B U S I N ES S R EC A P S i g n i f i c a n t a c t i o n i t e m s a n d r e p o r t s
    Attendance: 68 ---60 voting members; 8 non-voting participants.
    Welcomed into membership, Rev. Patti Moats, Goodyear and North Springfield Churches, Akron.
    Greetings and announcements from Presbyterian Mission Agency, PCUSA (Rev. Chris Roseland) and Synod of the Covenant (Rev. Chip Hardwick).
    The Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett from Presbyterian Mission Agency, PCUSA delivered the message. Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:15-27.
    Minister Members celebrating 55, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 years of ordination this year were recognized during the COM report.
    Motion prevailed brought by Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) to nominate the following: RE Mary Ann Bromley as Presbytery Moderator for 2022; TE Francie Fischer to fill an unexpired term as At-Large member of Council, Class of 2021; RE Hal Horton to serve another term on COM, Class of 2024; RE Jim Bennett to serve as Synod Commissioner, Class of 2023; RE Don Wilson to serve on the Beaver Creek Camp Board; TE Annie Parker to serve on CPM, Class of 2024; RE Cindy Klein to serve on CPM, Class of 2024; RE Dale Riley to serve on the PJC for the Synod, Class of 2024; RE Donna McCollum to serve on AMC, Class of 2024; TE Carolyn Griffeth to serve as At-Large member of Council, Class of 2024. Special thanks were given to Ordination Exam readers TE Annie Parker, Re Ruth Cole and alternate RE David Moore.
    The Auditor’s 2020 Financial Review was received.
    Council Moderator reported that council met for an in person retreat in April to evaluate the operations of presbytery. As a result, moderators and sessions will be asked to complete a brief survey.
    Recognition of the ministry of closed churches Liberty and First-Girard and celebration of their merger forming Guiding Light Presbyterian Church in Girard.
    Scott and Elmarie Parker shared updates on their work in Lebanon and Syria. Designated offering to support the Parkers’ ministry. Folks were directed to make a donation through the  Presbytery Payment Portal (donations are still being accepted).
    TE Richard Lapehn (First, Barberton) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
    Rev. Rebecca Kahnt (First-Youngstown) pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at
    9:15 p.m.
The next stated meeting of Eastminster Presbytery:
Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.