Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 5 November 2020 - 18 Cheshvan 5781
Please Tell JTA's Ron Kampeas That
Judaism Is Definitely Pro-Life!
On October 30 2020, Ron Kampeas, the Jewish Telegraph Agency's Washington bureau chief, reported on Ivanka Trump's public statement on abortion.

The story entitled, Ivanka Trump says she’s pro-life, can be found here:

In the very first paragraph, Mr. Kampeas deceives his readership by stating that abortion is "an issue that Jewish law does not take a definite stand on."

Judaism takes a definite stand on abortion: It prohibits it!

Torah's moral clarity on the prohibition against murdering innocents has been corrupted, leading to a fake Judaism that convinces Jews that murdering our own children is morally acceptable, casts Jews as baby killers which incites anti-Semitism, perpetuates eugenics atrocities against minorities, and sustains an abortion industry whose practices violate all Jewish ethics and morals.

The story was picked up by the Times of Israel, too, increasing the damage done to Judaism and Jewish moral psychology.

The fake Judaism that Ron Kampeas telegraphs enjoys a monopoly in media, politics, and within Jewish society. Jewish abortion advocates and community leaders, population control enthusiasts, and abortion industry profiteers use abortion advocacy to further career and ideological social outcomes. They all suffer from a spiritual bankruptcy and moral atrophy, complicated by unbounded intellectual egotism. It's no wonder that according to Pew, 83% of Jews believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

Later in the story, Mr. Kampeas mentions a personhood definition in Jewish law to buttress a widely held opinion that Jewish law allows murdering unborn children because they aren't full persons. This distorted language recalls the language of legal slavery of blacks in America and legal mass murder of Jews in Germany. The Dred Scott decision deemed blacks human but not persons. The Nuremberg Laws classed Jews a subhuman. Both populations were denied personhood, normalizing enslavement, torture and murder. We risk being caught in our own trap if we continue to allow personhood tests to justify mass killing.

We must speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves! Please reach out to Ron Kampeas to share a Judaism that honors the dignity and value of every human being. You can tweet a comment to his Twitter post here:

You can send him a message through Twitter here:

You can email him at [email protected]

Your actions shine the light of our life giving Torah upon minds darkened by decades of lies and deception.
Thank you!
Remember to save the date of January 29, 2021 for the March for Life. Visit our calendar page for itinerary updates.
May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
View Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Power Point here
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel
Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download the book here,
Looking for help after abortion? Start your healing journey by downloading our healing program here. Then contact us to finally share your personal story with a friend who cares. These calls and emails are confidential, caring, and safe. Call Cecily at 412-758-3269 or email [email protected].

"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart,
and joy is lodged in the other"
The Zohar

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our list of Jewish couples waiting to adopt!

Jewish Adoption Services

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Jewish Post Abortion Support

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Cecily Routman [email protected]
Rabbi David Novak [email protected]
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman [email protected]
Rabbi Menashe Bovit [email protected]

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143