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November 2022

Student Leadership Conference

Seven SVCC students recently attended the Virginia Community College System Student Leadership Conference in Roanoke. Over the course of 3 days, they were offered the opportunity to choose from 4 concurrent session blocks including topics such as Solving the Leadership Puzzle, The Power of Brevity in Learning & Leadership, and Project Management & Leadership. The kick-off keynote speaker was Hoan Do, an award winning inspirational speaker, author of Succeeding the the Real World, and city finalist in NBC's hit show, American Ninja Warrior. 

Hands-On Success

Alex Payne looked forward to seeing the billboards that celebrate his accomplishments in SVCC’s Diesel Technician program. They stand along roadsides in Blackstone and Kenbridge.

“In the grand scheme of things,” Alex says, “this is what our country needs. People with an open mind who are willing to use their heads and their hands. We need to get away from the mentality that a four-year college degree is the only path. Working with your hands is great and it provides tremendous satisfaction.” Read Alex's Story

Changing Lives

Organizations Give To Support SVCC Programs

Creating Excellence Award for State Business and Industry Partnership

Chad Patton, Dean of Career and Occupational Technology, presents Myra Dyke, Southern Atlantic Region Account Manager for Trane Technologies, the Creating Excellence Award for State Business and Industry Partnership. This award is presented by the Department of Education and Virginia Community College System. Over the past few years, TRANE has donated time, talent, equipment and tools to enhance learning opportunities for HVAC students at SVCC. Myra serves on the college's advisory committee and was chair of this committee when the college secured Esco's Institute of Excellence accreditation. Dr. Patton states that such a partnership allows the college to change lives and prepare students for terrific careers. SVCC offers HVAC training opportunities to high school students within the region through the dual enrollment program and to adults through a workforce and evening credit program.

SVCC's Campus within Walls program recently received a grant from Laughing Gull Foundation (LGF) of $40,000 earmarked for capacity building. LGF is a progressive family foundation rooted in the South and committed to justice. About LGF

The SVCC Foundation has received a $27,500 grant from Sentara Healthcare.

The grant will be used to purchase equipment for SVCC’s state-of-the-art Nursing Simulation Lab located at the Estes Community Center in Chase City. SVCC’s Simulation Lab allows students to experience individualized medical scenarios with computer driven human simulators and equipment.

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Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Foundation announced a $125,000 grant award to the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education to be disbursed among the fourteen community colleges serving in Virginia’s Rural Horseshoe region. The funds are designated for increasing the awareness and use of Single Stop, an online screening tool that helps students learn about the benefits for which they are eligible. Southside Virginia Community College, one of grant recipients, plans to expand efforts to reach out and assist its students.  Read More

What's Going On With SVCC Alumni?

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