. Chip Hardwick).
• The Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett from Presbyterian Mission Agency, PCUSA delivered the message. Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:15-27.
• Minister Members celebrating 55, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 years of ordination this year were recognized during the COM report.
• Motion prevailed brought by Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) to nominate the following: RE Mary Ann Bromley as Presbytery Moderator for 2022; TE Francie Fischer to fill an unexpired term as At-Large member of Council, Class of 2021; RE Hal Horton to serve another term on COM, Class of 2024; RE Jim Bennett to serve as Synod Commissioner, Class of 2023; RE Don Wilson to serve on the Beaver Creek Camp Board; TE Annie Parker to serve on CPM, Class of 2024; RE Cindy Klein to serve on CPM, Class of 2024; RE Dale Riley to serve on the PJC for the Synod, Class of 2024; RE Donna McCollum to serve on AMC, Class of 2024; TE Carolyn Griffeth to serve as At-Large member of Council, Class of 2024. Special thanks were given to Ordination Exam readers TE Annie Parker, Re Ruth Cole and alternate RE David Moore.
• The Auditor’s 2020 Financial Review was received.
• Council Moderator reported that council met for an in person retreat in April to evaluate the operations of presbytery. As a result, moderators and sessions will be asked to complete a brief survey.
• Recognition of the ministry of closed churches Liberty and First-Girard and celebration of their merger forming Guiding Light Presbyterian Church in Girard.
• Scott and Elmarie Parker shared updates on their work in Lebanon and Syria. Designated offering to support the Parkers’ ministry. Folks were directed to make a donation through the Presbytery Payment Portal (donations are still being accepted).
• TE Richard Lapehn (First, Barberton) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
• Rev. Rebecca Kahnt (First-Youngstown) pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at
• 9:15 p.m.