April 14, 2022
Legislative Committees Wrap Up Policy and Supplemental Budget Proposals

House and Senate committees pulled together their respective policy and supplemental budget packages, often referred to as omnibus bills, as they contain a collection of budget and policy provisions in each topic area. When legislators return from Easter/Passover break next week, they’ll start passing their proposals off their respective chamber floor. The floor votes will set into motion the negotiation process between the Democrat-led House and the Republican-led Senate. Most of the discussions will center on how to utilize the state’s historic $9.25B surplus. 

Click below for highlights of interest to AGC of MN members from various omnibus bills – which includes both funding and policy provisions.
National Work Zone Awareness Week: April 11-15, 2022
Constructability Review:
TH 61 | Silver Cliff and Lafayette Tunnel Lighting Project

MnDOT is holding a constructability review in mid May on a tunnel lighting project on TH 61 north of Duluth. View the project summary, or visit the Constructability Review website.
The Best Way to Sell Used Equipment Begins with the Right Buyer: Your Equipment Dealer

The used equipment market is hot and showing no signs of cooling off. The demand for quality, used equipment is strong, with dozers, excavators, and loaders the top three most sought-after machines in the market. If you’re looking to move machines out of your fleet, RDO Equipment Co. can be a great partner in the process. Here are five reasons why working with RDO is the best way to sell equipment. Learn more

Dennis Howard, Vice President of Equipment, RDO Equipment Co.
Highway Work Zone Survey

Help AGC improve highway work zone safety by completing the 2022 Highway Work Zone Safety Survey by Friday, May 13.

AGC of America and survey partner HCSS are asking all highway and transportation members to help us improve work zone safety by completing this brief survey. We want to collect information on the number, severity, impacts and potential solutions to highway work zone crashes. We will use the results of this survey for a media and public education campaign we will launch the week before Memorial Day to encourage motorists to be more careful in work zones.
AGC Foundation Scholarship Application Open

Students pursuing a secondary degree in a construction related field are encouraged to apply for an AGC of Minnesota Foundation scholarship!

Click here to apply, and direct all potential students to the AGC Foundation web page!
Leadership Blueprint Graduation Reception

Yesterday we celebrated the graduates of both the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 cohorts! View photos from the reception.
Register for the AGC Golf Tournament!

The snow may still be blowing in April, but summer is on the way, and registration is open for the 2022 AGC golf tournament, which will be held Friday, August 5 at Keller Golf Course.

Last year's tournament sold out quickly, so reserve your foursome or sponsorship today!
Risk & Safety Seminar: Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention in Construction

Many contractors indicate that their employees are their most important asset, yet mental health awareness and suicide prevention isn’t a key strategic initiative for many construction companies. Mental health and suicides continue to impact construction. Nationally, more construction workers die each year by suicide than by all jobsite fatalities combined. 
Join CSDZ for an in-person seminar on April 21 to learn how to recognize signs of mental health stressors and how to provide support to workers in need. This seminar will discuss the importance of creating a mentally healthy workforce and the involvement of workers at all levels to help reduce the risk of mental health and suicide in construction. Register
Spring 2022 Construction Economic Webcast

Join the Chief Economists of the Associated General Contractors of America, the American Institute of Architects, and ConstructConnect on Tuesday, May 10 for an in-depth discussion on what’s in store for the construction industry for the remainder of 2022 and beyond. We'll also get an update from ConstructConnect's Content Team on the latest Project Intelligence.

This free webcast is open to anyone interested in the North American Construction Economy.
Save the Date!

Mark your calendar for the following AGC events coming up in the next year!

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Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103